OMG I'm hungry......................what would you do?



  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    yogurt smoothie!!! Assorted fruit, lowfat yogurt, half a package instant oatmeal and almond milk. Blend together and enjoy.
  • Chrisremi12
    Drink lots of water through out day and before meals :)
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    Looking at your diary you still have 800 calories left for today, so no need to panic. It would be helpful if you calculated your TDEE, BMR etc to see what your calorie goal should be. It is possible that you need to hit 2000 calories for your current weight and level of activity and that may be why you are hungry. The most obvious answer is "if you are hungry, EAT".

    If you really want your weight loss goals to be successful you, should begin by picking a reasonable calorie deficit. I notice that on many days you were hundreds of calories below 2000 calories and also quite a bit below your protein goals. You can do that for a few days but over many days or weeks of eating significantly under your calorie needs, that hunger signal will kick in, as you are experiencing now. My immediate suggestion would be to add more lean protein to your diet.

    And remember, you do not need to fall significantly under your calorie goals to slowly and consistently lose weight, so it might help to start with those calculations and work from there.

    so my tdee is 1950 cal a day. and my doc has advised 70-90g protein per day

    If your BMR is 3000 your TDEE cannot possibly be 1950. You need do do the numbers again..

    BMR = calories your body uses staying alive (i.e. what you'd burn if you were in a coma)

    TDEE = BMR calories + all the calories you use moving around and doing stuff (including exercise), i.e. total number of calories burned each day

    I used the BMR on MFP after they take off 1000 to lose 2lbs a week in the settings what you are say is I need to use the 3000 base setting not the weight loss setting one
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    yogurt smoothie!!! Assorted fruit, lowfat yogurt, half a package instant oatmeal and almond milk. Blend together and enjoy.

    never thought of putting oatmeal in I'll have to try that next time I make a smoothie
  • Emmi2010
    Emmi2010 Posts: 3 Member
    Try to decide if you're hungry or craving something....., if you're craving a certain food, well go ahead and allow yourself some of it and then move on.....
    Your doing great!
  • tinyplease123
    yeah drink like 4 glasses of water. you'll feel so full you wont even want to eat. And if you still do, eat some fresh veggies
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    yogurt smoothie!!! Assorted fruit, lowfat yogurt, half a package instant oatmeal and almond milk. Blend together and enjoy.

    never thought of putting oatmeal in I'll have to try that next time I make a smoothie

    I use the flavered kind. Plain fruit smoothie did not hold me well but adding in the oatmeal keeps the hunger pangs away for a good 4 hours.
  • IDCY843
    IDCY843 Posts: 78 Member
    Only on the internet do we ask what to do when hungry. fricking eat LOL

    This....Oh to have 2000 calories a day, i am on 1200!!!!
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    eat food?
    if your honestly hungry than eat.
    just keep it healthy :D
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    yogurt smoothie!!! Assorted fruit, lowfat yogurt, half a package instant oatmeal and almond milk. Blend together and enjoy.

    never thought of putting oatmeal in I'll have to try that next time I make a smoothie

    I use the flavered kind. Plain fruit smoothie did not hold me well but adding in the oatmeal keeps the hunger pangs away for a good 4 hours.

    all I have is apple cin. gluten free well do you think that would go within a smoothie? or can it be non instant too? I have some plain non instant gluten free
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Looking through your diary I think you need to tweak your numbers. I used to be starving and then changed my macros and most days I am full of 1300 calories.

    Things that will keep you full..

    Lots of fluids.
    Lots of protein.
    Lots of fiber.

    Personally I think your carbs are too high. Spikes your blood sugars, them they drop and tour starving. I think more protein is needed.. Even if you get that extra from a protein shake. Try to eat more from fresh. Means you can eat more and the fiber will fill. You right up too.

    Food, settings, goals, Change goals, manual...

    Try swapping to say 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat. If your still struggle with hunger up protein, down carbs a little. Takes a little adjusting but it's actually what makes this a lifestyle change, not a diet for me. Takes away the hunger and makes this much easier.

    If you have any questions just in box me. I'm. 80lbs down and the first 45 lbs were so tough with hunger levels until I changed it up. You. Really don't need to be hungry of 2000 calories.

    Zara x
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    yogurt smoothie!!! Assorted fruit, lowfat yogurt, half a package instant oatmeal and almond milk. Blend together and enjoy.

    never thought of putting oatmeal in I'll have to try that next time I make a smoothie

    I use the flavered kind. Plain fruit smoothie did not hold me well but adding in the oatmeal keeps the hunger pangs away for a good 4 hours.

    all I have is apple cin. gluten free well do you think that would go within a smoothie? or can it be non instant too? I have some plain non instant gluten free

    Personally I think this could potentially leave your sugar levels crashing. Lots of, sugar from the fruit and lots of low fat yogurts have lots of sugar too. You could make a protein shake with milk or almond milk and I've even added a scoop of oats to that. Tasted good. Fills you up and great numbers.

    Fage Greek yogurt is a great snack... No. Added rubbish. Lots of. Protein to fill to up. Great with berries or a little honey.

    Cheese strings fill a gap.

    Popcorn.. Home popped. Low calorie, full of fiber and really filling.

    It's all about eating and snacking smart.

    You can do it! X
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    yogurt smoothie!!! Assorted fruit, lowfat yogurt, half a package instant oatmeal and almond milk. Blend together and enjoy.

    never thought of putting oatmeal in I'll have to try that next time I make a smoothie

    I use the flavered kind. Plain fruit smoothie did not hold me well but adding in the oatmeal keeps the hunger pangs away for a good 4 hours.

    all I have is apple cin. gluten free well do you think that would go within a smoothie? or can it be non instant too? I have some plain non instant gluten free

    Personally I think this could potentially leave your sugar levels crashing. Lots of, sugar from the fruit and lots of low fat yogurts have lots of sugar too. You could make a protein shake with milk or almond milk and I've even added a scoop of oats of that too. Tasted good. Fills you up and great numbers.

    Fage Greek yogurt is a great snack... No. Added rubbish. Lots of. Protein to fill to up.

    Cheese strings fill a gap.

    Popcorn.. Home popped. Low calorie, full of fiber and bry filling.

    It's all about eating and snacking smart.

    You can do it! X

    I have tried many different greek yogurts (as I know they have higher protein counts in them) I have found I only like Choboena and only blueberry/raspberry flavor other than that I use yoplai light as far as yogurt is concerned
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    I'd drink water until the next meal. They are only 3 hours apart, so I never have too long to wait.

    Of course this is on a good day. On a bad day, I just might find myself buried up to my lips in the feed bag.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    In America you have a protein called Jay Robb. Tastes amazing. All. Flavours. X
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    yogurt smoothie!!! Assorted fruit, lowfat yogurt, half a package instant oatmeal and almond milk. Blend together and enjoy.

    never thought of putting oatmeal in I'll have to try that next time I make a smoothie

    I use the flavered kind. Plain fruit smoothie did not hold me well but adding in the oatmeal keeps the hunger pangs away for a good 4 hours.

    all I have is apple cin. gluten free well do you think that would go within a smoothie? or can it be non instant too? I have some plain non instant gluten free

    Personally I think this could potentially leave your sugar levels crashing. Lots of, sugar from the fruit and lots of low fat yogurts have lots of sugar too. You could make a protein shake with milk or almond milk and I've even added a scoop of oats of that too. Tasted good. Fills you up and great numbers.

    Fage Greek yogurt is a great snack... No. Added rubbish. Lots of. Protein to fill to up.

    Cheese strings fill a gap.

    Popcorn.. Home popped. Low calorie, full of fiber and bry filling.

    It's all about eating and snacking smart.

    You can do it! X

    I have tried many different greek yogurts (as I know they have higher protein counts in them) I have found I only like Choboena and only blueberry/raspberry flavor other than that I use yoplai light as far as yogurt is concerned

    I hated it.. Thought it tasted awful.. Then tried it again with honey drizzled on and I loved it!

    I also like over night oats too. Really filling. Cover oats with milk, put it in the fridge over night
    . In the morning just add berries and yogurt if you like. Cold oats sounds odd, but it's lovely! 3oz of meat per, serving sounds low. Especially for dinner. X
  • mikka050
    Scrambled egg and a large helping of 2 or 3 different veggies with a bit of gravy on top.
  • Zangpakto
    Zangpakto Posts: 336 Member
    Nothing... I enjoy the hunger... I look forward to the feasting a night like my ancestors used to after a kill...

    Aint nothing wrong with being hungry, in fact once you get to a certain weight left, you have to feel hungry before you even start to see any results...

    I don't get hungry much, but when I do, I know the next day I will have lost something... And my night time meals aren't anything bad either lol... sometimes 3-5000 calories like on weekends... I still lose about 2 pounds a week...

    So if hungry... determine if REALLY hungry or just thirsty... your body likes to trick you like that... ;)
  • trobbin88
    trobbin88 Posts: 38 Member
    Regardless of what some diet plans say about banana's being the big bad fruit, they really satisfy me. Peanut butter try a little on the banana....yum. good luck!
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Eat. You have exercise calories you're not eating. Your body is telling you something - IT NEEDS MORE FOOD.

    Listen to it.