People that have lost 40 plus pounds



  • cassiegal724
    cassiegal724 Posts: 63 Member
    I've lost 70+ lbs starting at 234.8 lb/5'4". I'm down to 162 lbs and I don't have any lose skin. I think the key is to incorporate strength training into your routine several times per week. Try Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 and 30 Day Shred. They are a great way to start off. Good luck and congratulations on the weight loss so far!!
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    It depends a lot on your age. I have lost a little over 40 lbs. and I have loose skin, but it's slowly becoming more elastic. I am 47 and in early menopause, so I think it's slower for me than it would be for younger folks, but I'd rather be fit and have a little extra skin than be 40 lbs. overweight. I'm still exercising 5-6 days per week, cardio and strength training, and I'm confident that over time the rest of it will regain it's elasticity.
  • I have lost 140 pounds over the past 13 months and I exercise strenuously most days of the week. My skin will start to look loose, when the scale is going to drop a few and then it will tighten back up. Of course, I embrace the idea of having lots of loose skin if I am healthy BUT I don't plan on keeping it around. As soon as I have maintained my goal for a year, I am consulting with a plastic surgeon to see what we can do about what remains. No one ever died from loose skin but obesity kills.
  • jvazquez510
    jvazquez510 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks again evryone for all the input it is great, I am 36 years old so I know as we get older things change.I think I have to hit the weights it looks like from alot of responses i have seen. I am glad I am not the only one that is worried about this. I think I pick the skin over the weight too, I want to be healthy. I was just thinking if I was going to have alot of loose skin would that make me unhappy again and not want to wear shorts or skirts. But thanks everyone for all the input I really like the support
  • jakidb
    jakidb Posts: 1,010 Member
    I've currently loss 53lbs and at this point, no i do not see any loose skin; however, i have heard it depends on the individual.
  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    I have lost 180 pounds and do have excess skin on my thighs, stomach and arms. Mostly it doesnt bother. When you consider how much I have lost I don't think it is too bad. Plus I would prefer to have loose skin then deal with obesity :)
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,733 Member
    I am almost 5'0 , so thats why i said I am short Thank you so much for your input. I have just gotten serious about My fitness pal and I am glad there is so many positive people and always willing to give advice.

    the truth is you don't really know if you're going to have any or not until you lose the weight.

    apparently drinking alot of water is supposed to help, but i'm not sure this is based on any scientific analysis.

    also losing weight at a slower rate (4-8lbs per month) is supposed to help.

    doing strength training along with your cardio will help tone up your muscles underneath so that when the fat disappears, there is well-defined muscle there to support your skin.

    finally, from what i've read, your skin will tighten on its own over time (as much as 2 years) after you've lost the weight.

    so it's a bit like Forest Gump says about chocolate... you never know what you're going to get until you take a bite.

    until you lose all of the weight, you never really know for sure if you're going to have sagging skin. you just have to do what you can to help prevent it (to the extent it's possible) and give it time.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    I have quite a bit of loose skin....but I am also quite a bit older than you.....things just don't snap back as much when you get older. That said...I'm looking pretty darn good in my clothes these days, even if I look a bit like rumpled laundry nekkid. I can cope with that.
  • Kristie18
    Kristie18 Posts: 332 Member
    I have loose skin above my c-section scar. It is only really noticeable when I am doing push ups or planking. Other than that. I don't have much
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    stop with the chronic cardio... if you're doing 30 min of walking plus 30 min of some other cardio - you're ONLY doing cardio. Do strength training to build muscle under your skin. That's what helps you look 'toned'.
  • shamr0ck
    shamr0ck Posts: 296 Member
    I've had 7 children, and lost just over 50 pounds. I had a nasty mess of hanging skin, which i had removed by a plastic surgeon in March. If you are young, have good genetics, and haven't had a lot of pregnancies, you may have better luck with your skin. Building muscle helps as well.
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    I've lost 82lb and don't have a huge amount of loose skin - a bit of a crepey belly, but that's about it.

    I incorporated kettlebells fairly early on in my weight loss regime, as well as shedloads of cardio. I haven't done them for a while due to a shoulder injury, but lift weights most days. Both kettlebells and the weights have been essential in minimising the loose skin.
  • ripemango
    ripemango Posts: 534 Member
    i lost 75 lbs years ago. (gained it back after baby, of's a great and tried excuse). I never had any sagging skin. Maybe it is just genetic, maybe it's because I lost slowly (1-2 lbs a week), maybe it is because I exercised while losing. I dunno. I was worried about it but it didn't happen to me. I am kind of inclined to think that no saggy skin is associated with losing in a slow and healthy manner.
  • Allyice
    Allyice Posts: 122 Member
    I've lost 38, I had alot of loose skin anyway from yoyo dieting and my pregnancy. I've managed to tone most of it up just from walking an hour a day and going to the gym now and then. If you do it slow enough your skin should hopefully be able to bounce back.
  • sam308lbs
    sam308lbs Posts: 1,936 Member
    damn!! missed it by 5 pounds :sad:
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I lose REALLY slowly to stop that from happening (:
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I've lost 66lbs in 9 months. Yeah I have a little loose skin, but no so much that I am worried about it at all. Actually have a small apron but I'm ok with that till I get everything else done. I'm only short as well...... & run 1hr a day at least (10-12km) and then do some resistance band training at night (not that I log it but should). If you have been fat for a while you will have loose skin for a while as it shrinks back over long as you moisturize is & drink plenty of water.... most of it SHOULD shrink back if you are lucky. It will take time though.
  • leslie0422
    leslie0422 Posts: 108 Member
    I have loose skin above my c-section scar. It is only really noticeable when I am doing push ups or planking. Other than that. I don't have much

    Same here...I lost about 50 lbs.