Still going strong, but don't do it my way

RJursik Posts: 13
edited September 20 in Success Stories
Here's where I was in May 2009: weight over 430, high blood pressure, blood sugar between 150 and 200, a 64-66" waist, the beginnings of congestive heart failure.

Here's where I am today: more than 100 lbs. lighter, normal BP, normal - or even below normal - blood sugar, a 54" waist, and perfect breathing. A doctor who was monitoring me was concerned enough about how rapidly I was losing that he ordered an ultrasound of my gall bladder, which turned out completely normal.

I didn't do it by exercise. Owing to a permanent derangement of my right ankle, I am unable to run or walk for any significant distance, and I can only do low-impact activities. I did it mainly by keeping my calorie count at 1000 or lower every day. Since coming on this website, I have discovered that such a diet is near starvation level for me and was actually slowing my weight loss. And I must say that over the last couple of months, I have hit something of a wall in that the scale refuses to budge anymore. I am at exactly the same weight now as I was before Christmas.

At any rate, I am continuing to research new directions both here and from other sources. I have learned a lot about BMR in the last couple of days and I'll try to increase my daily activity too. My diet did put me in an excellent starting position. Now the real work has to begin.


  • AndreaLee
    AndreaLee Posts: 23 Member
    Congratulations on all the hard work and success! Wishing you continued success in your endeavours and research on a healthy food plan. Go get 'em! :)
  • Violen
    Violen Posts: 7 Member
    Its awesome that you have come this far with your weight, but man you gotta eat some more and figure out a way to get active.

    Im struggling with my weight now and im in about the same boat you are, but there are things you can do to get your heart rate up.

    Have you tried an exercise bike or swimming? Even slow walking in a pool is good for you.
    What about things like pushups and situps. I know they arent fun but i think getting your heart rate up will be the key to your next step.

    Dont give up!
  • justann
    justann Posts: 276 Member
    Welcome to MFP, Bob.:smile: I wish you much success. Enjoy the journey!
  • RJursik
    RJursik Posts: 13
    Thank you all very much for your support. One of the real pleasures of having this kind of success has been the degree of inspiration and amazement I'm able to generate in others. The most common response tends to be "Keep going. You're doing great." I never heard that when I had a Big Mac hanging out of my mouth.

    As for the push-ups, they may be a problem in that I think they'll require a flexibility in my ankle joint that I don't have - or can't sustain for my current weight, anyway. Sit-ups are a better possibility and I'll need to find out how many I should do to become truly effective.
  • panther87
    panther87 Posts: 78 Member
    Way to go! keep up the hard work. Your body will thank you for keeping the Glucose lower and eating a healthier diet. I like the idea of pool walking or swimming and if you can add some weight lifting in. there are many kinds of weights or resistance training you can do that wont hurt your ankle. Keep up the Hard and awesome job on this long journey we all are traveling.
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    Thank you for posting your story. And awesome that you're willing to go about this a healthy way because it's not about being "skinny", it's about being around for yourself and your loved ones. Your story is one that I needed right now. I've lost 30 pounds now, 17 since joining MFP in Nov. and my family has FINALLY noticed my success and decided to jump on board. One of my sisters is over 300 lbs. and has been riding the "I can't" boat for awhile now, but wanted to at least try to eat better and do some exercise. She has a fused right ankle from a couple of times shattering the same ankle, so one of her biggest things is feeling like she "can't" exercise, she can't walk for more than 5 mins. straight. Please keep us updated on some cardio that works for you as I'd love to help her out in any way I can. One thing I'm going to suggest for her, and might work for you, is punching. I've been doing the 30 day shred, and Jillian says it's great for people with lower body injuries, to just stand slightly in a squat and throw punches and can actually get your heartrate to a fat burning level. Hope this helps, and wonderful progress so far! Just amazing.
  • becky23
    becky23 Posts: 60
    I am in the EXACT same boat as you. I was losing weight eating around 1000 cals a day and 2 months ago stopped losing weight. It is so frustrating and I have been adding in more calories and keep praying that something kicks in!

    Don't give up, I won't either!
  • Dom_m
    Dom_m Posts: 336 Member
    You can do pushups on your knees and keep your feet off the ground. It might clash with your ego to use a "girl's" style, but my trainers all call it "box style" rather than "woman's style" or something like that. And my sensei always says the biggest impediment to success is ego (trying too hard, doing too much, not listening to your body... then failing)

    I'm trying to think of other exercises you can do without putting pressure on your ankle, but I'm mostly coming up with water sports only. If that's not a problem for you, then I'd start learning to love swimming :)

    There's a lot of weight lifting exercises you can do that don't put any pressure at all on your ankles - maybe you should try circuit training in the gym. When you sign up they always ask about pre or existing medical conditions, and they can show you what will work for your situation.

    My gym has a monkey room that you'd probably love. Its got ropes and bars balls and stuff. Its all about balance, core strength, climbing ropes, chin-ups, balance across fit-balls.

    You could probably do a lot of pilates exercises, and the ones you can't do can probably be modified.

    Ok, that's me thinking about it for 5 minutes (procrastinating from my own work really). You can see there's plenty you can do. Don't take it in a bad way if I say (and I'm assuming here...) don't use your injury as an excuse not to exercise. Its a challenge for sure, but you've demonstrated that you're serious. You just have to let yourself succeed.

    Good luck.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member

    My daughter broke her ankle and after the cast was off, had to wear a support brace (inside her shoe and up to her calf) any time she did any sort of physical activity for a year afterwards. But she was still (with Dr. approval) able to do the rowing machine, the special (seated) elliptical machine, and stationary bicycle. Of course she avoided all high impact sports activities which would put any sort of extra load on her ankle (ie: running)

    Is there any way to obtain a brace to aid in some cautious exercise?
  • jbuffan218
    jbuffan218 Posts: 275 Member
    What a great story of determination, I am always amazed at the people here that have lost tremendous amounts of weight.
    You giuys and girls are all in an inspiration to me when I am feeling whiny or lazy or sorry for my fluffy self.
    Great job so far!

    I am a rank amatuer so I really dont know much more than you I'm sure ,maybe even less actually, but what about getting your self some handweights and start doing what you can in a seated position. I am sure there are many exercises you can do that dont require weight bearing on your ankle. Water exercise would be fantastic I think if you have the means and availability of a pool. Think about what exercise people do to rehabilitate injuries, maybe seek advice from a professional. Maybe a person who is medically trained in sports injuries or something like that. Or maybe you could ask the Dr. who checked your gallbladder for a referral to get good suggestions so you dont further injure yourself .
    I like the advice of the poster regarding ego getting in the way. Even lifting handweights in a chair while watching t.v is better than nothing. I know thats now gonna burn off another 100 pounds but it's a start.
    If you cant or dont want to go to the gym yet, I would research online for exercises or DVD;s that work for your limitations.
    I'm sure there are people here that can give you great advice on what worked for them.

    I know you are serious and you can do this , hell you've LOST 100 POUNDS already that is AMAZING!!!
    I wish you all the best, just keep moving forward and you will get there.:flowerforyou:
  • cfischer81
    cfischer81 Posts: 111 Member
    Wouldn't water aerobics be a good way to exercise? My gym has a water aerobics class 2-3 times a week! My mom does water aerobics because she has bad knees (one replacement and waiting for a 2nd) and she loves it! I've done it a few times before to with my mom and it is actually a decent workout!

    Adding...a lot of community centers offer water aerobics too.
  • MargueriteR
    MargueriteR Posts: 2 Member
    Free weights, dude.
  • BombolinaM
    BombolinaM Posts: 561 Member
    congrats to you on your weight loss thus far. Keep it up! you can do it!
  • HippyGalore
    HippyGalore Posts: 18 Member
    I had bad arthritis in my foot for a year so had similar restrictions, however I took up kayaking for cardio and it was actually really good to focus on it and get fairly good at it (I usually dip in and out of different sports). I also bought a Swiss ball for doing sit ups, press ups (calves on ball, feet hanging off, no pressure) and just sitting on whilst I did the hand weights to help posture- I did get shown what to do at the gym first. Swimming has already been mentioned, but is great and decent pilates instructors can work around an injury like an ankle.

    I would also see if you can strap it up for things like cycling or rowing, I strap up my wrists and it helps. Good luck, you are doing really well.
  • Akasha13
    Akasha13 Posts: 7
    Thank you all very much for your support. One of the real pleasures of having this kind of success has been the degree of inspiration and amazement I'm able to generate in others. The most common response tends to be "Keep going. You're doing great." I never heard that when I had a Big Mac hanging out of my mouth.

    As for the push-ups, they may be a problem in that I think they'll require a flexibility in my ankle joint that I don't have - or can't sustain for my current weight, anyway. Sit-ups are a better possibility and I'll need to find out how many I should do to become truly effective.

    You could do wall push-ups. They're simple and you can get an any angle ... you just have to find one that's the most comfortable for you and doesn't cause you to hurt your ankle. Maybe even do them one-footed.

    There is a site that does "office chair workouts", if I can find the link again, I'll share it. It's supposed to be for folks who dont' have enough time during the work day to go to the gym, but I've talked to a fitness expert friend of mine and he says that the exercises can also be used for folks who have health a variety of health issues. He advises taking things slowly until you find that 'comfort zone.'
  • Akasha13
    Akasha13 Posts: 7
    Sorry ... didn't mean to make repeat posts and couldn't find a post to delete the dupe.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I have severe arthritis in my knee but I still use the elliptical and the exercise bike. Swimming is an awesome way to get exercise without stressing the joints. I also do a water aerobics class. Who knew I could do jumping jacks and lunges without killing myself!

    Do some weights with your upper body. The lean muscle you develop will help burn more calories.

    Congrats on your weight loss so far
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