Microwave Popcorn



  • dr2k12
    dr2k12 Posts: 291 Member
    I eat a bag just about every day too and it seems to fit in nicely overall...
  • Orient_Charm
    Orient_Charm Posts: 385 Member
    I love microwave popcorn. An easy, relatively low calorie snack. If you're worried about the abundance of chemicals (if those don't kill ya, something else will, is my philosophy), you can try this:


    It's directions for making microwave popcorn in a brown paperback with popping corn and a little oil and has ideas for flavorings. I have yet to actually try it myself, so buyer beware. If you do try it, drop me a line, let me know how it works out.

    Thank you for your reply and for the great link......:smile:
  • Orient_Charm
    Orient_Charm Posts: 385 Member
    wonder where the people who say the microwave popcorn will cause cancer are. Remember when that was on the news..something about when the bag heats up and puts that toxin in your air. Well regardless I have a 100 calorie bag EVERY night. I love it!

    Thank you, I understand now why someone told me (Microwave popcorn is not good).
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    They are fine. Check the label and make sure that variety has no trans fats. Some brands of microwave popcorn are made with trans fats. Otherwise, you should be just fine.
  • Orient_Charm
    Orient_Charm Posts: 385 Member
    I don't eat microwave popcorn anymore. the idea of potentially getting "popcorn lung" disease from it scares me.

    Thank you .....I understand you clrealy.
  • Orient_Charm
    Orient_Charm Posts: 385 Member
    YES! I love popcorn, i mean try and switch up your diet so you don't plateau as much but yes, popcorn si a great snack food! :)

    Thank you for the great advice.....
  • Orient_Charm
    Orient_Charm Posts: 385 Member
    Orville and his 100 calorie smart pop kettle korn has saved me many of a day from binging on higher calorie foods especially at night. I add it into my daily 1200 calories. And it works. Great source of fiber. And has helped me lose 60 lbs. Great snack option!

    I can feel you my dear, I feel 5 cups are good amount to feel fill and 100 cals are nothing to be worry about.
  • AvalonsUnicorn
    AvalonsUnicorn Posts: 425 Member
    try this http://www.snack-girl.com/snack/homemade-microwave-popcorn/ it works pretty good! I still get a lot of left over kernels but I think its just cause my microwave is on its last leg. but other wise I was thrilled when I found this! I LOVE popcorn but due to the chemicals even in the "natural" ones I stopped eating it. now I can have it for a yummy snack any time and it really is no hassle cause now i now how much I have per bag also!
  • Orient_Charm
    Orient_Charm Posts: 385 Member
    wonder where the people who say the microwave popcorn will cause cancer are. Remember when that was on the news..something about when the bag heats up and puts that toxin in your air. Well regardless I have a 100 calorie bag EVERY night. I love it!

    My husband and I were talking about this the other day. I think this guy just won millions of dollars from some microwave popcorn company because he had lung damage from inhaling bags of microwave popcorn a day. He ate a sick amount and would inhale the steam when he opened the bag. Weirdo. . Anyway, he found out the cause of his illness when he heard about workers in the plants coming down with "popcorn lung". Also, the ingredient/chemical that caused this was not listed on the ingredients. I don't think it caused cancer, but did give people "popcorn lung".

    Thank you for your replies.......I can not be sure about the cancer, but I think that a lot of exaggeration about cancer is there.
  • subcult
    subcult Posts: 262 Member
    Ever since I started using coconut oil instead of regular oil I cant enjoy popcorn any other way. Use too much and it even makes it taste buttered :):love:
  • crzycutie
    try moving onto air popped instead. Not the either or is better for you, but you can control the amounts in air popped a little bit better.
    And if you really like buttered pop corn like i do, try spraying some of the 'i can't believe it's not butter' spray. Tastes super good, and it's really now in fat and cals unlike real butter. =3
  • saudade108
    I always thought that popcorn (minus butter and junk) is pretty healthy because it's so high in fiber. I get the Orville Redenbacher NATURAL popcorn that is the "salt and pepper" flavor which is low calorie also, but without the chemical fake butter junk and I sprinkle ranch seasoning on top and it's seriously DELICIOUS! I like that better than the butter flavored 94% fat free. Air popped would be even better, but I don't have an air popper at the moment.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I don't like the taste of microwave popcorn....or maybe I should say the LACK of taste. I discovered this popcorn...


    Doesn't have any junky chemicals or artificial stuff. Tastes great and I often eat 2 cups of it as a snack...even the carb content is low enough for me.
  • Orient_Charm
    Orient_Charm Posts: 385 Member
    Try air popped and then use the seasonings like ranch, cheddar cheese, etc, only adds 12 calories per tblsoon and SOOO much fun..they even have cinnamon and sugar for a sweet treat!

    Great idea thank you.....
  • teresa_c
    I love microwave popcorn. An easy, relatively low calorie snack. If you're worried about the abundance of chemicals (if those don't kill ya, something else will, is my philosophy), you can try this:


    It's directions for making microwave popcorn in a brown paperback with popping corn and a little oil and has ideas for flavorings. I have yet to actually try it myself, so buyer beware. If you do try it, drop me a line, let me know how it works out.

    This is pretty much how I make popcorn when I have it! I decided to switch because I was not happy with the ingredient list on the 94% fat free microwave stuff - it's kinda freaky! So, I put 3 Tbsp of kernels in a brown lunch bag, NO OIL, roll the top and set the microwave for 3 minutes. when I take it out, I will sometimes spritz some oil on it and shake on some popcorn seasoning (Kernel Seasons has some great ones), then shake it in the bag...pour in a bowl and voila!
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    I don't eat microwave popcorn anymore. the idea of potentially getting "popcorn lung" disease from it scares me.

    Thank you .....I understand you clrealy.

    sarcasm? what's not to understand? popcorn lung disease is horrible.
  • slrose
    slrose Posts: 164 Member
    i <3 my air popper
  • Orient_Charm
    Orient_Charm Posts: 385 Member
    I don't eat microwave popcorn anymore. the idea of potentially getting "popcorn lung" disease from it scares me.

    Thank you .....I understand you clrealy.

    sarcasm? what's not to understand? popcorn lung disease is horrible.

    NO No not sarcasm. sorry for you, I meant to say ( I can understand your resone, I feel you, I agrea with you ) again this is my bad english.
  • Orient_Charm
    Orient_Charm Posts: 385 Member
    Actually, it’s not popcorn, per se, that people should be worried about. It’s the microwave bag in which it cooks that many experts say is the problem.

    Popcorn itself is healthy. It’s a whole-grain food, high in fiber and antioxidants and, if not doused in fat, a pretty low-cal snack.

    The problem is the chemicals used in the lining of the bag, including perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA).

    PFOA is also used to make Teflon and other stain- and stick-resistant materials, including pizza boxes. It’s part of a number of compounds that have caused liver, testicular and pancreatic cancer in animals. The chemicals may also be linked to infertility in women, according to a recent study at the University of California, Los Angeles.

    Earlier this year, a study found that these chemicals may prevent childhood vaccinations from working properly. Children who had higher concentrations of the chemicals in their blood had a lower level of protection against some childhood diseases for which they had been vaccinated.

    Popcorn with artificial flavoring is also a concern. A few years ago, microwave popcorn was slammed for the use of diacetyl in its artificial butter flavor, which caused a rare type of lung disease among workers who inhaled it at microwave popcorn factories.

    Most manufacturers have removed diaceytl from their products, but it’s been replaced with other kinds of butter flavoring that some government scientists say are just as bad as the original stuff.

    Make your own microwave popcorn. Use a brown paper lunch bag, combine 1⁄4 cup popping corn with 1⁄4 teaspoon salt and fold the top of the bag over a couple of times (some people tape it shut). Microwave on high for 2 to 3 minutes, until there are 4 or 5 seconds between pops. Open the bag or container carefully, because steam will have built up. Toss with your seasonings and a drizzle of butter or olive oil or serve as is.

    You can add oil to the bag at the beginning if you like, but this will yield a slightly greasy bag (so — you use a bowl). And of course you can top the finished product with melted butter or any spice you want. This enables you to have microwaved popcorn but with your choice of popcorn and oil, and, if you were to make popcorn daily, to save hundreds of dollars a year. At every supermarket in the country, microwave popcorn sells for at least $4 a pound and usually closer to $6. Ordinary popcorn is about $1 a pound, or less; good organic popcorn is about $2 a pound.

    Thank you for the great information and advice.
  • aubbie67
    I purchased a microwave popcorn popper from Wal-Mart that is made by Orville Redenbocker. You simple pour the corn kernels into the bottom of the popper, spritz with a little non-stick cooking spray or drizzle of oil of your choice, sprinkle with salt and microwave. It takes about 2 minuts in my microwave. When it comes out I usually spray with a little bit of "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" and sometimes sprinkle on one of the flavor powders you can buy. I love it! Can't stand regular microwave popcorn any more after eating it this way.