Am I eating right?

I want to lose weight. So I joined a gym. I am going 3 days a week. I have cut out all diet soda and only drink water and crystal light. I would say I drink in excess of 8 glasses a day. For breakfast I have a serving of steel cut oatmeal with 2% milk and t2 packets of truvia. in it. For lunch I have a Lean Cuisine sandwich and some baked layes. Then for dinner we have been having different meals. I will tell you some of them. Baked chicken, whole wheat spaghetti with ground turkey. I am not a person who eats a lot but does have hypothyroidism. I don't want to totally go bonkers and miss the foods I love. I have cut back some on the foods that aren't so good for you. I think I have made strides by cutting out the diet soda and working out. What do you I on my way? I am trying to eat foods high in protein. Thanks!


  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    besides the lean cuisine, I'd say that's pretty good. Am I to assume you are getting enough servings of veggies, and some dairy in that mix?

    Remember, 1/2 of losing weight is eating the right nutrients, the other half is calories in vs calories out.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Watch the Lean Cuisine for its sodium content. I avoid frozen meals, because of their sodium content but that's just my personal preference. Make sure you're getting your fruits and veggies in. Make sure you get at least 64 ounces of water daily. You didn't ask, but I would up your workouts to 5 days a week if you can.
  • jsjaclark
    jsjaclark Posts: 303
    I was going to mention the lean cuisine as well. You have to really watch the prepackaged meals - especially the sodium content which can make you retain water.

    Don't forget the fruits and veges. Keep track of your calories and other nutritional data with the tools on this site.
  • mcjurys
    mcjurys Posts: 19
    I have a 5 year old right now with me and she isn't in school yet. Only preschool. My workout they have it preset at 70 min and 68 min workouts depending on which I am working. The babysitting service only allows an hour max, so I wouldn't get my full workout in those two days. I do have a treadmill but I can't find the darn safety key! I also did the wi fit this morning. for 35 min. Oh and yes I do have veggies with my dinner. I do not like at all fruits...the only one I like is grapefruit but not allowed to have it because of my Thyroid problem. I would though eat fruit if it was in a pie or cake....does that count? LOL
  • mvl1014
    mvl1014 Posts: 531
    Besides what else has been mentioned, you're on a good start.

    As for the treadmill, get yourself a magnet ;-)
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    what about making fruite smoothies at home to get your fruits in, or having some yogurt or foods with fruits in em. try different things, you may be surprised. also get some snacks in between those meals to keep your metabolism up and working. (keep it low cal between 100 - 200 if you can. )
  • mcjurys
    mcjurys Posts: 19
    what about making fruite smoothies at home to get your fruits in, or having some yogurt or foods with fruits in em. try different things, you may be surprised. also get some snacks in between those meals to keep your metabolism up and working. (keep it low cal between 100 - 200 if you can. )

    Even if you aren't hungry??....I have heard this. What snacks would you suggest? Yogurt???? How about those high protein bars..or are those bad for you? Atkins Advantage Carmel Double chocolate crunch Bar? 10 g protein, 1 gram sugar, 160 calories and only 3 g net carbs?