need a few ideas

I have been at this 5 months now and have lost a grand total of 17lbs. I am eating at a deficit that of around 7900 calories a week but losing nothing to 1lb a week only . I have a hell of a lot to lose I could understand this if i was near goal or had a small amount to lose. My concern is as I get lighter and need to make my deficit smaller i am just not going to lose at all.

I weigh and measure everything(i mean everything)
I use a HRM for excercise
I use a fitbit to monitor daily activity

so far I have tried

more calories
less calories,
more excercise
less excercise,
less salt
intermittant fasting,
6 small meals
less carbs

I am working really hard at this and just not seeing the results nothing seems to make a difference, anyone got any ideas please


  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    How long are you giving each of these trials to work?
  • nwpowell350
    I think I understand how you fell. After using just about all the the options you can think of the weight is just plain stubborn. Do not fast! That's not going to end well. The small regular meal strategy is best. Check out the metabolism B concept. It has been written about extensively by a lady (whose name I have forgotten) and I have seen it work really well. Just google Metabolism B diet and you should find what I am referring to. Best of luck and above all never give up.
  • traceygl1967
    traceygl1967 Posts: 72 Member
    How long are you giving each of these trials to work?

    these are all things i have tried over the years and usually for several months at a time. Lower salt is a new thing
  • traceygl1967
    traceygl1967 Posts: 72 Member
    I think I understand how you fell. After using just about all the the options you can think of the weight is just plain stubborn. Do not fast! That's not going to end well. The small regular meal strategy is best. Check out the metabolism B concept. It has been written about extensively by a lady (whose name I have forgotten) and I have seen it work really well. Just google Metabolism B diet and you should find what I am referring to. Best of luck and above all never give up.
    thanks will look it up
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Have you lost 17 pounds in 5 months? Or am I not getting the starting info correct?

    I'm not interrogating you, just trying to make sensible suggestions :flowerforyou:
  • traceygl1967
    traceygl1967 Posts: 72 Member
    Have you lost 17 pounds in 5 months? Or am I not getting the starting info correct?

    I'm not interrogating you, just trying to make sensible suggestions :flowerforyou:
    yes 17lb in 5 months I started this beggining of June
  • AnneC77
    AnneC77 Posts: 284
    I think some people just naturally lose slow. I have lost 17lbs since the end of July. At times it bothers me, but other times I am thankful that I am 17lbs less than I was 3-4 months ago. In a year that will equal to nearly 60lbs loss for me and that is good enough. There is no time or regularity to weight loss so apart from going to see a Dr or something, I think you shoule be happy with the loss. Everyone tells me that slow wins the race.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Yes, 17 pounds in 5 months is great - what you're doing IS working, though you'd like it to be a bit faster.

    What's your exercise routine?
  • traceygl1967
    traceygl1967 Posts: 72 Member
    Yes, 17 pounds in 5 months is great - what you're doing IS working, though you'd like it to be a bit faster.

    What's your exercise routine?

    Please dont get me wrong I love the fact that I have lost 17lbs but when your goal for 2lb-2.5lbs a week and you stick to your goals completly then it gets a little disheartening. I have a large calorie deficit at the moment because I can afford to as I have so much to lose. It wont always be this way and my worry is as i have to make the deficit smaller I wont be able to lose

    my excercise routine is usually 45 minutes of low impact aerobics 3 times a week burning around 400 calories according to my HRM
    30 mins to 1 hour excercise bike daily light effort (i let fitbit count the burn for this)
    I do some light weights 3 times a week after the aerobics for about 15 minutes. I cant lift heavy as had a severe fracture to the wrist last year and my wrist is pretty much fused so cant also do any excercise that needs me to put my hands flat on floor, wall ect lol. I have been told by my doctor not to do anything that is to hard on the knee joints as I have arthritis in both knees
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    OK, I was going to suggest lifting heavier weights, but you've explained why that's not possible.

    Honestly, I think you're doing brilliantly, figure out where you'll be in 6 months time!
  • traceygl1967
    traceygl1967 Posts: 72 Member
    OK, I was going to suggest lifting heavier weights, but you've explained why that's not possible.

    Honestly, I think you're doing brilliantly, figure out where you'll be in 6 months time!
    about another 17lb lighter lol
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Stress can really affect weight. Have you tried meditation? Nothing fancy, just focus on your breathing while sitting comfortably and say In- Out or Slow - Deep as you breathe. Your thoughts will come, just let them go and focus again on your breathing.
  • 50kgRussianBallerina
    Since your biggest worry is having to lower calories even more when you are at a lower weight - and I completely agree that this is a legitimate concern - why not increase your calories? Stay at a deficit, but at a smaller deficit.

    You won't gain weight, as you'll still be in a deficit.

    Instead, one of three things will happen:

    1. You will lose more slowly.
    As long as you're losing, and therefore your weight is moving in the right direction, you should be pleased and proud of yourself. Why the rush? You have your whole life ahead of you. Make healthy decisions that will make lasting changes, don't torture yourself over the speed of weight loss. Honestly, think about it - what if you didn't decide to make these changes unil a year from now? Do you realize how much further ahead of the game you already are, let alone how much better of you'll be in two months, six months, 18 years time? So, once again - why the rush? Really think about that. What's the hurry?

    2. You will lose at the same pace.
    But you will also be eating an amount from which you can feel more at ease subtracting from later, if necessary. And if you lose the same amount of weight while being able to eat more, well, then - who's complaining?!

    3. You will lose more quickly.
    The body works in mysterious ways, and that's about the most concise and simple way to put it. The truth is our bodies are extremely complicated systems, and we really don't even know the half of it yet when it comes to how the average body works. Add to that the fact that actually knowing how the average body works *does not* account for all the rest of the bodies that don't fall under the category of "average", and, well, I think you get my point. It's really difficult to predict exactly what the outcome of a sum of actions will be on a specific person's body. It is certainly possible that your body will favor the higher intake when it comes to losing weight.

    I'm a big proponent of doing what feels right on your body. That tends to get people where they need to be ;)

    *ETA* I realize you said you tried more calories, but I thought I might still through out my thoughts on this since you didn't exactly specify. I would still try it again. It doesn't have to be much more.

    But on another note I just thought of, WHAT are you actually eating? You might want to take a look at that. Without going into any of my ideas as to why this is or quoting any research that supports my experience (low on time and patience atm!), I can offer you some personal experience I've had recently. Since moving to Russia in mid-September, I've lost 22 lbs. The biggest change has been in the foods I am eating. I am eating more real, whole foods than ever before, and I'm really loving it. I'm taking whole fat milk, butter, and food that is actually prepared from real ingredients, not processed crap. No diet stuff. Fruits and veggies in moderate amounts, certainly less than I was eating back home. Most things here are made with butter and oil - back at home, I hardly touched fats. I eat real bread here and porridge made of buckwheat or oats and with butter, and tvorog (cottage cheese), yogurts, etc. on a pretty much daily basis. I always did half an eye roll every time I came across someone saying that it's not just calories in/calories out, and that the quality of food matters a lot, that you need to eat real, whole foods; I always nodded my head and kept on thinking my diet of processed diet crap and very little fat and too much fruits and veggies (because they took the place of other healthy foods) would still be better for me. Well, what can I say? All I have to go on is my experiences, and so far, I've more than proved my previous-self wrong! It turns out that a varied, real-food, whole-food diet (with fats!) is actually really important. Go figure :P
  • traceygl1967
    traceygl1967 Posts: 72 Member
    thank you :)
  • misskitty523
    I would see if I were allergic to bread and sugar, these two things in our diets can halt weigth loss.
    This is what I would do;
    Oatmeal for breakfast with green tea
    Celerly with a dab of cream cheese for morning snack
    Salad with vinegar for dressing with meat, cheese and egg with an apple for desert
    1 Oz of walnuts or almonds for snack
    grilled chicked or hamburger patty, fresh veggies, small amount of carbs from a 1/2 baked potatoe, rice, beans
    popcorn or small amount of fresh fruit for desert.

    Drink plenty of water, stay away from salt.
  • zoukeira
    zoukeira Posts: 313 Member
    I lose slow too, I started at 198lb a little over two years ago. I learnt to just be ok with it, I have a lot of friends who lose fast and they seem to always gain it back again - whereas in two years I haven't. Occasionally I will have a wee spike and lose quicker, but it's nearly always follwed by a plateau. We just have to make sure we stay on track for longer :o)
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    have u tried a keto diet??
  • LorMuldoon81
    LorMuldoon81 Posts: 22 Member
    What height are you? I'm just under 5ft and It seems to be that similar to my height lose at a slower rate. Currently I lose about a pound per week, It can be frustrating sometimes, but its good to know im losing.
  • sarahcuddle
    sarahcuddle Posts: 349 Member
    I sympathise, I really do. I have lost 22lb in 6 months so a similar rate to you although I think I have less to lose. I have about 30 -35 pounds to go to get to goal. I went through a plateau in the summer where I lost nothing for 4 weeks. Changing my exercise routine, and upping the intensity worked. I started doing that 30 day shred DVD. My food diaries are similar to yours, similar calories too although less in the week, probably more like 1400. Don't eat all your exercise calories back on some days and try to eat less carbs and more protein. Set your macro's to 40%carbs: 30% protein:30% fat. This gives you less room to eat crap. Snack on nuts and fruit, cut out sugar. Basically clean up your diet a bit, and lower the calories a bit, do a bit more exercise and you lose a bit more weight. I've been losing 1.5lbs a week, a really good rate for me until recently but I realised I had let things slip, Good luck. The most important thing is don't give up, keep going.