P90X Question #2



  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    whether it is one of these silly fad workouts

    these comments really make me shake my head

    I imagine you havnt done it

    it's a tough workout and there is nothing "fad" about it.


    Is shaking your head part of the workout? It is a fad and a joke. Anything that touts "muscle confusion" is trash. Why would I try it when it won't help me accomplish my goals?
  • PatrickCoyle
    PatrickCoyle Posts: 16 Member
    Look up Richard Neal

    He has a pretty impressive weight loss 400 lbs down to 190 lbs but he's your typical beachbody coach so I tend to stay away from those people
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Anything that has you move more and eat less will work whether it is one of these silly fad workouts or just tracking your calories and walking up and down the street.

    This times 100. For you guys parsing this comment and getting offended by the word "fad", get over it. P90x is a solid workout program indeed. But it's just a workout program. There's no magic. There's no new principles at work. It's what bodybuilders have been doing since the 1920s.

    So for the OP and anyone else interested, yes, P90x combined with a sound diet will "work". Just like any intense exercise program combined with sound principles will work.

    My advice for everyone asking questions has always and will always be the same. Stop asking and start doing. Pick *any* program and get to work. Come back later in a few and we'll adjust if needed.
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    Tis true - one DVD or another with whoever fitness guru at the head of it can be thought of as faddy, but if you can't or won't access a local gym for whatever reason, such DVDs can provide a sense of belonging to a group of people who are working out with you and the encouragement from the trainer is going in at the same time - in a similar way to you would want your gym friends to encourage you on to pull out that one last rep.

    To those who have plenty of support, or just don't need it, maybe the DVDs don't have a lot to offer, but to those who work out alone for whatever reason they are really good for helping you to keep motivatedf and to keep up a good exercise pace.

    You can adapt the program as well - the sheer number of pullups in P90X Back and Legs was out of my ability so I use Let-me-ups instead and end up doing half push-ups when they are still crunching out diamond pushes. The main thing is to keep moving and as such, P90X is excellent. I find the trainer a bit corny - but I like that!