So, I keep seeing things about the Insanity workout and I'm considering trying it out. But I want to hear from other people who have done it. What did you think? How much did yours cost? Was it worth the money? Did you get the results you wanted? And anything else you can think of. I'm not trying to lose weight, I just want to look good, I want to look and feel strong. Also, anyone who wants, feel free to add me.


  • It's what it's billed as, insane!! I did it for about 3-4 months to get in shape for my wedding and did it ever work. Your floor will absolutely drenched in sweat and it pushes you to just keep going. I got mine from a friend who also did it, but if you're serious about committing to it, then I'd say it's worth the money. The big thing with it though is to ease in, if you go all out without being in at least decent shape you're likely going to pull a groin or hip muscle (there's a lot of lower ab/core work in it).

    You'll for sure feel much better after going through the program, my wife and I both did it together and used each other as motivation which was pretty fun. You will likely lose some fat on it, but you'll also replace it with lean muscle weight, so overall you'll look leaner and stronger with a lot more energy.

    Hope this helps, good luck!
  • mamajenny2
    mamajenny2 Posts: 22 Member
    I actually borrowed it from a friend because the cost was too much for me to afford right now and it is INSANE!! I made it through the fitness test part of it, which is where you would start anyway and I was soaking wet from head to toe! Felt awesome though and definitely helps to push you a lot! I haven't tried the other workouts in it yet...but they all look pretty intense. The cost from the infomercial was $150.00 plus shipping. It sounds like something you might enjoy because of your goals. I got into Jillian Michaels right now. She has just enough butt kicking attitude to make me push myself until I am ready to step it up. Good luck! :-)
  • Colexlovely
    Colexlovely Posts: 133 Member
    It is most definitely worth it! Go for it! I am just starting Week 5 today and I love it! It pushes everyday. It is definitely not easy. But I am seeing a difference and I Haven't even hit 30 days yet! Be careful though. Only reason I went right to this is because I had just completed 20 weeks of Turbofire. If you haven't done a lot of workouts dont go right into this.
  • curvykim78
    curvykim78 Posts: 799 Member
    I'm doing it now, my first week. I thought I was in good shape until I started this! lol I've been running for a few years and weight lifting for about 6 months now. It's pretty intense, but I'm hoping it will pay off in the end. I'm not doing the meal plan with mine, just watching my calories and logging on MFP instead. I bought mine off of a local lady (we have a local Facebook page for selling items) and I paid her $50 for everything. She never used it, said she tried the fit test and gave up. Good deal for me! I'm sticking with it, even if I don't get the abs of steel like the chicks in the video have, at least I'll get some exercising done!
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    I am just finishing up doing month 2 a 2nd time. In the last 90 days I have lost 5 inches from my waist and I can definitely see definition in my abs and in my arms. I have dropped 1-2 pants sizes (depending on the maker of the pants). I thought I was pretty fit before starting Insanify because of all the cardio work I've always done, but feel I am more toned now than I have been in years. Well worth the investment of dollars and time.
  • BeSexy
    BeSexy Posts: 94
    I'm on my last week. I've dropped a couple pant sizes also. Stronger, leaner for sure. It's not easy... it's a workout but it's a good one. As long as you do your best and bring all you got each workout... it works! With your goals, I"m sure you can accomplish this with no problems. GO FOR IT! Time for you to DIG DEEP!
  • BeSexy
    BeSexy Posts: 94
    Also... you asked how much it cost.. I got mine directly from the company (team beachbody) but with a 25% discount being a coach and all. I paid $89.89 plus tax and shipping for the base kit. However, after a couple weeks in I went ahead and got the advanced workouts also and yoga mat. If your flooring doesn't have any give.... You will need a jump mat cause there is A LOT OF JUMPING!

    There are some deals you can get... like a challenge pack. If you are interested in deals/packs.
  • Pnknlvr96
    Pnknlvr96 Posts: 104 Member
    I bought it full price this summer. It was around $160 total. They offer you 3 months to pay for it, so I broke it into payments. I'm on my second round and I really love it. It is VERY tough - I still can't keep up with the people in it - but it's such a great workout. It gives me that really good sweat that I just wasn't getting in a lot of other workouts. I highly recommend it.
  • ohpiper
    ohpiper Posts: 697 Member
    It's a great program that gets me sweating like no other. And when you do the "max" workouts, good luck trying to get through without hitting "pause." To me, good health is worth it.
  • You should by it off craiglist it's sooooo much cheaper! i got mine for just 60 :)