Introducing myself. ^-^

I'm Megan, aged 18 and from England, UK.
I've always been self-conscious of my weight but haven't done anything about it.
It really hit home about a year ago when I went from a UK size 12-14 to a UK size 16-18 in the space of around 3 months because of comfort eating as a result of depression and anxiety.
I didn't realise that becoming overweight was an issue until people started to notice at college and bully me because of my weight-gain.
My depression got worse and I couldn't face going into college so I stayed at home and just ate and ate - mainly to block out the horrible feelings.

My starting weight is 210 pounds.
My goal weight is around 140-150 pounds.

I know I have a lot to lose but I believe that if I do lose this weight, my self-confidence will skyrocket, I will make more friends and be seen as being more attractive to men.

I would like some friends on here who I am welcome to chat to about problems I may face and also friends who will motivate me if I am falling out of line. I need to lose this weight so I would appreciate anyone who wants to help motivate me as I really, really struggle sometimes with finding motivation.



  • Hi Megan,
    I know I'm much older than you are, but if you'd like a friend on here you can add me, don't stress about needed to loose for men to find you attractive, because that's not a good reason, you have to want to do it for you. Once you start exercising more it will feel like it's part of you and you will feel better all over. When your young you loose weight much easier than when you get older like me. Get out and walk, ride a bike and you will be amazed at how fast it will take the pounds off, make sure you list your food, it really helps with loosing when you track your food. Don't stay inside and hide and believe me sometimes I need comfort food, so I will eat it but I make sure I don't over eat it and I make sure I exercise.

    You can do this!!
  • Hi Megan - Feel free to add me! I'm more than happy to chat and help motivate. :)
  • megbethanyread
    megbethanyread Posts: 21 Member
    Hi Megan,
    I know I'm much older than you are, but if you'd like a friend on here you can add me, don't stress about needed to loose for men to find you attractive, because that's not a good reason, you have to want to do it for you. Once you start exercising more it will feel like it's part of you and you will feel better all over. When your young you loose weight much easier than when you get older like me. Get out and walk, ride a bike and you will be amazed at how fast it will take the pounds off, make sure you list your food, it really helps with loosing when you track your food. Don't stay inside and hide and believe me sometimes I need comfort food, so I will eat it but I make sure I don't over eat it and I make sure I exercise.

    You can do this!!

    Thank-you so much. :')