needing support!

hi guys!

so i lost almost 20 pounds this summer and looked and felt amaaaazing. came back to college in the fall, and i think you know how to story ends. i need to lose this weight again. i have put back on almost TWENTY pounds. not acceptable. just wanting some encouragement from those who have lost and gained back!!! thanks! feel free to add me!


  • TamaraRR
    TamaraRR Posts: 93 Member
    In the same boat, maybe we could keep each other accountable. I lost most of mine but would like to lose a little more and I need to stay on top of things. Its so hard to go out to eat with friends, go out drinking and then not come home and binge eat.
  • gloryofthis
    gloryofthis Posts: 46 Member
    seems you already know what you have to do chick! I went awol for 3 months and regained all the weight i lost while i was here and weighed myself 6 days ago and literally broke down, so i know how you are feeling, i've got your back if you ever need to chat =] c'mon, lets shift some weight =] xx
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    I lost around 150 lbs by changing my diet, kept it off for two years or so, and then ended up gaining the better part of it back. It came back slowly... I knew I was gaining weight, but didn't realize how much until I was weighed at the doctor's and nearly cried. I've got most of it off, now, and this time it's staying off FOR GOOD!
  • Leisalynn84
    Leisalynn84 Posts: 113 Member
    I lost all of the thirty lbs I gained while prego within weeks of having my daughter. Becoming a stay at home mom and several months in the hospital (including 5 brain surgeries) w/ my daughter I gained it all back. She is three now (and healthy) and I've lost and gained the same 30 lbs a couple of times.Just last week I reached my pre-pregnancy weight (I'm still 10 lbs away from "normal" as far as BMI goes) and I feel like this time I'm gonna do it! I'm keeping it off and I will get to my goal weight (135-140ish) by March!

    Anyone feel free to send me a request, I've been on for 51 days in a row and log everything, even the bad days:smile:
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    I'm glad I happened to see this post today. I've always gained and lost, gained and lost...and I was FINALLY on a losing streak- the healthy way. It took a long time to lose 24 lbs, but I lost it...hit a plateau...lost a few more...and then BAM- slipped off the wagon and gained 12 back. I've been feeling really discouraged, like I just don't have what it takes to stick with anything and I'm starting to wonder if I'll ever hit my goal, or anywhere near it. I have about 50-60 more lbs to lose...

    Anyway, feel free to add me. I'm not giving up EVER even though I get discouraged, so I appreciate having support and supporting others. :flowerforyou:
  • sborchardt35
    I need help too. I feel like I've been down this road too many times. Recently, was in a great place to start 2012 at 147, then shot up to 173 after selling a house and moving to a new city. Lots of stress eating and drinking! Definitely need some encouragement in these crazy months! I have about 30 to lose overall. Just wanting to reach 5 in the next couple of weeks.
  • autumnpennell
    autumnpennell Posts: 196 Member
    Well it sounds like we're all in the same boat! so let's all go to each other when we need that support. sounds like we all know how to have done it cause we have at least once in our life, so now it's a matter of keeping things going when schedules change! i've realized eating (bad) is a social thing!!! (at least for me!) so eating right is all in the head... just gotta keep motivated and determined and it can be done!!!!
  • Fatz1983
    Fatz1983 Posts: 12 Member
    I have had the mfp app for months however iv only been using it for a number of weeks and have really been struggling to keep myself motivated, had no idea there was an online forum. Anyone looking for a buddy for motivation please add me. I need all the
    help I can get n would love to be a contribution to others.

    I have limited my calorie intake to 1200 which seems to work perfectly for me in terms of lifestyle however the pounds are not shifting! I even brought a treadmill so have been using that 5x a week for the last 2weeks and I have started weight training. I have no idea where I am going wrong... Help!?
  • robbermaiden
    robbermaiden Posts: 3 Member
    I love this idea! I definitely need some help. I am really struggling-- I want to lose at least 30 lbs and I can't seem to do what I need to do to achieve that. Night time is hard.
    I've never been this fat and it is NOT OKAY. Let's do ittttt
  • pink_nails
    is it really terrible if I feel a little (a tiiiiiiny little) bit better that I'm not the only one with the thoughts voiced above.

    went from wanting just to tone up a little and maybe lose 1-2 kg to developing super-unhealthy habits. I gained 10kg in the last year, I'm at my absolute peak weight now. Really feeling down about it but I'm so very determined to get out of the slump.

    I'm also looking for support. I'm actually ashamed of talking about my weight problems with my friends but I really think that consistent social support is the way forward. Is there anyone who'd be willing to exchange msgs daily/every other day, just to keep each other updated on daily progress, difficulties and weak moments. Pls msg me if you're in.
  • Fatz1983
    Fatz1983 Posts: 12 Member
    Im up for daily updates, call me a sado but I seem to be obsessing over my weight its all I can think about lately even whilst at work.
    Feeling motivated at the moment but god knows how I will feel when I get up in the morning.. Im going on hol to Egypt in Dec its my first hol with my husband n lil one n to be frank I look like shreks sister (its ok for u to lol!) exaggeration its the truth.... Cannot talk about my weight with my partner or friends (who by the way are all size 8's)....

    I was motivated when I started writing this now I feel confronted....vicious cycle. Anyway I am not gna look like n umpa lumpa for the rest of my life so im gona perservere n hopefully with the support of u amazing ppl will reach my target weight asap .

  • autumnpennell
    autumnpennell Posts: 196 Member
    please feel free to message me with questions, when you're feeling down, needing encouragement, etc etc. i will help as much as i can! it's not a good feeling to be uncomfortable in your own skin, but at the same time, if you know you're overweight, it's good that YOU KNOW AND ACKNOWLEDGE that because THAT IS WHAT MOTIVATES US WOMEN! (and so many people dont realize it in america anymore) i just read on my way back from working out that 80% of women work out and harder and LOSE more when they have a workout buddy (so get one if you can, or if not, in this case, you can at least have accountability partners via here!!!)
    you can do it! you are beautiful and weight loss is hard, hard, hard. it does take a long time, let's face the facts. but simply because of your post....that you know you need to change... i believe you can do it! (and so can i!) so like i said, feel free to contact me whenever. i love making new friends!