Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's 3/5 wk 10

kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
Yay SHGP!! Let's rock the scale today! Good luck to you all!

Anyone interested in doing challenges? Easter is a month away...Mother's Day, couple months....Memorial Day..? just an idea. I was even thinkin of makin my 'daily calories' a personal challenge..but do it every day....Need to make myself more accountable. Ideas anyone?


  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Good morning you Hot Peppers!!

    Look what I did!! I made my ticker say 60 lbs lost!! That's right, I lost 2 lbs this week, I weighed in at 213.2. For once, I actually feel like I'm back on the wagon. I did really good with my food all week and I at least walked a mile each day. Some days I came home and played on the Wii for a while, too. I'm feeling the motivation to start getting more exercise. I just wish it would warm up so I could go outside!!! The gym is just so boring.

    I did order myself a new bike yesterday. My hope that it arrives just in time for us to go on our first bike ride for the year. I took a chance and bought a used bike, but it is a really good used bike. The kind they sell in bike stores. I think I've learned my lesson on buying cheap Walmart/Kmart/Target bikes. We got DH a used bike for his birthday and it is such a better bike. It was a lot easier to ride. We decided very quickly that I needed a replacement as well.

    Kelly, I'm always up for a challenge. I actually joined my sister's work team for a state-wide fitness challenge called the Blue and You Fitness Challenge. Starting March 1, we are supposed to exercise 30 minutes at least 3 times a week. Now that I'm looking back, I noticed that my motivation started back with the challenge. I guess it was just what I needed. My suggestion would be to do one involving strength training. I know that it is something that I really need to be doing more of.
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Good Morning Pepper's,
    This is going to be a very busy day today, so I did not weigh in this morning, I had a fall and my knee and wrist are swollen. Did not even try when swelling goes down I will get on the scale. :laugh:

    Ok will have to check back later. Getting busy. :bigsmile:

    Happy Losing:drinker:
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Good Morning Pepper's,
    This is going to be a very busy day today, so I did not weigh in this morning, I had a fall and my knee and wrist are swollen. Did not even try when swelling goes down I will get on the scale. :laugh:

    Ok will have to check back later. Getting busy. :bigsmile:

    Happy Losing:drinker:

    Ouch! Hope you feel better soon!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Weight in at 245. No gain, no loss. Totally dropped the ball this week so need to get motivated. Leaving town for the weekend. Going to La to play with a friend. She loves to gamble, Im going along for the ride, get away from the kids. So I will check back in on Monday.
    Crystal-YAY!!!!:drinker: :laugh: :wink: :tongue: :love: :flowerforyou:
    Sindy-Hope you feel better soon:flowerforyou:
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Thank you, I just could not get on the scale today with the swelling. I would loose it if I gained anything. I am hoping it is better tomorrow so i can do my shred, but will try doing some form of exercise if it is.

    Crystal that is so great :drinker: Glad your motivation is coming back.

    I really have to start working on my calories and logging, even though I am busy I have to make time for me. My family and I are going out for dinner tonight to Legal Seafood, so I will check the menu today and stick with my calories. Then early to bed. So need sleep. 5 weeks left for second job, then can get back to normal but I dont want to keep gaining the same 5 pounds that I am loosing any more.

    Ok going to walk to the post office and bank so I will get a little walk in this afternoon. I am doing strength tonight when I get home.

    Have a great day.:bigsmile:
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    weighed in at 204, which isnt bad considering aunt flow is here and I didnt work out at all this week except for some one pound up isnt bad right now.
    Went to teh doc I have to go back next week to see what the results are hoping good news! I want to go back to the gym!
    KELLY I totally want to start challenges! I want to look SUPER hot for my mothers day vegas get away.
    Looked in the mirror at teh doctor this morning and the first though to mind was "I look skinny today!" wow that is a thought that never flows through my head!
    SO a skinny looking day to all my pepper friends out there! Congrats to the loosers, to the gainers (ME) keep on trucking! we will get there!
  • angiemcnett
    angiemcnett Posts: 429
    I am up 1 pound this week at 215.2.:frown: It is better then the doctor scale yesterday which said I gained 2 lbs. in 2 weeks. NOT HAPPY:grumble: with that. I am determined gain 11-13 pounds only for this pregnancy. I have gained 10 so far and still have 10 or so weeks left to my pregnancy. I am going have to do better at exercising more and watching my calories closer. I can't allow myself to be lazy about exercising anymore. I don't feel like going is not an option anymore. I think a challenge sounds great. I usually do better if I am working on a challenge. On a happy note, I am glad my glucose screening came back normal.

    Sindy - Hope you recover fast from your fall!:flowerforyou:

    Crystal - Congrats on the weight loss! 60 pounds is awesome!!:bigsmile: Keep up the great work!

    Jacque - Congrats on the no gain! Have a awesome weekend with your friend!:happy:

    Have a great day everyone!:smile:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Afternoon Team!

    I am so bummed.....the scale showed 190.6. That is 3 lbs up. I have been in this 5-10 lb range, since the first of the year. I just can't seem to find balance. I did the shred 3 days, today will be 4, walked with Leslie a couple of times and stretched with Denise a couple times. I know that keeping with the exercise will help to reshape me (smaller is the goal), but why can't I drop the lbs. I have never had this much trouble. They say it is harder when you get older, but I see ppl on here in their 40's and older having success. I am beginning to feel and believe losing any more wt is not gonna happen. .... that all my years of yo yo dieting have put a lasting hold on my metabolism and nothing is going to work anymore......anyway...

    Crystal ~ YAY!! I am so happy for you and I love your ticker! Look at you there lady! Yeeeeeeeehaawwwwwwwwwww! Your new bike sounds wonderful! It's always good to have another form of activity, and one outdoors!!

    Cindy ~ oh gosh, I hope your are ok from your fall. Do take care and don't worry bout the scale...just post when you're ready. I am with ya on this yo-yo thing...really stressing me right now... Enjoy the nite out! YUM, seafood!

    Jacque ~ Enjoy your weekend away w/friend and have a great time!

    Erica ~ gainer here too...:frown: You are so close to ONEderland!! So excited for you!! I bet you ARE looking skinny, you're only bout 10 or so lbs more than me, but you are much taller! Enjoy the feeling! Keepin positive thoughts for your test results!

    Angie ~ it's ok....could be water, are doing so good. just a little over 2 mos left! getting closer!! glad your glucose is good. Just keep doing what you're doing!

    CHALLENGE ???? For those of you interested........ Crystal mentioned strength. How bout push ups? they can be the regular kind or girly kind. Let's try to do 10 to start with, and if you can increase thereafter, great, go for it! And, every other day, so we can give them triceps a rest. So if you start today, you could have 4 days for the week, or if you start 2morrow, 3 days for the week. However you choose, just let us know how the challenge is going for you. So, good luck Team, and get pushin'! :happy:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Yeah!! I am gonna do the challage! I like when its simple enought that you dont want to avoid it. Sounds great!!
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    I'm in for the challenge. I think I'll go do mine now. I just got done walking with Leslie. Yes, Kelly, between you and my sister I HAD to get one of her videos to try. Loved it!! Right up my alley. It is a good work out that is simple enough for me to follow!!
  • butterfly0516
    butterfly0516 Posts: 25 Member
    Hey peppers,

    Sorry I have been mia for a few weeks. Life got crazy with work, two 16 year olds, and life. To be honest I went completely off my plan and we have had drive thru almost every night as we were on the way to the next event/meeting. I have been more than a little frustrated with is so easy for me to let my schedule get in the way of my healthy eating. :angry: Oh well, fresh start today and I am doing better that usual...I am starting back after only a few weeks instead of several MONTHS.

    Off to a track meet and will be there all day (going to stop at the grocery store and get healthy food choices so I don't have to eat at the snack bar).

    Weight - 236 (up 2 pounds)
    Goals for March - follow eating plan, exercise at least 5 days
    Challenge - I am in

    Good luck everyone and have a great weekend. :happy:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Hope you are all having a great start to the weekend and the sun is shining on you too! :glasses:

    For me, so far so good. Will do day 4 of Level 1 shred. Not sure what else, but I am thinkin' I need to increase my aerobic to 45 min or an hour. Might have to head outdoors for a long walk. Will do the push ups too! Dh and I are planning on doing some stir-fry which is one of my favorites. :tongue:

    Crystal ~ I love Leslie and I am excited you are going on walks w/ her too! You will definitely notice how much stronger you feel in just a few short days! Which one are you doing? Have a great walk!

    Be strong today team! Don't forget to grab that smile! :bigsmile
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Hey Christy ~ so good to hear from you!! and glad you are back. Don't worry about being off for a happens to ALL of us. Feel positive and proud that you made the decision to get back on track. SHGP's will be here no matter what! Have a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Hey all!! its Monday and Its time to get busy! So had a blast this weekend played for hours and came home even, so that made it better. The only bad part was my friend had comp for everything so we ate like pigs, I never ate so much food in I dont know how long. So that being said, I need to refocus kind of been slacking big time and the sad part was I didnt care. So my goals this week record all food, get moving again and yes doing the challage. So heres to everyone having a good week!!!:smile::flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker: :bigsmile:
    DD Cheer team won first place this weekend so she got to go out witha bang and they won national jackets so she super happy.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Let me know if I need to change anything. I took a few names off that had not posted for over a month. When they come back, I'll add them again.

  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Good Monday Morning Gang!

    Hope everyone had a nice weekend and you're ready for a happy, healthy, movin' & groovin' week! Let's try hard every day this week to make good choices and make sure we do as much as we can to make each day count! Gooooooooooooo Pepper's! Yay!

    Well, Saturday I decided to tackle my bathroom ( only one upstairs ). I taped off the woodwork, cupboards....then sprayed the ceiling and walls with "orange peel" texture, and put a couple new coats of paint on the heat/air register. Sunday, I painted the ceiling and walls, hung some new wall decor, new knobs on the cupboards, and put down a new rug. I now have a green bathroom instead of blue....which is what is had been for 14 yrs. I have had all the supplies to do this for over a YEAR! The paint on the walls is called "Antiquity". It is a very pale, sage.. Kinda feels Spa-ish now! I really like it and it helped boost my mood. We need to have our tub resurfaced/possibly the surround as well, add a shower door, new sub floor and am thinkin' tile for the floor. Does anyone know anything about bathtub resurfacing? Buying a new tub is not an option.

    After all that, Aunt Flo decided to get real ugly.....and this time it has been all 'physical' symptoms...very tired, dizzy and lightheaded....seems worse today so far.... So, I am gonna take some meds soon and grab a blanket and relax on the sofa....and finish watching the Oscar's....

    will check back later. :flowerforyou:
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Hey everyone!!

    My weekend was pretty quiet. We went to visit my parents Saturday and they took us out to eat at the Chinese buffet. I was sick to my stomach by the time it was all over with. I don't eat fried foods very often and I had too much there!!

    I did my push-ups Friday and Sunday. I threw in some crunches boths days as well.

    Kelly, I bought Leslie's 5 Day Slim Down. I did the 12-min mile on Friday. I really enjoyed it. I really like that there is a different walk for each day. I'm actually looking forward to starting Day 1 when I get home.
  • lynettep
    lynettep Posts: 157
    Hey everyone!! Congrats to all the pounds lost!! I was out of town so couldn't weigh in. KellyA can you put me down at same weight? Thanks
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    Hey all!
    God the cleaning bug this morning and cleaned the whole house up and down! even scrubbed the 3 bathrooms and the floors:) and the kids rooms and dusted and mopped and swept and vaccumed all rooms!
    then went to start my week free of curves:) LOVE LOVE LOVE it I did the circuit 3 times! been doing good on water and eating! hopefully I will se the doc tomorrwo and find out what is up with the tummy:)
    talk to you then ! think skinny thoughts!
    Im totally in on the challenge!
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Ok Its Tuesday, and here we go again. So I did good and recorded everything and totally was over on the calories. But I did better than I did all weekend so was happy about that. I also was happy that I followed thru with the recording the food. Havent done that it over a month so YEAH!!!! So had a smarter breasfast today and hope to improve on that. So here to a new day makeing on improvement at a time
    Miss V- Good luck today! praying