Live long and prosper!


Its hard to know how to start something like this, I'm hardly reclusive but I'm pretty shy and introvert most of the time so I guess a "warts and all approach" is the best way to take a website like this. I think the key points to know is I have nearly always been on the heavier side, big baby, big toddler, big kid! (still am a big kid in many ways :-))

At the age of 22 I took myself from 17 stone right down to 10.5, that was using the Atkins diet. But standards slip, I got comfortable and lazy; more interested in drinking and having fun than taking care of myself and now 8 years later I'm back in the grave I dug myself out of.

I said to myself at the beginning of this year I wanted to sort out my fitness level, but I kept making excuses; work, travel, the gym's closed blah blah blah... I know logically these are just excuses I tell myself, but they never make me feel better. Its also when I first became acquainted with MyFitnessPal - it was great, I followed the app daily and lost nearly 30lbs... then I stopped when I went on holiday and just never got back into the swing of things.

Now I'm 3 months from 30 years old - and while I'm not scared about being 30 I am becoming scared I may not make 40 or 50.

I want to take MyFitnessPal seriously this time and one massive oversight I've made is by doing it by myself, I want to work with the people on this website. This time I shouldn't do it on my own, if you would like to work with me and have me work with you, then please let me know.

Take care all,


(Oh and spacedDMC is a reference to a geeky TV show from the 90's... for some reason people keep assuming I do Acid!? HaHa)


  • mcw1976
    mcw1976 Posts: 47 Member
    Hi there!

    I too was kinda scared when I was about to turn 30... I tried to get in shape and it completely failed due to lack of motivational support.

    Six years later and now I am self-motivated, but I also have a lot of help from my family and MFP friends.

    I have been using MFP since December 2011 and it has changed my life!

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you wish... I try to provide motivational support as much as I can. 4 kids and work keep me so busy I miss chatting on some days.

  • Hi Mike,

    Thanks for your support - I'll send an invite now.

    Take care,
