Why am I so Hungry!!??

Today, has been a very hard day for me, hunger wise. I have been feeling like I am starving all day long! I have been logging and staying within my cal range for about 3 weeks with not really any issues at all. In fact, I was really surprised at how easy it was to stay in my calorie range and feel really satisfied but then today I feel like I can't get full at all! I hate this feeling. Any suggestions ? IS this just something that happens sometimes along the journey ?


  • The same thing happened to me yesterday. I literally wondered around the kitchen for a while looking in all the cupboards and refrigerator. Its annoying and frustrating but the best thing to do is to separate yourself from the temptation, In my case I took a walk, drank extra water, and went back home around dinner time to which I helped myself to a high protein and high fiber meal. Generally light exercise works (for me) but if I do too much it sometimes backfires and I am even more hungry.
  • OspreyVista
    OspreyVista Posts: 464 Member
    There could be several reasons. I'm guessing 2...:

    Not eating filling foods or eating junk food or both.
    Your not eating enough. I don't know what your calorie intake is, so I couldn't really say whether it's that or not. But it does sound like your just not eating enough. If your body is telling you your hungry, then you should probably eat. Look into more filling foods/eat more. It's okay to eat if your hungry. Try to eat healthy foods and try to get foods that are filling. :)

    Just a guess, but it does sound like your eating too little.
  • Dstrand1
    Dstrand1 Posts: 15 Member
    Sometimes your cycle can affect your hunger....
  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
    Could try to help if your diary was open....
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    How many calories are you eating each day? Do you eat extra on days when you workout?

    Most times when people post this question it's because they just aren't eating enough. Or it might just be part of your cycle as Dstrand says.

    If it's not that your calories are too low - try eating a healthy snack, drinking some water and distracting yourself. And remember that as long as you eat less than your maintenance calories you still have a deficit and can still lose weight. I think it takes a bit of time to work out what is the right deficit for you, you need to find something that is sustainable for the long term, otherwise all this effort you are putting in now is just a waste of time.
  • My diary is open now =]
  • I eat 1470 a day. I have had about 2-3 cheat days but nothing major as in 2000 plus a day. I try to eat real whole-foods, no chemical sweeteners and I do not eat out hardly. I did eat some 2 small snicker minis today, but honestly, I woke up starving today and it stayed with me all day. Even now I am arguing with myself about rummaging through my kitchen cabinets.
  • How do I figure my maintenance calories ?
  • ixap
    ixap Posts: 675 Member
    I have days like that sometimes. No idea why as far as the timing, it seems random to me.
    If I'm truly hungry, physically hungry, I just eat something and don't worry about it. I just try to pick something pretty filling w/o crazy calories, like greek yogurt or some veggies and hummus.
  • lightweightdiva
    lightweightdiva Posts: 41 Member
    Any day that I'm especially hungry it's almost ALWAYS a day that I'm low in protein!
  • your BMR- basal metabolic rate- and there is one under the Apps and then Tools.
  • Joanne_Moniz
    Joanne_Moniz Posts: 347 Member
    Watch your sugar intake... Keep it at 20 grams... More than that and your appetite hormones, Leptin and Grehlin, do not work. You WILL have to buy a new wardrobe if you can stay at 20 grams of sugar!!
  • I like this!! :love:
  • Thank you!
  • uhaq1
    uhaq1 Posts: 6 Member
    a few tips,
    eat slowly,
    drink alot of water
    eat healthy foods to fill the hunger after ur meal
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Looking at your diary you are going very light on protein that could be why you feel so hungry. I would cut carbs to 100 and up protein to 100+

    Good choice for increasing protein is Dannon Light & Fit Greek Yogurt - fewer calories at 80, half the carbs of other brands (9), larger portion and much creamier.
  • bilberryjam
    bilberryjam Posts: 72 Member
    Is it cold where you live?

    I was eating very lightly in the summer (soups, salads) but as soon as the cold, dark night hit my body start making like the House of Stark and preparing for winter. It's as if it doesn't know there's plenty of insulation/fat already, thank you very much. I just want to stay home and eat potatoes and melted cheese.

    The other thing, looking at your diary over the last week (and this is something I need to master myself) is eating regularly. If you skip meals, your blood sugar will get out of whack and, when you're hungry, you're more likely to make poor choices. At least I am.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    How do I figure my maintenance calories ?
    The best way is to eat up to maintenance to where you aren't gaining weight. TDEE predictions can serve as a rough estimate, though. I prefer the Katch-McKardle formulas personally since it considers lean body mass.
  • I am looking that up right now!
  • Is it cold where you live?

    I was eating very lightly in the summer (soups, salads) but as soon as the cold, dark night hit my body start making like the House of Stark and preparing for winter. It's as if it doesn't know there's plenty of insulation/fat already, thank you very much. I just want to stay home and eat potatoes and melted cheese.

    The other thing, looking at your diary over the last week (and this is something I need to master myself) is eating regularly. If you skip meals, your blood sugar will get out of whack and, when you're hungry, you're more likely to make poor choices. At least I am.

    It has turned cold, and yes I want warm, bready, cheesy things! It is not good...