Discouraged need support

I am feeling discouraged today. Originally I was allright, I exercised and had a good day food wise. Now here I am looking for a more recent picture of me, and I literally have 2 recent pictures of myself, and all my old photos make me sad. I really want to look like I did even a year ago. I wish I understood where this weight I am trying to lose came from... :-(


  • drh1111
    drh1111 Posts: 46 Member
    This is hard for me, but I have to think about the long range goal. If I look at it on a daily basis, I get real discouraged. Good luck. I really hope it gets better.
  • long range is good, but bad days suck, and I seem to be having one and cant seem to get over it.
  • I find I have to think about the short term goals as opposed to long term. Yes I understand it's a lifestyle change too, but I get frustrated when I don't see results. I think about how in 1 month how great I will feel and set mini goals of weight loss. I feel like if I think about how I want to lose over 50 pounds I get overwhelmed, so instead I think about how I will celebrate when I lose 5 pounds and I set a time goal for it.

    I so understand your question of "where did this come from".. It really does sneak up on you. A few unhealthy choices and it seems like you one day wake up unhappy and overweight. I too hope to get back to a weight I used to be, not even for looks, but for health reasons. Right now I am struggling with borderline type 2 diabetes. My doctor continues to tell me to just lose weight and it will work itself out.

    Everyday isn't easy, but just take one day at a time. You CAN do this :) and you know you can message me any time to chat about it!
  • Leahbcc
    Leahbcc Posts: 38 Member
    I am a photographer ...who well always looks at the photo for what it is and the moment not what I look like. Recall and reflect on the moment not the photo or how you look. The photo I see of you is a women who is spirted, open, honest, caring, confindent, sweet, giving, kind, and VERY BEAUTIFUL. We all have off days. Best thing to do is to get past it and not dwell on it...not easy and the little voices that tell you other wise shut them out. For me I think of it as a "project" ... I wish you all the best and know how great you are doing. :flowerforyou:
  • quiltingducky
    quiltingducky Posts: 103 Member
    long range is good, but bad days suck, and I seem to be having one and cant seem to get over it.

    Everyone has bad days - trust me. Just know that as long as you are eating with a deficit but not starving yourself, results will come. It may not be in the time frame that we set, but it will happen. The body is a tricky machine and each one is different. We do not lose weight at the same rate and I know that seeing people with nice losses week after week can get discouraging. Take me - I've been pretty much the same weight for the last 3 weeks and I've been following my plan eating within limits, trying to drink more water, and riding a stationary bike from time to time. Turns out I was holding onto weight for whatever reason (hormones is most likely my reason), not gaining but just not losing. Tomorrow is my weigh day, and from me stepping on the scale a few days back, I know that this is the week it will pay off.

    I see you just joined in October. Try to give yourself 60 days on your plan here. I used to give up on all my other "diets" usually by 6 weeks after the initial period of euphoria from the first weeks of weight loss wore off. Your body is trying to adjust to these changes you want to make - give it time. I told myself that if I could just make it 60 days that I would have a fighting chance of sticking with it. I am eating within reason too, not starving myself with 1200 calories, so that may be the difference this time for me as well.

    My advice is to read the boards and see that change for most doesn't happen overnight and that everyone has stumbling blocks to overcome. Give yourself reasonable expectations and don't stress about how long it takes. This is your journey and it will happen in your time, not the rest of the world's. That fact that you expressed your discouragement is great instead of keeping it bottled up inside. I wish you good luck in your journey :)