Ab work without strain?

Are there any ab exercises that don't create neck and back strain like crunches and sit ups do? I feel like I need a stronger core to do these exercises without hurting myself yet I can't get any stronger without hurting myself in the process =/


  • Troublemonster
    Troublemonster Posts: 223 Member
    you could try plank holds on your elbows, those are a pretty good workout and shouldn't cause much stress to the back or neck
  • oohmercyme
    oohmercyme Posts: 279 Member
    Yoga and pilates are great for strengthening your core.
  • myfitnesslife75
    myfitnesslife75 Posts: 163 Member
    If you're having neck pain while doing crunches, you're pulling on your neck which is a no-no. Finger tips behind the ears and just touching. Not hanging onto. Look at the ceiling and make your abs do the work.

    Belly dancing is excellent for core work too.
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    If you're having neck pain while doing crunches, you're pulling on your neck which is a no-no. Finger tips behind the ears and just touching. Not hanging onto. Look at the ceiling and make your abs do the work.

    Belly dancing is excellent for core work too.
    This, plus planks (which have already been mentioned), wood chops, dead bug, inch worm, captain's chair. However, nothing gets my abs more tired than squats and deadlifts.
  • Reverse crunches and knee ups........ Do you have a bar you can hang from? Bring both your knees up to your abs. Do lots of them. Do some of them, with a twist, as your knees come up. I have neck problems too. You really still can do any kind of crunches and sit ups, just make sure you are making your abs do the work, dont pull on your neck, only fingertips behind your ears, as someone else here said.
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member


  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    sit ups can wreak havoc on your back but... crunches? They barely register as exercise. How are you doing them?
  • How are crunches not even exercise? O_o I find them far more effective than sit ups...

    I do pilates ab workouts, they tend to require you to hold a crunch for a long period of time and I get a lot of strain in my lower back. I know that to stop the strain you need to let your abs do the work but my abs aren't strong enough yet so...

    I will have to google all these workouts, thanks guys =)
  • Troublemonster
    Troublemonster Posts: 223 Member
    Just wanted to echo those who mentioned squats and deadlifts, and overhead presses as ab workouts. These massive compound movements have done more to strengthen my core than I thought was possible. Flat-land sit ups are now ridiculously easy and I credit squats for that more than anything.
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    I started doing pilates and learned about the deep core muscles and learned how to properly switch them on and to use them. I would reccomend finding a GOOD pilates instructor (there are so many bad ones out there). You'll never look back
  • jennahowden
    jennahowden Posts: 34 Member
    gmallan I wish I could like your comment! I'm doing Clinical Pilates with my physio and my core is getting so strong! Even my abs are defined. Win win I say. I recommend getting an exercise ball. My favourite core strengthening exercises at the moment are:
    Pike Jackknife -Get into the push up position but rest your lower shins on the ball. Use your core muscles to lift your bum as high in the air as possible then back down. Making sure the movements are slow and controlled. LOVE THIS ONE!

    Slalem Tucks -Same push up position with you shins on the ball. Slowly alternating bring both your knees to each shoulder, returning to said push up position between reps.

    Circus Trick 1 -I guess the physio didn't have another name for it. Do you remember as a kid laying down on your back and bringing your legs over your head lifting your back off the floor? Well one of the tricks is like this. Except, you hold the big exercise ball between your feet whilst doing it. Try to make sure that once you lift the ball off the ground with your feet that your legs remain reasonably straight. Tap the ball behind your head, then tap the floor with bent legs when finishing each rep.

    Circus Trick 2 -Lay on your back. Grab the ball with your feet and hold it in the air with straight legs. Slowly rotate the ball with your feet, in a scissor like motion. This is amazing for the core!
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    Yoga and pilates are great for strengthening your core.

    she stole my answer. c:
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    Pilates. Make sure you take a class with Pilates because a live instructor can show you modifications for your strength level. If you start out with the modified moves, you will quickly build enough strength to do the more advanced ones.