some advice please



  • Great! Thanks for that clip. There is evidence supporting both sides of the "breakfast" debate. All you have to do is google "eating breakfast" and you could read a bunch of articles that say why or why not to. Like with anything else, this is where we as individuals need to choose which road we want to go down. If it doesn't work for you then try another alternative. I'd never survive my morning run without something to eat first!
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    ok, I've had a look at your diary, and from what I can see you ate strawberries once, and potato twice in two weeks. thats 3 servings of vegetables in 2 weeks.

    days like this:

    M&S - Toasted Triple Bacon & Cheese Club Sandwich, 1 portion 630 48 33 32
    Mc Donald's - Small French Fries, 1 Sm. Bag 230 29 11 3
    Tim Hortons - Toasted Chicken Club Sandwich, White Roll, Regular, According to Website, 0.5 sandwich 195 27 4 14
    1,055 104 48 49
    Tescos - New York Cheese Cake, 1 cake

    are not good for you. 5 servings of fruit and vegetables a day. you didn't average 1 a day from your diary. at 1400 cals, or any intake for that matter, its important to eat a nutritionally balanced diet to avoid deficiencies and the ramifications for your health.

    I saw you the only breakfast you had was a milky way bar for breakfast!! that will make you crave sugar and carbs all day!

    if you are eating 1400 calories, you need to take extra care to balance your diet, and the kind of foods you are eating could be hindering the weight loss.

    I agree with this. I also looked at your food diary. It's really important to not only track the calorie number, but to make sure that you are getting proper nutrients and eating the right amount of what your body needs. Be sure to have all of your servings of vegetables and fruits, healthy oil, whole grains, low fat dairy, and your lean meats.
  • sharonole
    sharonole Posts: 15 Member
    ok, I've had a look at your diary, and from what I can see you ate strawberries once, and potato twice in two weeks. thats 3 servings of vegetables in 2 weeks.

    days like this:

    M&S - Toasted Triple Bacon & Cheese Club Sandwich, 1 portion 630 48 33 32
    Mc Donald's - Small French Fries, 1 Sm. Bag 230 29 11 3
    Tim Hortons - Toasted Chicken Club Sandwich, White Roll, Regular, According to Website, 0.5 sandwich 195 27 4 14
    1,055 104 48 49
    Tescos - New York Cheese Cake, 1 cake

    are not good for you. 5 servings of fruit and vegetables a day. you didn't average 1 a day from your diary. at 1400 cals, or any intake for that matter, its important to eat a nutritionally balanced diet to avoid deficiencies and the ramifications for your health.

    I saw you the only breakfast you had was a milky way bar for breakfast!! that will make you crave sugar and carbs all day!

    if you are eating 1400 calories, you need to take extra care to balance your diet, and the kind of foods you are eating could be hindering the weight loss.

    oh i know what you mean. The above however were actually home made sandwhich/fries etc i put them in as those brand name to ensure i was counting calories properly instead of just guessing. Ya back on the F&V this week properly. i would nearly always have veg with my dinner. but i guess i have to be more strict with it...... thanks for he advice though!!!
  • I don't usually post on forums because sometimes people come off a little too aggressively for me! I'm such a wimp LOL. But I really want to interact on here to get the most out of it! Thank you for your supporting evidence Dave! I'm eager to take a look at it :o)
  • sunshine_gem
    sunshine_gem Posts: 390 Member
    Great! Thanks for that clip. There is evidence supporting both sides of the "breakfast" debate. All you have to do is google "eating breakfast" and you could read a bunch of articles that say why or why not to. Like with anything else, this is where we as individuals need to choose which road we want to go down. If it doesn't work for you then try another alternative. I'd never survive my morning run without something to eat first!

    No probs. Like I said, if what you're doing is working for you then that's great and keep at it. I just dislike it when people say you must do this or you must do that so I like to offer alternative options. :-)
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Actually, fasting in the morning is very beneficial.

    Your insulin sensitivity is highest when you wake up, and your body is in fat burning mode.

    If you eat something, it will spike your insulin, and all fat burning will halt.

    Other bad stuff will happen, but it's best to wait at least 3 hours after waking up to eat anything.

    Coffee with heavy cream is okay, though.

    If I were you, OP, I would look into eating less or no grains.

    Not this - sorry, but this goes against every nutritional guide out there - you have already fasted for the overnight while you slept - your body needs fuel - and the insulin is used to tell your muscles to burn the fuel in a specific order. Please check in with a nutritionist, or your doctor. like I said before - we all are different and what works for one does not necessarily work for another. There is never an instance where adding heavy cream to your body is a good idea - it blocks arteries and digests slowly directly into fat! spend $100 for a nutritionist, dietician consult - well worth your money and your health!

    Which is exactly why the rubbish is called "conventional wisdom"..

    I've taken nutritional classes that go along with an exercise science degree and I've found them all to be a crock of *kitten*. It's based off government recommendations. Yeah, I'll go ahead and trust them on that one.. :huh:

    I'm not going to waste my breath (fingers) trying to convince someone to do what I do. I'm just sharing what I know and what I've found works.

    Fat burning is the highest in the morning and waiting at least 3 hours after waking helps to burn more fat than spiking your insulin with oatmeal and causing cells to grow. Yes, muscle cells, but also fat cells.

    ETA: Insulin does not direct your body to burn certain fuels. Insulin's only job is to alert your cells' tGLUTs to come to the surface of the cell to absorb the glucose floating through your bloodstream.
  • annie786
    annie786 Posts: 27 Member
    I had the same situation as you- I work out and loose… once I joined MFP in September, I was watching more of all the changes happening and not happening. Tracking food and exercise- food was always an issue for me as I really enjoy exercising. So now since MFP, I have been able to track a lost 5 pounds in 50 days – that’s seems ok and healthy to me.
    At first I lost 2 pounds and then was stuck for quite a while at the same weight. But I keep on going, as I know the slower the better and more lasting my change will be.
    Also for your diary entries- if your food is homemade- always enter the first word in search box as “homemade” for example- If I have fries at home, I type homemade fries – and then find accordingly – or even generic…. If we put fast food names, we will always have more calories for a mcd’s hamburger than a homemade one.
    If you like you can add me as your MFP friend, and I can keep motivating you  cheers – and good luck- you can do this! :happy:
  • DorisInTheDena
    DorisInTheDena Posts: 151 Member
    You can do what you want BUT I am telling you that I am 90 pounds less than I was 12 years ago. Twelve years ago I started eating breakfast. It has helped ME.
  • sharonole
    sharonole Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks Guys
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    Breakfast is good for you. It is good for your body (assuming what you eat is healthy). These are not myths.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Breakfast is good for you. It is good for your body (assuming what you eat is healthy). These are not myths.

    it is true that healthy food is good for your body. whenever you decide to eat it. no one said that is a myth.

    what is a myth is the notion that you must eat breakfast to "start" your metabolism

    and what is a myth is the notion that not eating breakfast will slow your metabolism down
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Breakfast is good for you. It is good for your body (assuming what you eat is healthy). These are not myths.

    it is true that healthy food is good for your body. whenever you decide to eat it. no one said that is a myth.

    what is a myth is the notion that you must eat breakfast to "start" your metabolism

    and what is a myth is the notion that not eating breakfast will slow your metabolism down

    ^ This is correct.

    To the person asking for something to back up Dave's claims, please see the attached links within the below post.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Also, while I do loosely practice IF:

    Total energy balance and macronutrient intake will dictate net change in fat. There certainly is some research supporting IF, but I really think it's stepping into "bold claim" territory to claim that eating breakfast is now bad because it blunts fat loss, much in the same way that I think it's ridiculous to claim that any given meal frequency will optimize fat loss (such as trying to "stoke your metabolism" by eating several small meals).

    Dietary adherence and personal preference far outrank any minimal effects given by following any nutrient timing protocols.
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    Breakfast is good for you. It is good for your body (assuming what you eat is healthy). These are not myths.

    it is true that healthy food is good for your body. whenever you decide to eat it. no one said that is a myth.

    what is a myth is the notion that you must eat breakfast to "start" your metabolism

    and what is a myth is the notion that not eating breakfast will slow your metabolism down

    ^ This is correct.

    To the person asking for something to back up Dave's claims, please see the attached links within the below post.

    Ah, that is informative indeed. I agree, I find it really hard to eat 6 small meals and such a day. I never have. Its always been 3 meals for me.

    All I'm saying is that breakfast is not bad for you, which some people in the post seem to believe. I've skimmed a few studies on long term weight loss when eating breakfast, and while the smaller percentage of people who reported not eating breakfast also reported maintaining weight loss, it is more often than not recommended to eat breakfast in the morning, as the much larger of percentage of people stating they ate breakfast regularly also stated maintaining weight loss.
    Well, in whether or not it kickstarts metabolism, it sure as heck staves off hunger (again, assuming its healthy and high fiber and such). Whenever I skip breakfast I have a tendency to overeat during lunch.

    Lets not also forget the benefits of eating in the morning, as its not purely about weight loss or gain. Breakfast is good for the brain.

    That and eggs and a lisce of toast for breakfast are gosh darn tasty!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    All of which may or may not have anything to do with the OP's original issue.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Breakfast is good for you. It is good for your body (assuming what you eat is healthy). These are not myths.

    Literally speaking, breakfast is the name of the first meal of the day no matter what time you eat it. It means "breaking the fast". So if you sleep all day and eat at 6:00 PM, it's still breakfast.