
theluckduck Posts: 6
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
good morning,

I am relatively new to this site and am looking for support while I begin my quest to get healthy. I would appreciate friends and words of encouragement, as I will also be an encouragement to you.

I am beginning p90x as of two weeks yesterday (monday). I am gearing up for it and am excited about doing it. please stop by and wish me luck and any words of encouragement that you might have - especially if you are currently doing the p90x program, or have completed it. thanks very much.



  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    P90x is great, I am just starting round 3 myself, with changes to the non-resistance training routines. Good luck and keep us posted on your progress and results.
  • Krysta64
    Krysta64 Posts: 1
    What is that program....have never heard of it before.
  • racin65
    racin65 Posts: 21
    I too am doing P90X, and am completing week 8, the 1st 30 days were challenging but the workouts get easier. The 2nd 30 days is now when I am noticing more changes in body composition. With the help of this website I've also been keeping track of nutrition for past 30 days too. The combination of P90X and this website is sure to help you meet your goals. I am available as well if you have an questions along the way. Good luck & BRING IT!!!
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    Hello Daniel! I am doing P90X also, on wk 6 and LOVE IT!! With this website added to it, has really helped me be concious of what I am eating! Great Combination! P90x was a bit of a challenge at first, but I am very happy with my progress so far!
    Good luck to you!!
  • Hi:smile: Welcome and good luck to you. I started the p90 program yesterday!!!!! I am feeling it today!!! This web site is wonderful and you will get all the support you need. Good luck!!!!!!
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    I've been interested in trying P90X. It looks like an awesome fun/masochistic work out. haha

    I'm not very athletic - 30mins cardio 3x/week, weights 2x/wk. So, my question is, can a novice do this? Or do I need to ramp up my gym routine before attempting?
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    I've been interested in trying P90X. It looks like an awesome fun/masochistic work out. haha

    I'm not very athletic - 30mins cardio 3x/week, weights 2x/wk. So, my question is, can a novice do this? Or do I need to ramp up my gym routine before attempting?

    P90X is designed for "fit" people, there is a fit test that they have you take prior to starting, it includes things such as being able to do x number of push ups, 1 unassisted pull up for women, 3 for men among other exercises. If you pass the test you are ready to take on P90X.

    Most people would suggest starting with Power 90 which as a pre-curser to P90X. If you don't currently do much resistance training I would suggest upping that for a few months then move on to P90X, it is not a beginners program.
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    Ahhh. Thanks for the info!
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    I've been interested in trying P90X. It looks like an awesome fun/masochistic work out. haha

    I'm not very athletic - 30mins cardio 3x/week, weights 2x/wk. So, my question is, can a novice do this? Or do I need to ramp up my gym routine before attempting?

    P90X is designed for "fit" people, there is a fit test that they have you take prior to starting, it includes things such as being able to do x number of push ups, 1 unassisted pull up for women, 3 for men among other exercises. If you pass the test you are ready to take on P90X.

    Most people would suggest starting with Power 90 which as a pre-curser to P90X. If you don't currently do much resistance training I would suggest upping that for a few months then move on to P90X, it is not a beginners program.

    I have to disagree with this! I did the fit test and could do the majority of it, BUT I could not do 1 pushup nor could I do assisted pull ups! but I started it anyway.....and 6 weeks later I am still doing it! I do push ups on my knees and use the bands instead of the pullup bar......it is probably best to start power 90....but I didnt and I love p90X and I am getting stronger every week. I can do so much more than when I started!
    So if u want to start it DO IT!! LOL!
  • racin65
    racin65 Posts: 21
    I agree, I was no fitness girl when I started P90X either, push ups were on my knees. Due to mastectomy with latissimus dori reconstruction I am using resistance bands. But now at 60 days, I am doing push ups mostly like I'm supposed to instead of on my knees. I am also getting closer to doing at least chin ups on the bar instead of resistance bands. If I can get there, then most anyone else should be able to do it as well. P90X is awesome, the workouts make you feel that you are making positive changes every day. Don't spend time getting ready for this workout. Just my opinion!:smooched:
  • countingdown
    countingdown Posts: 25 Member
    I agree, I was no fitness girl when I started P90X either, push ups were on my knees. Due to mastectomy with latissimus dori reconstruction I am using resistance bands. But now at 60 days, I am doing push ups mostly like I'm supposed to instead of on my knees. I am also getting closer to doing at least chin ups on the bar instead of resistance bands. If I can get there, then most anyone else should be able to do it as well. P90X is awesome, the workouts make you feel that you are making positive changes every day. Don't spend time getting ready for this workout. Just my opinion!:smooched:

    I would have to agree with you ladies. I just started. Still in my first week. I was also hesitant and thought that I should I get stronger before trying. I can do neither an unassisted pull up nor more than 3 regular push ups, but I am making through the video and feel such a great sense of accomplishment when I do. I say go for it. You'll know if it's for you or not. If not put it away and try again later. Personally, I love it.
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