What to eat before an early morning workout?



  • anmarshall5
    anmarshall5 Posts: 2 Member
    I always always ALWAYS eat oatmeal in the morning. I eat plain oats (but I add stuff) that I buy in bulk, or the big cartons of plain Quaker are fine too, just not the flavored sugared up kinds. It's the only thing that's gentle and easy on my stomach (for right before a workout, and especially early in the morning) and keeps me full (several hours) until lunch. It's a great source of fiber and long-burning carbs. Of course, I try to eat right after a workout too, a banana at least, sometimes a protein shake. I can eat a full bowl of oatmeal (I usually eat 1/3 cup) literally 5-10 minutes before long runs and hard workouts. I've eaten oatmeal immediately before a 5k I have found that having peanut butter (super source of protein) sometimes doesn't taste so good when you're running hard and you burp it. (Gross I know, but seriously it happens!)
    Have you tried soy protein for protein shakes? I make my oatmeal (1/3 c oats + 2/3 c water in microwave for 1 minute), add 2 fruits, either frozen blueberries (micro another 30 min) and sliced strawberries, or strawberries and bananas. Then you can sweeten it with turbinado (or splenda if you prefer) but instead of any sweeteners I use vanilla cream flavored protein powder to sweeten it and pump up the protein factor. I've used both soy and whey protein (not sure about your take on soy protein-dairy or no?). For me the tastes are comparable. So basically, I eat: 1/3 c oats, 1/4-1/2 c blueberries, 1 scoop of protein powder, then add whatever other fruit -strawberries, bananas, whatever. Also, bananas are high in sugars so just having bananas in it sweeten the plain oatmeal pretty well. It's also good to just use sweetener and cinnamon if you like it plainer. For me it's a good strong breakfast for around 300-400 ish calories.
    Good luck! I hope this works for you! Let me know if you have any questions or anything. I prefer steel cut oats over instant oats, they're less processed and have a better texture for my taste.
  • Pohudet
    Pohudet Posts: 179 Member
    When I used to work out early in the morning, I used to eat a piece of fruit and drink one small diet Red Bull in the car on my way to the gym.
    Now I only work out in the morning on Saturdays when I do not have to go to work. My class is at 9:30, so I have plenty of time to have a cup of coffee and a piece of toast with jam and butter one hour before the workout.
    I cannot eat my normal oatmeal breakfast because I do not want my stomach to be full while doing an intense workout.
    For your situation, I would drink a glass of water first thing, and then 30 min later a piece of fruit (but not a banana).
  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
    If I drink only coffee before an early workout, I have energy x 1000 and don't feel hungry. The eating part happens when the workout is over. Bananas are a good pre or post workout snack.
  • alimounce
    alimounce Posts: 9 Member
    I always always ALWAYS eat oatmeal in the morning. I eat plain oats (but I add stuff) that I buy in bulk, or the big cartons of plain Quaker are fine too, just not the flavored sugared up kinds. It's the only thing that's gentle and easy on my stomach (for right before a workout, and especially early in the morning) and keeps me full (several hours) until lunch. It's a great source of fiber and long-burning carbs. Of course, I try to eat right after a workout too, a banana at least, sometimes a protein shake. I can eat a full bowl of oatmeal (I usually eat 1/3 cup) literally 5-10 minutes before long runs and hard workouts. I've eaten oatmeal immediately before a 5k I have found that having peanut butter (super source of protein) sometimes doesn't taste so good when you're running hard and you burp it. (Gross I know, but seriously it happens!)
    Have you tried soy protein for protein shakes? I make my oatmeal (1/3 c oats + 2/3 c water in microwave for 1 minute), add 2 fruits, either frozen blueberries (micro another 30 min) and sliced strawberries, or strawberries and bananas. Then you can sweeten it with turbinado (or splenda if you prefer) but instead of any sweeteners I use vanilla cream flavored protein powder to sweeten it and pump up the protein factor. I've used both soy and whey protein (not sure about your take on soy protein-dairy or no?). For me the tastes are comparable. So basically, I eat: 1/3 c oats, 1/4-1/2 c blueberries, 1 scoop of protein powder, then add whatever other fruit -strawberries, bananas, whatever. Also, bananas are high in sugars so just having bananas in it sweeten the plain oatmeal pretty well. It's also good to just use sweetener and cinnamon if you like it plainer. For me it's a good strong breakfast for around 300-400 ish calories.
    Good luck! I hope this works for you! Let me know if you have any questions or anything. I prefer steel cut oats over instant oats, they're less processed and have a better texture for my taste.

    Thank you so much for this advice! I love oatmeal, usually the rolled oats kind but I'm going to give steel cut a try know that I know it exists! I stear clear of Soy (I've read some scary studies about Soy and women ...basically (and I'm no doctor) soy can effect the estrogen levels in women and since estrogen is a cancer feeding hormone, I'd rather not add to any risk I may already have of getting cancer) ... totally my preference and I'm sure there are many reports saying it's a myth, but I don't eat Soy. A lot of people have recommended a protein powder so I'm going to go looking for one that suits my allergies. And I never thought of putting it in oatmeal, fab idea! One thing you could clarify for me, do you add the protein and berries to your prework oatmeal, or are you saying you have a bit and then a bit more after with the protein and berries?!
    Thank you again, I appreciate your suggestion!