Not really new here-Just coming back

Hey everyone. I joined this site over a year ago and got off track, gave up and disappeared. I am back now with a renewed sense of determination and a renewed motivation to get my weight under control and be healthy and fit again. 6 years ago, I was in great shape and then slowly started gaining weight. I gained over 50 pounds in four years time and have been yo-yoing around gaining and losing 7 to 10 pounds at a time.

I need some motivational friends to help me stay on track this time. I want so badly to reach my goals so that I fit back into the lifestyle that I want for myself.


  • simplyme99
    simplyme99 Posts: 68 Member
    Welcome back... I am restarting too. We can do this!!
  • alortega730
    alortega730 Posts: 56 Member
    same thing happened to be. you guys can add me :)
  • just rejoined again today. i am 7 lbs heavier than when i joined last time. i have 38lbs to lose to get to goal. good luck in your weight loss journey:happy:
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    Sent a request. Looking to fill out my friends list as I am in the same situation. I lost a bunch here and got hurt, so I ahve some to lose again.
  • I am in the same boat....just rejoined after falling off the wagon big time....had lots of great friends before and would love to rebuild a support group to get and give support to/from. Wll add you folks and anyone feel free to add me!
  • Same here. Got off track, but now back.
  • theseus82
    theseus82 Posts: 255 Member
    Welcome back!

    I've stayed here but I've just now recommitted myself to losing weight. I've struggled this past year and have regained some weight. Overall, from 2006 I'm still down about 70 pounds. I'm going to get back on track and continue my program to lose weight.
  • roddernation
    roddernation Posts: 48 Member
    I just came back too! 50 pounds to go! Let's do this!
  • Hi, I'm new here. I have been working on losing weight since I had my baby back in February. Its a hard road. I ate too much candy this week. Time to get back into it.
  • hi welcome back, feel free to add me anyone.. im here for the long haul too ")
  • StephTink76
    StephTink76 Posts: 318 Member
    Friend request sent! :D

    Have a great one!

  • jdim1093
    jdim1093 Posts: 418 Member
    I run a group called "A Goal A Month" and we set monthly weight-loss goals. We track our weight in a spreadsheet. We support each other. Its a small group and members come and go. Let me know if you'd like to join! We're welcome to all shapes and sizes and fitness plans.

  • welcome back :) I just restarted also. Feel free to add me!
  • jnn0409
    jnn0409 Posts: 171 Member
    Welcome back, and good luck to you and everyone else. WE ALL CAN DO IT! I was going "strong" the beginning of this year and then fell off the wagon, just started back a little over a week ago. Feel free to add me, I try to motivate my friends and i'm also looking for friends to motivate me.