Implanon removal and weight loss

Hey there ladies, just wondering who among you have had the implanon removed, and I wondered if afterwards it had any effect on your rate of weight loss, whether good or bad? I'm about to get mine out tomorrow, after 3 years. I put on about 2 and a half stone, or around 35lbs, within a few months and I've always struggled to lose the weight despite being pretty healthy, watching my cals and doing a reasonable amount of exercise. Can I expect to struggle more, or does it become easier?

I know it'll affect me in it's own way, but would just like to hear your stories. :)


  • Anyone?
  • jillbrown725
    jillbrown725 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I just got my implanon out yesterday (painful, ugh). It was just after my 3 year mark but in the past 2 years I put on 35 pounds... I tried what seemed like everything to get rid of it but it just wouldn't come off! I became so frustrated with my weight and the crazy mood swings that I am pretty sure my husband wanted to either smother me with a pillow or leave..... Anywho, has anyone had any luck loosing the weight after the removal? I spoke with my doctor and she advised me that it can take some time but I should be able to drop the weight relatively easily. Hopefully someone has some words of wisdom or encouragement!! Thanks :)
  • I had to respond to this post after coming across it when I was researching Implanon. I had it in for 2 years and in those 2 years gained about 20 pounds that I could not get off. I had mine removed 3 weeks ago and have lost 6 pounds so far. The progesterone is known for causing weight gain in some and I definitely had that issue. I am glad to have it out and had to share so you know you're not the only one. My OB said she has taken more out of women than she has put in. Good luck and hope this helped.
  • Nottoobadyet
    Nottoobadyet Posts: 4 Member
    I've never used implanon myself but I work in this field.

    Implanon is a hormonal contraceptive, and like anything that plays with your hormones, can cause side effects such as weight gain or loss, mood swings, lowered libido, etc. It doesn't happen to everyone but does happen for some women.

    I'd say two things -

    - that weight gain may be totally unrelated to the implant, so dont get your hopes too high for once its out! If it was related then you should see it come off more easily as your hormones return to normal in the next few months (unless you are going straight onto another form of hormonal contraception, such as depo or the pill)
    - that in the future you might want to consider a non hormonal method, such as an IUD or a tubal ligation (surgical) depending on whether you plan to have any more children.
  • jemimasmum
    jemimasmum Posts: 249 Member
    I've had one for 2 years. Did not gain as a result of it - I had been v worried that would happen. Seem to be losing ok since I've put my mind to it. Other side effects not that brilliant!
    Just letting you know it varies.
  • kittiechaos
    kittiechaos Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I have been on contraception for about 10 years now. I first went on Depo at 17, and I put on three stone in a few months (I am 5ft 2 and was 8 1/2 stone, very trim), and have not been able to shift it since. Of course, my eating habits began to change on a sliding scale which didn't help, but I have always been really active, always walking everywhere, dancing, swimming whenever possible, and working on my feet. I had an implant in 2007, and a replacement one. Because I already had the weight, I didn't think anything of it, and I was assured that things would level out. They clearly didn't and I'm still averaging 12 st 4. I try to eat a balanced diet and remain mobile. I drink plenty of water and I was a trained chef, so I can make sensible choices in terms of food groups and portion sizes etc, but the fact is that no matter how much I exhaust myself, and how sensibly/little and often I eat, I am nearly always hungry, I always feel tired and sluggish, I have spots on my bum and backs of my legs, my joints hurt and when I have periods I have PMS, bloating, sore breasts etc for two weeks before, and a week during (5-6 week cycle, so for 3 weeks out of every 5-6, I feel like hell).

    Anyway, I had my implant out yesterday, so I'm going to keep another diary for the next 6 weeks to document any changes in weight, appearance and mood etc. I know it affects everyone differently but it's better to keep a log than to go on half-formed conjectures!
  • kissers84
    kissers84 Posts: 6 Member
    Just got mine taken out yesterday. I weighed around 210 when I had it put in and was about two and a half months postpartum (got up to 245 lbs with my son). I worked at a bank and sat in a chair all day long. Now I'm a stay at home mom and am way more active than I was at the bank, but I weigh 224 as of today. I've been exercising like crazy and staying within my calories, but my weight continues to go up. So frustrated. So I hope having it taken out was a good decision and that the weight will come off more easily. My goal for the end of the year is to be around 200. God would I be happy!!
  • kmahaulu
    kmahaulu Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I've just removed my impanon two days ago due to exercising changing my eating habits and not losing much weight in months. I've been on implanon for 2 1/2 years. As of today I have cramping & have dizziness , I'm just wondering how long will it take to get back to normal? & I pray my weight comes right off.
  • Did anyone lose weight after having implant took out had mine removed today had been dieting and not lost nothing I just stay at the same weight even if I eat loads I just stay the same so hoping now it's out might see some results ????
  • jamemia
    jamemia Posts: 11 Member

    I have the implant in my arm, this is my second one, which I got put in 6months ago, In the 3 years and 6 months that I have had it, I have gained two stone. Recently it has been getting me down as I have never ate so healthy or worked out as much as I do now in my entire life. I have been considering getting it removed to see if it will help me get back down to the weight I use to be- or even a little bit of significant weight loss.

    Is there anyone who has had it removed and have noticed a weight loss?
  • jamemia
    jamemia Posts: 11 Member
    Hello was wondering if you have lost weight since your implant removal as I am thinking of having mine removed for the same reasons that you did x
  • Amanda241174
    Amanda241174 Posts: 38 Member
    Thinking of getting mine removed for the same reasons. Hoping to see some more replies to see if others have lost weight after having theirs removed :)
  • I'm having mine removed in 3 days. Like so many have said on here I am sick of the mood swings and not being able to shift weight, I can eat 3 healthy meals a day and gain weight everyday. I have gone up to 150lbs+ and tried every diet going. Before I went on the implanon I was 110lbs. I am only 5'3".
  • Sunshine2plus2
    Sunshine2plus2 Posts: 1,492 Member
    I have mirena. It has not affected my weight loss.
  • I also gained a lot of weight with Implanon over the past 2 years. I just got it removed today (not fun!!!) and I'm hoping I will be able to lose weight faster now, as it's been a struggle up to this point.

    I switched to NuvaRing. Any weight loss stories/tips from any of you ladies on NuvaRing?
  • jamemia
    jamemia Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone, thought I would update you all as I got my implant removed a week ago now.

    I have in one week lost 4lbs. It isn't much but it is a good start and I am feeling optimistic.

    I am eating the same and exercising the same before I got it removed- because I wanted to see if it really is down to the implant. I am weighing myself weekly and on week one I am already happy. I will keep you all updated.

    My advice- get it out! I loved it as its great not to worry about contraception but it made me so miserable in the end
  • DamianaKitten
    DamianaKitten Posts: 479 Member
    I'm on my second implant, and didn't gain any weight with either. I've been losing inches (although, unsure of weight since I don't have a scale) steadily since I started tracking my calories.
  • DamianaKitten
    DamianaKitten Posts: 479 Member
    I have the implanon and in the time it has been in have lost over 20lb......I think it is unfair to blame weight gain on contraception, its what you put in your mouth that makes you fat.


    Your birth control might cause you to have an increased appetite, but it doesn't force food into your mouth. I gained weight when I stopped being active, and for a long time I justified the weight gain by saying "but, it's my birth control!" Since I've actively been watching my calorie intake and exercising, I am losing size.
  • any news on how those who posted earlier got on with weight loss?