Need more support

I would love to add a few more friends for support. I didn't lose any weight last week and I was a bit discouraged, but I need this to be my success story.

I am a mom to a 16 month old son. I have a degree in photography, but I work in the travel industry. I would love to open my own photography studio one day. First, I need to get this weight under control.


  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
  • photogirlchrissy
    Good there. Thanks :)
  • SJSharkie
    Hi there!

    What awesome goals you have set for yourself. You can do all this and more! I'm an amature photographer and admire the art so much.

    Would love to have a friend to encourage me too so add me if you're interested. :-)
  • simplyrere
    You can add me! I understand about the support and encouragement. We all need it and it truly helps. You can do this in fact we all can!!
  • Juliechilli
    Juliechilli Posts: 123 Member
    Add me :)
  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372
    While you are losing weight for yourself, this is a great opportunity for you to introduce your son to healthy foods that you are also eating. It makes it so you are doing this not just for yourself, but for your new little family too. Everyone gets healthy together.

    Make your goal to serve lots of veggies , cut up into little tiny pieces, and introduced in small quantities [over and over again - it takes 40 introductions for some kids to 'like' something]. Go crazy with your veggie imagination. You never know what a kid is going to like. It might not be the same things you like. Try okra, beans, snap peas, cooked beets, sweet potato chunks, baby salads with a little mild dressing to 'dip' their salad pieces in, radishes, celery, green onion pieces [tiny], cucumber, grape and cherry tomatoes. Go into the chinese veggie section and try daikon, bok choy. Add a new veggie to the repertoire every week.

    It's so fun to watch their little faces! After they've learned to like a few veggies, start introducing fruits - cut up cherries, apple, oranges, pears, starfruit, papaya, mango, tiny little coconut chunks, everything you can think of. If you make this a daily habit and always have fresh veggies available, your son will thank you for it later in life and you will be doing right by your new family and especially yourself.

    I wish I had done more of this when I was your age. My kids would not have developed the same poor eating habits I had and it would be easier to get them to try new things than it is now. My 15 year old won't eat a tomato to save his life.
