I need something else to do...

Ellipticals are boring. I do at least get to entertain myself by watching one of my favorite shows on the attached TV (M*A*S*H is usually on when I get there after work ;) ) but it's still a chore to go to the gym and push myself on the elliptical for 30 minutes.

I am not in shape by ANY means. Programs and videos and classes intimidate the hell out of me because I don't think I can complete the entire thing to the satisfaction of the instructor/myself/anyone else. I already know I'm not good enough for C25K because I had to come to a dead stop periodically and catch my breath even if I did manage to complete all 30 minutes. (Other people told me that. I thought I was doing fine but I had to ask...) So now I've got this mentality of "If I can't finish or keep up I can't count it."

I've got a membership to the YMCA. Pretty much all I have available is various cardio machines and various weight machines. There's a weird looking rowing machine that looks like it's made of wood and it's low to the ground but it's off to the side and in the middle of a walkway and I think it's only meant for people doing their little competition. Which is a shame... I love rowing.

I'm iffy about classes. There are classes offered, but the only ones I can make after work are ones I'm not interested in.

I do like sports. I just don't have anyone to play with.

So... ideas?


  • alsunrise
    alsunrise Posts: 386 Member
    You should try some of the classes... You might be shocked at what exercise you'll enjoy, plus it would be a great opportunity for you to do some socializing!
  • likeA_boss
    likeA_boss Posts: 26 Member
    Try the stairmaster. I throw a magazine up there with my headphones and pound through it. The magazine is just helpful for one: something to read; and two: inspiration!

    Go on the treadmill. Do a sort of program. Iphones have a zombie running app and it tels you when to run and walk.
    Or fast walk around town, ride your bike around town, or even just buy a workout at home video of whatever at the gym class you are interested in so you can get better at home until you've got the confidence to go!
    The bike[: Do the bike. Again, with a book or something else.

    In the beginning its hard to get your mind in the game but after a bit you won't need any of that[: goodluck!
  • osualex
    osualex Posts: 409 Member
    You can do Couch to 5k, even if you are stopping and catching your breath...especially if you are! Take as long as you need to complete each "week" even if it's 2 or 3 weeks. The program is meant to challenge you, those who told you to stop are wrong. When I started it I weighed around 190, got out of breath very fast, and my joints ached. Now I can run 30 mins nonstop with no issues.

    If you like it, stick to it! Don't worry about others and go at your own pace. Crank up the music and run!
  • AllergicToExercise
    AllergicToExercise Posts: 436 Member
    Have you tried Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred? It's only 25 mins a day but is an intensive workout. Search for it on the message boards and you'll find loads of people posting their results after completing it.
  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372
    Joyce Vedral videos. You can get them uber cheap on eBay and it doesn't cost much to outfit a home gym with a few hand weights and a bench. Try your local used sports equipment store.

    Hollycat :flowerforyou:
  • Sleepynita
    Here is my thought. Quit trying to be entertained. You want to know what is boring? Being obese, lonely and in declining health in a few years. THAT is boring.

    Don't rely on something to entertain you, put in a hard 15 to 30 minutes of sweat if that is what you can do, and go home and entertain yourself on the computer. I am bored walking around, but I can do it and then go home and be entertained.

    You will find your lung capacity improving greatly as you lose a few pounds and gain some endurance.
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    Ok first off...you need to only care about pleasing yourself.

    You will have to push through those 30 minutes every time...maybe forever as some people just never learn to like exercise...but just be consistent. If you like the row machine, check with someone there cuz I doubt any machine is off limits...and remember...others are there trying to accomplish the same thing as you.

    As far as Couch to 5K...it is no surprise that the first few times are going to nearly make you wanna puke and go home...but that's because your body isn't trained. It's ok to stop, take a breather...keep going. The goal isn't to get it right the first time..it's to start and keep trying until you get it right whether it takes 3 weeks or 3 months. Walk more if you have to...trust me...you are way too hard on yourself.

    Again...this does come down to that you have to make a commitment to this.
  • SunnyStef
    SunnyStef Posts: 22 Member
    Try Leslie Sansone DVDs. She is great and they are great for beginners. You can find some at Walmart. Or how about wearing a pedometer and setting a goal for yourself everyday? I hope you find something that works for you.
  • Pnknlvr96
    Pnknlvr96 Posts: 104 Member
    Exercise isn't always fun. Sometimes it's crazy boring. But when you're done, it feels good, so hopefully that leads to continuing to do it. Who cares if you start slow...at least you're doing something. I know it's hard, but don't compare yourself to anyone else at the gym. That's not fair to yourself.

    "No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everybody on the couch."

    You can do it!!!!!
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    I suggest you strength train, worked wonders for me.

    I recommend either of these programs. Simple, easy to understand...and you can google the exercises on Youtube to watch peoples form. Mark Rippetoe has good ones.


    Today I am doing Stronglifts Workout A
    Bench Press
    Barbell Rows.

    BOOM!...I have a feeling you may LOVE it.
  • nolachick85
    I was super nervous about trying classes too. I didn't know anyone and that paranoia that I would be judged for not doing well or completing was in the back of my mind. I decided to bite the bullet and go though. Who cares what anyone thinks? We are all there for the same reason. I found a girlfriend to go with and we had a great time. I am SO GLAD I did now. There are people of all shapes and sizes in classes and the instructors have seen them all. I would say, try it! Just one. If you are overwhelmed, at least you can say you tried!
  • Ta2dchic20
    Ta2dchic20 Posts: 376 Member
    I have a short attention span. When I go to the gym, I listen to my Ipod and watch TV (read the closed captioning). Some days it still sucks, but I am committed.
  • kimcalica
    kimcalica Posts: 525 Member
    I have found that music is my inspiration! Japanese pop to be precise! When I'm on the elliptical, the more intense the music gets, the more lost in it I get, and I don't pay any attention to the time.. The more endorphins I release, the more intense I feel, and my heart gets going and I feel great! Watching tv or reading never works for me.. Time drags.. When I'm going a million miles an hour to an amazing song, I'm in my own world, and it's cool as hell! Give it a try!
  • kathijen
    kathijen Posts: 14 Member
    Try an interval training...even the eliptical can be fun if you do an interval training session. I like Expresso bikes for boredom busters. They're like playing a video game while you're biking. Also, classes can be intimidating at first but a great way to get a good workout if you stick it out!
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    make a gym friend, do competitions on the little rowing machines or whatever.
    Expand your horizons. The more you do, the more you'll like it.

    ALL of my friends have atleast ONE thing they LOVE doing.
  • riaketty
    riaketty Posts: 17 Member
    Try Leslie Sansone DVDs. She is great and they are great for beginners. You can find some at Walmart. Or how about wearing a pedometer and setting a goal for yourself everyday? I hope you find something that works for you.

    DEFINITELY! She's great! She incorporates different walking steps, knee lifts, and small kicks, but she stresses that even just walking without all that stuff is a great workout. Her 1 mile only takes 15 min and really makes me smile.
  • junebaby21
    junebaby21 Posts: 260 Member
    I was super nervous about trying classes too. I didn't know anyone and that paranoia that I would be judged for not doing well or completing was in the back of my mind. I decided to bite the bullet and go though. Who cares what anyone thinks? We are all there for the same reason. I found a girlfriend to go with and we had a great time. I am SO GLAD I did now. There are people of all shapes and sizes in classes and the instructors have seen them all. I would say, try it! Just one. If you are overwhelmed, at least you can say you tried!

    I agree. Classes (and gyms in general) can be intimidating, but check with the people at the front desk or on the gym website for classes for beginners. The teacher will usually start by saying, "For anyone new, if you can't do ____ then do ____ instead." Bring a bottle of water and prepare to be sore the next day, but you will surely find a class that you love!
  • Kooraloo
    Kooraloo Posts: 362 Member
    Go for walks/runs/hikes outside. I can't run on a treadmill because I get so bored, but when I'm outdoors either street running or trail running I never get bored. Do C25k at your own pace, at first, for the first few weeks for me, it was run 2 minutes, walk 2 minutes and then suddenly it clicked and now I can run a consecutive 5k+.

    Swimming: Good workout and it's not boring unless you're doing absolutely awful long sets.

    Try one of the classes offered at your gym. Find one specifically for beginners. Sure, it SEEMS intimidating at first but it's not so bad.

    Ask around for pick up games and stuff if you really like sports, join a team (like, a masters age division or something).
  • ILoveTheBrowns
    ILoveTheBrowns Posts: 661 Member
    i like to throw boomerangs
  • IDCY843
    IDCY843 Posts: 78 Member
    sorry ilovemybugy, i didnt mean your english, i meant the OP's. got that a bit wrong. yesterday she would have battled to spell her own name correctly.