I need something else to do...



  • PittShkr
    PittShkr Posts: 1,000 Member
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    You can take dance lessons, or martial arts. Or if you're not into classes like that, go for a long walk in the park, go hiking, swimming. A lot of options out there.

    ETA; If you're not comfortable with the above mentioned, you could rock out in the privacy of your own room to your favorite songs :drinker:
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    Programs and videos and classes intimidate the hell out of me because I don't think I can complete the entire thing to the satisfaction of the instructor/myself/anyone else. I already know I'm not good enough for C25K because I had to come to a dead stop periodically and catch my breath even if I did manage to complete all 30 minutes. (Other people told me that. I thought I was doing fine but I had to ask...) So now I've got this mentality of "If I can't finish or keep up I can't count it."

    I've got a membership to the YMCA. Pretty much all I have available is various cardio machines and various weight machines. There's a weird looking rowing machine that looks like it's made of wood and it's low to the ground but it's off to the side and in the middle of a walkway and I think it's only meant for people doing their little competition. Which is a shame... I love rowing.

    (OK. I'll give it a shot - what the hell.) Try some of the videos or programs that people have mentioned - you can do them at home with nobody else around. It doesn't matter if you can finish them at the beginning or not - just give them all you've got.

    I doubt that the rowing machine is reserved for anyone - more likely it is a seldom used, older machine. Ask if you can use it or if somebody there can show you how.

    C25K is a b1tch when you start, if you're out of shape, but everybody has to start somewhere. Just do something - anything, get started and sweat your *kitten* off.

    And I agree with eight lifting as a great way to help get in shape. Just don't expect to start at or near the top and expect to progress slowly. Good luck.
  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    The only suggestion I have is for her to find something she does like to do. We've already established cooking and excercising are not them...

    I just hope she figures it out.
  • crazyellybean
    crazyellybean Posts: 999 Member
    You should try some of the classes... You might be shocked at what exercise you'll enjoy, plus it would be a great opportunity for you to do some socializing!

    I second this! I was very intimidated by classes at first, but then became addicted. No one is even paying attention to what you are or are not doing... Just go!
  • IDCY843
    IDCY843 Posts: 78 Member
    The only suggestion I have is for her to find something she does like to do. We've already established cooking and excercising are not them...

    I just hope she figures it out.

    Yeah, so do I
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Leslie Sansone walk at home DVD's, low impact, easy to follow
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    get the word can't out of your vocab! If you think you CAN'T do anything then you won't. Try the C25K again, go slow...if you are stopping to catch your breath then you need to run slower...I run half marathons at a 5:2 pace. I run for 5 minutes and speed walk for 2. It works. Try classes or videos...there is always someone who can't do them perfectly...its the new ones, you have to try and learn or you will never learn. You sound like you have good resources, you just need to get out there and try because you CAN!
  • Lalouse
    Lalouse Posts: 221 Member
    People have given lots of good suggestions.

    1) Have you tried finding/googling local sports? I don't know where you live, but I can google or go to meetup.com and find lots of open games like soccer, basketball, volleyball, and others. There are people just like you all around, and you don't all have to be best friends, but you might be able to find a regular sports meetup.

    2) Try classes, because as other said, you'll be surprised. I love cardio kickboxing, hate Zumba. If you are too intimidated to do them at the gym, you can usually find some videos on youtube or buy the dvds or I usually buy them for a cheaper rate from Amazon Video, which allows me to stream instantly. I moved and don't have a gym nearby, so I use the videos only now.

    3) Couch to 5k. I'm doing it, slowly. Week 1 took me 2 weeks. I'm in week 2 and think it'll take the same amount of time. It allows for walking and running.. and slowly builds you up. Highly suggested.

    Take a walk. Go bike riding. Do jumping jacks at home. Run in place.

    You have to find something you like to do. If you hate exercise, it'll never become a part of your lifestyle.

    Good luck!
  • NJSunshine13
    I read all the posts yesterday about not losing weight and I would like to say good for you for getting to the gym today. I hate going, but I push myself to do it. It's not always fun, but it's not about fun. It's about committment and results. We all have days we need to vent. I'm gonna chalk yesterday up as your vent day. Now time to refocus and hit the gym to start seeing results. I hope you had good food choices today too. Don't ruin a good workout by making any poor choices.
  • pearceda
    pearceda Posts: 29 Member
    Don't worry how you start the learnign to run program. Me and my wife started last year and we looked like beached whales trying to run. We couldn't go for more than a minute without stopping and walking. fast forward a year later and my wife has lost 60+ pounds, and I am down 30+ pounds. ( I was down more but have gained some back recently...need to get more active again). We both have completed several 5K races, I did a 5 mile eco-challange and completed a 5 miler road race, while my wife has completed several 10K road races. We just went with a friend (who runs marathons) last Sunday and completed 10K in 58 minutes. We are both now looking to complete a 1/2 marathon in May 2013. Don't worry about what others think of you and just do it for yourself and in no time at all you will become hooked on running...or at leats that is what we found. Good luck with your journey!
  • kimcalica
    kimcalica Posts: 525 Member
    Don't worry how you start the learnign to run program. Me and my wife started last year and we looked like beached whales trying to run. We couldn't go for more than a minute without stopping and walking. fast forward a year later and my wife has lost 60+ pounds, and I am down 30+ pounds. ( I was down more but have gained some back recently...need to get more active again). We both have completed several 5K races, I did a 5 mile eco-challange and completed a 5 miler road race, while my wife has completed several 10K road races. We just went with a friend (who runs marathons) last Sunday and completed 10K in 58 minutes. We are both now looking to complete a 1/2 marathon in May 2013. Don't worry about what others think of you and just do it for yourself and in no time at all you will become hooked on running...or at leats that is what we found. Good luck with your journey!

    right on man!! i'm with you on that one!! results are amazing though..even in a few weeks we see them! if we work hard!
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Run suicide sprints. 1 min sprint, 1 min break, rinse and repeat for 8-10 rounds.
  • rachelerwin
    rachelerwin Posts: 140 Member
    What about working with a personal trainer? They can teach you how to use the different machines and how to lift weights properly. I see one twice a week and he totally keeps me motivated. Knowing that someone is keeping track of my progress keeps me going.
  • starjumper12
    yoga was my gateway workout... specifically, bikram - it's really hard and so it's expected that you can't do all of it. start slow and do as much as you can, you'll build confidence as you find more and more range of motion and things that you can accomplish.

    yoga is a fabulous place to start because you build core that makes you more co-ordinated and stable and less likely to get hurt trying other new things. hot yoga is all the rage right now which also pre-warms muscles making it less likely that you'll hurt yourself.
  • jeddy3mcc
    jeddy3mcc Posts: 177 Member
    Hello again OP.

    Two things here. Despite what a lot of ppl think. The gym is a place where the majority of the ppl there are interested in one thing..... fitness. There is a lot that you have to learn to ignore at the gym. As far as the machines are concerned you are can have your pick at things that will in some way get you to a better, stronger you.

    The main thing I want to say is that you seem to have a lot of issues dealing with self and that is what is bringing about your negative outlook on this. I am not sure if you read my post from yesterday but you have to be focused for you. This thing called fitness is HARD and the road is LONG, but you have to make a decision to do it and you have to adopt a "whatever it takes" attitude. There are a lot of ppl who say it is ALWAYS supposed to be fun...have no idea what they are talking about. It is hard work, but the rewards of living a longer life and preventing desease is worth it. You have to ask yourself. Do i stay bored on the eliptical or do i develop some form of disease that is easily preventable (That is very extreme, but I hope you get my point) If you get bored on the eliptical, fine! that is understandable, but every machine in the gym is there to help make you better and improve your cardiovascular system. If believe you are not ready for C25K, that's fine too. Walking is something that can help as well. Please get it out of your head that, tt is not all about the number on the scale. There are times in your journey where you are gonna have gained 3 lbs, but your clothes fit better and that is ok, but you have to do away with this excuse attitude for not doing things, because that is not going to help you on your journey, it is only going to hinder you.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    You can always go from one cardio machine to another in 10 minute spurts.

    Do you have weight machines there or free weights? You could do 10-minute cardio spurts, then 10 minutes of weight training, then 10 more or machine - whatever fits into your schedule. It's really not that beneficial to go through the motions feeling totally bored.

    I set myself a goal of doing 1 mile in 30 minutes on the ArcTrainer last night. Wow - that's a lot of work. Making sure that I was halfway to my goal at the halfway point in my minutes, etc, kept me focused. So you can do that also - set goals and focus; go-go-go!
  • dorilou1969
    you know, some people have a harder time than others getting it all going. the fact that the OP is here at all, and posting, shows she wants to do something about getting healthier. Does it make people feel better about themselves when they make fun of the OP? Do you feel superior somehow? did you lose all or most of your weight and have quickly forgotten how hard it can be? If you think she is not trying or whatever it is you are thinking, why type that here? jut because she asked a question, you HAVE to jump in and be critical? would you do that in person? at an OA meeting? at a WW meeting? what the heck is wrong with some of you? You say, oh people ask questions and when they get honest answers they say we are being mean. NO, that is not what you are doing. You are not being honest in some helpful kind of way. You are being mean spirited and that says a lot about you as a person.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Just as I and others said in the post from yesterday, there are some other esteem issues that I would take care of first. You repeatedly talk about how folks are beating you up, you're beating yourself up, or you aren't good enough.

    When you feel that you have a life worth living, making it a healthier life will be a natural goal. MFP is a wonderful community for those seeking honest feedback about many things. There are those of us that have gone down a long road already and want to help other folks find their footing on their own path.

    Until you overcome the "I'm not good enough for X" issues, no workout... no diet... nor pizza hut or krispy kreme... nor raids or second life will fix that.

    Good luck finding your way.
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    I'm going to apologize in advance for sounding snarky because I don't wanna be mean. But your post sounds ridiculous to me. I have a Y membership too. I go about 6 days a week. I am 285 pounds. I take all the classes I can. I take H.E.A.T. and I finish dead last but I freakin finish. And all the fit people in the class cheer me on as I finish. I take Ripped and I try as hard as all the fit people. I take water aerobics which allows me to do harder callisthenics like jumping that are hard on my knees out of water. I take yoga. I make myself try new things. I do c25k. (Instead of doing a level a week, try doing each level for a month.) Don't act like it can't be done. If you want it bad enough it can. Saying you know you can't do it is giving yourself a free pass not to even try. When I started in July I couldn't even exercise a full hour. Now I work out 4 hours a day. You have to build up to your goals, you don't just find yourself ready to run a marathon one day. It won't be easy but it'll be worth it. Stop telling yourself you can't do it and laugh in the face of anyone who has the nerve to discourage you. I am doing more than I ever thought I could! I amaze myself sometimes. I crushed my October goals, and that's really saying something considering I set some pretty high goals for myself. In October alone I did 82 hours of cardio, did 201 miles, and burned 69,548 calories through exercise. If I can, you can. If you want it. The bright side to being the heaviest girl in the class? You burn more calories doing the same exercise! Stop worrying what other people think about you. Only 1 person has ever made a rude comment to me. Last week a skinny girl said to me in the warmup of a hard class that if I was that sweaty already I better find an easier class cuz its only gonna get harder. And I let her know I was sweaty because I had already been working out for 3 hrs and had just finished doing 12 miles. I also told her that if she knew how hard it was for someone my size to even walk into a class like that, she would keep her opinions to herself. Shut her up pretty quick. And I did the class with my head held high. But to be perfectly honest, a class doesn't go by when at least one person doesn't tell me what a great job I'm doing. People want to see us succeed. When I do my c25k and jog around the track people give me thumbs up or pats on the back all the time. I'm so proud of what I can do now. What are you going to be proud of in 3 months? Start now. Start small. Work your way up. Show the world you don't have to be skinny to jog. When I haul @$s it takes two trips, but I frickin do it. No more excuses. If you think you can't, you won't.