Looking for like minded friends

I've been using MFP for about a year, on and off. I got married in May and I've put on a good 15 pounds. I started moving, and logging about a month ago but I'm measuring with a tape measure not a scale. I find I obsess over the scale if it's in my house and it messes with my head. {Weighing multiple times a day etc}
I am feeling good, getting exercise and eating under right now. I just don't have friends here and I feel like I'm missing half the purpose :)
Here's a bit about me

Live in BC Canada
Have two dogs who I should actually walk
Going to Farrier Training school in April to shoe horses
Total Joss Whedon fangirl, like buy Buffy Season 8/9 in comics fangirl.

Anyone wants any info ask away and I'll answer as best I can.


  • Add me! I feel like im in the same boat. Only two of the people who are my "friends" log regularly, maybe we can help each other out.
  • mollz007
    mollz007 Posts: 168 Member
    Welcome! Ill send you a friend request! I am always looking for more MFP friends:)
  • tabbykat6802
    tabbykat6802 Posts: 233 Member
    I am sending a friend request.
    Joss is a GOD!
  • Cherylllyn
    Cherylllyn Posts: 114 Member
    I'm in. I just started MFP and have not meant anyone.
  • mcljess
    mcljess Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks everyone!
    It's slightly shocking to go from just seeing my picture in the feed to seeing a whole lot of people.
    I suppose I should give my weightloss journey so far.

    I've struggled with keeping myself 'fit' since I stopped competitively riding horses when I was 17. Since then I discovered I have to exercise or I will gain weight really quickly. (If I don't watch what I eat). I was not blessed with the fast metabolism, or height, to get away with eating and not thinking about it.

    I'm 5'2 and would be an hourglass if I was in my target weight range, right now I'm a pear.
    I go to Zumba twice a week and yoga once. I'm looking at starting kenpo later this month. I'm a carb fan, a savory fan, (instead of sweet), and a WINE fanatic. I am trying to go every other week alcohol free right now just to save on calories.
    I've struggled with binge eating since I was a teen, and now that I'm married and actually live in the same house as someone, that is thankfully not as easy to fall into. My husband is wonderful he loves and supports me no matter where I am at. I go up and down in weight a lot.
    I am fighting for a day where I will have incorporated enough good habits to stay down and maintain. I'm pretty sure it's not impossible :)

    Thanks for the join and I'll see you around the block!
  • norakcarolan
    norakcarolan Posts: 17 Member
    Feel free to add me! I am also 5'2" and have to work really, really hard to even maintain because I love to eat. :) I log every day... would love to lend any support, and vice versa! Good luck!
  • dexter4564
    dexter4564 Posts: 86 Member
    Joss Whedon (especially buffy) fanboy reporting in.
  • AsaraFuriosa
    AsaraFuriosa Posts: 293 Member
    I'm a total geek! :-B I've been on since January but altogether have lost about 94lbs I'm all about support and anyone's welcome to add me.

    PS Firefly is my ish!! I'd follow Capt Mal ANYWHERE!!
  • bonawolf
    bonawolf Posts: 6 Member
    Hello. I am an 18 year old freshman college student with a background of working with horses. When I came to college I had to leave my horse. Since working her was my usual form of exercise, I decidd to pick up running when I came to college. I decided to try this site to keep track of what I eat. My goal is to lose the freshman 15 instead of gaining it. Since I am new on here I am looking for new friends. Thank you for sharing your story!