Shoving Your Body In Their Faces

Not literally. But what I mean:

I know it's not helpful to lose weight or get in shape for someone else. And that's not what I'm doing, I'm doing it for myself. I go to the gym and work out 5 or 6 days per week for MYSELF because it makes me feel good, gives me confidence and joy. But I must admit, there are a few people I can't wait to show it off to.

1. My ex-fiance: he turned out to be a d*** (staying out all night in the first days home with our newborn, hitting on girls in FRONT of me (and my parents if that's not bad enough)). He's already kissing my butt to try to convince me to take him back but I just can't wait to SHOVE my fine butt in his face. As I walk away.
2. The ex roommate that ^^ slept with. Skank.
3. The ex before the ex-fiance: he said some awful things to me (like I was only allowed to be fat if I was pregnant) and was just generally a jerk. I run into him from time to time and just LOVE to see his jaw drop, again, as I walk away. ;-)

So, tell me your "shove it" people.


  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I don't really have a "shove it" person, but I would love to be looking awesome the next time I saw anyone from high school.
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member
    I haven't seen anyone from hs (other than one REALLY close friend) in a long time. It's kind of sad, but I feel like I need to be hot because I had a baby, like I'm making up for it. I have some confidence and self-criticism issues to get over..
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I haven't seen anyone from hs (other than one REALLY close friend) in a long time. It's kind of sad, but I feel like I need to be hot because I had a baby, like I'm making up for it. I have some confidence and self-criticism issues to get over..

    You are definitely not alone. I haven't seen anyone from high school because I moved right after, then I gained 100ish pounds. So to lose that and then some would make some jaws drop.
  • lisamichelle123
    lisamichelle123 Posts: 34 Member
    I get the most satisfaction out of turning down guys who wouldn't have given me a chance at ~50pounds heavier. Suddenly they're interested in my personality NOW? Yeah right! I also have a good friend who was also overweight a few years back, now he's a model and we walk around together with a big fat "take that!" to everyone who criticised us. That is the best reward! :)
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member
    I get the most satisfaction out of turning down guys who wouldn't have given me a chance at ~50pounds heavier. Suddenly they're interested in my personality NOW? Yeah right! I also have a good friend who was also overweight a few years back, now he's a model and we walk around together with a big fat "take that!" to everyone who criticised us. That is the best reward! :)

    LOVE it!! :-)
  • surromom2010
    surromom2010 Posts: 457 Member
    Not one specific person, but I've got a 5 year high school reunion coming up next year I'd love to look beastly at. And I will, thanks to insanity =)
  • BeckySue1977
    BeckySue1977 Posts: 91 Member
    Kinda did this already... My ex-husband used to criticize my weight but then sabotage every effort I made at losing. I would let him choose my clothes and I would wear things that made me feel frumpy and unattractive simply because he said they looked good on me and I wanted to make him happy.
    He cheated.
    With a much thinner woman (with a very ugly face!!)
    Then he said he didn't want to be married anymore.
    The first 2 months I was devastated and lost some weight because I had completely lost my appetite. When I pulled myself together and got my head out of my rear, I went through my closet and threw out all of the clothes I hated (the ones he picked out).
    Then I went shopping for clothes one size smaller than I was wearing when he called it quits.
    Because we had not moved out of the house yet, I made sure I was trying on my new clothes when he came home. His jaw dropped! Litterally! It was fantastic!

    We still have a lot of contact because we have children together, so he's seeing my weight loss currently too. I haven't been flaunting it lately, and honestly passed the point where I care to flaunt it for him. He knows he screwed up. But boy that first time he saw me in my new smaller, sexier jeans... Worth every penny I spent on those jeans!
  • Pnknlvr96
    Pnknlvr96 Posts: 104 Member
    Kinda did this already... My ex-husband used to criticize my weight but then sabotage every effort I made at losing. I would let him choose my clothes and I would wear things that made me feel frumpy and unattractive simply because he said they looked good on me and I wanted to make him happy.
    He cheated.
    With a much thinner woman (with a very ugly face!!)
    Then he said he didn't want to be married anymore.
    The first 2 months I was devastated and lost some weight because I had completely lost my appetite. When I pulled myself together and got my head out of my rear, I went through my closet and threw out all of the clothes I hated (the ones he picked out).
    Then I went shopping for clothes one size smaller than I was wearing when he called it quits.
    Because we had not moved out of the house yet, I made sure I was trying on my new clothes when he came home. His jaw dropped! Litterally! It was fantastic!

    We still have a lot of contact because we have children together, so he's seeing my weight loss currently too. I haven't been flaunting it lately, and honestly passed the point where I care to flaunt it for him. He knows he screwed up. But boy that first time he saw me in my new smaller, sexier jeans... Worth every penny I spent on those jeans!

    This is very similar to what happened to me. We don't have kids so therefore no contact, but he lives in the area (and is married to the girl he cheated with). I'm assuming we'll run into each other someday, so that will be fun to see the look on his face. :devil:
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    since i now live hundreds of miles away from the "cool kids" i went to high school with and some of those cool kids turned out to be not sooooo cool at my 20 year reunion my shove it people will consist of the snobby sales people at swanky shops that ignore me because they think i can't wear their fancy clothes. can't wait to walk in to those stores just like pretty woman (minus the h00ker part) with bags upon bags of clothes and say "you work on commission right?" big mistake, BIG mistake! BAH HA HA HA!!!!!!
  • Rhia55
    Rhia55 Posts: 247
    My ex husband, who loved telling me I'd have more sex appeal if I lost weight. He really did a job on my self esteem, making me feel ugly and undeserving of him.

    HIS remarks weren't enough to motivate me, and I'll love to see his face when he sees all I needed was to motivate myself, not his snarky remarks! HA!
  • Maurice1966
    Maurice1966 Posts: 438 Member
    I would use that new found bod and confidence for good not evil but that's me. I know you said you're doing it for you, and I accept that as truth, but live life without vengeance in your heart and you will attract more prosperity. I'm not religious by any stretch of the imagination but life's too short to "get back" at somebody. Show it, revel in it and be happy :o)

    You do look great btw. Kudos to you.
  • darleyschroeder
    I had a moment that I was really happy about. It was last summer, I was 60 pounds down and saw my idiot ex boyfriend from high school when I went to visit my mother. I ran into him and his homely girlfriend and I felt great because I looked fabulous. He was a dishonest guy and a real putz. It made me feel great to have lost so much weight and look so great, I am not an overly confident person, but that day I def knew I had it going on :P He looked like he had gained a good 50 pounds.
    I hate to say this or post this because I am not really a vindictive person, but this felt like a female victory.
  • klacount77
    klacount77 Posts: 270 Member
    My step-mother kindly whispered in my ear when I was pregnant with twins that I was destined to be fat like my mother.
    Every pound I lose feels great, especially when my daddy tells me how proud he is right in front of that b!tch!

    The other is sister. I know that sounds terrible. When I gained weight after the twins and then continued to gain weight over the next 10 years, my sister was constantly telling me how gross it was to let myself get fat. She would walk up to my husband/spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend and accidentally drop things so she'd bend over in front of them. Then she got pregnant with her daughter. She had ONE child and gained 140 pounds. I had 5 children and gained the same amount of weight. Now, every time I see her she is jealous and angry over my weight loss. It feels good to remind her that I wasn't always a fat *kitten*.
  • joannathechef
    joannathechef Posts: 484 Member
    I feel bad for you guys to have such scumbags to deal with.
  • Nfairley
    I can't wait to shove it in my PCP's face. I'm glad the man cares about my weight, it's why I chose him, but god I just can't seem to please him. I want to get under 200 lbs before I see him again.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    I wish I had somebody like that, but no.
  • Mollie007
    I hear ya! Vengeance is a good motivator. Whatever works, right?
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    There is no one I would want to do this to, but no one has ever been unkind to me because of my weight.

    Once again, I will quote The Buddha: "Holding onto anger is like picking up a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else. You are the one who gets burned."

    I understand that these people have hurt you, but taking the high road and being the better person always makes me feel better than being smug or petty.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    I have no "shove it" people.

    “Man tames not vengeance; vengeance breaks the man.”
    ― Chris Galford
  • 39nikkik
    39nikkik Posts: 2 Member
    I don't have one person in particular but all those people that just don't give me the time of day and you know it is because I am fat. I can't wait to see how they change when I look like them.