Shoving Your Body In Their Faces



  • Jennicia
    Jennicia Posts: 479 Member
    these are all awesome!
  • HurricaneElaine
    HurricaneElaine Posts: 984 Member
    One person: Scott Brown.

    Yeah, THAT Scott Brown. Like I'd ever run into him face-to-face again. We were in high school together. He bullied me, just like everyone else in HS. I thought he might be different, but NOOOOO.
  • fitambitious
    fitambitious Posts: 57 Member
    A year back, My ex-boyfriend dumped me for gaining weight after being put on medication for rectifying a hormone defect I had. He was really mean about it. He told me that he wouldn't introduce me to his parents or acknowledge me as his girlfriend if I won't lose weight. He also told me that I was too lazy to do anything about my weight because other girls my age would kill to look thin. I must say that at this point, I was starving myself and still not losing weight. My ex knew that I had a medical condition but made it a point to constantly tell me that I was taking it as an excuse and not doing anything about my body. Now that I look back, I can see that I sticked with him because I had zero self-esteem and needed his approval.

    I was taken off medication about 2 months back and now, I have started losing weight quite nicely:happy: So, ever since I have started appearing leaner and prettier in my FB pics, I have been getting lots of compliments from my friends and *ahem ahem* mutual friends of my ex. Few days back, my ex started messaging me. It included "Dudette, You look different" "Have you lost weight" "I wish I could turn back time" "I wish we were together"....Long story short, Let's say that my ex is pissed because I have been turning him down ever since :laugh:

    That's my favourite 'Shoving Your Body In Their Faces' Story :happy: :devil:
  • Maurice1966
    Maurice1966 Posts: 438 Member
    as the saying goes, I won't always be fat, but you will always be a dic*head , or words to that affect
  • APBTChampion
    APBTChampion Posts: 93 Member
    I got teased endlessly in high school - but some of those people have already seen me in various stages of my weight loss. Some, however, I'd love to see the looks on their faces when I show up at like... a 15 or 20 year reunion, looking positively amazing.

    And all the guys that never gave me a chance because I was too heavy (you know the ones, it's the "friend zone" that guys do to girls!). I'm planning a Spring Break 2013 trip with some friends, and I can't wait to be on a beach in a bikini - standing next to 20-something girls, and looking just as attractive!
  • NareenaTheGypsy
    NareenaTheGypsy Posts: 475 Member
    as the saying goes, I won't always be fat, but you will always be a dic*head , or words to that affect

    Yes.. there's the other one as well.... "I may be fat, but you can't fix ugly" LOL
  • chiaraliketiara
    <accidentally posted twice>
  • chiaraliketiara
    I get the most satisfaction out of turning down guys who wouldn't have given me a chance at ~50pounds heavier. Suddenly they're interested in my personality NOW? Yeah right! I also have a good friend who was also overweight a few years back, now he's a model and we walk around together with a big fat "take that!" to everyone who criticised us. That is the best reward! :)

    Sister, I had the SAME EXPERIENCE!!!! I lost close to 50 lbs. years ago, I've always been on the quiet side, and not really the type to get hit on... boy when I dropped that weight I had men coming at me from the woodwork and all I could think of was "oh, so NOOOWWWW you want to talk to me...". Now I've come to realize that well, strangers checking you out for the first time have no idea what you looked like 6 mos. ago and it's OK for them to appreciate all your hard work! It's THOSE guys that saw you and turned their nose at you before that you can flick away when you've reached your ideal hotness level :-)
  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    I already got hit on by two of the boys who were flat out cruel to me since 3rd grade. I was so disgusted by one that I let him have it. 10 years of pent up rage and 6 classes on writing and speech culminated into this masterpiece:

    "In the four years since high school I've gained a college degree, lost weight and go on to be a doctor. All you've managed to do is continue to be a shallow troglodyte with the intellectual dept of a kiddie pool. That must hurt to be so woefully inadequate in more ways than just what your girlfriend complained about in the girl's locker room."

    Spiteful? Me? Never.
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member
    I already got hit on by two of the boys who were flat out cruel to me since 3rd grade. I was so disgusted by one that I let him have it. 10 years of pent up rage and 6 classes on writing and speech culminated into this masterpiece:

    "In the four years since high school I've gained a college degree, lost weight and go on to be a doctor. All you've managed to do is continue to be a shallow troglodyte with the intellectual dept of a kiddie pool. That must hurt to be so woefully inadequate in more ways than just what your girlfriend complained about in the girl's locker room."

    Spiteful? Me? Never.

    And... you are the Hero of the Day. :-) Kudos girl
  • MizKittyB
    MizKittyB Posts: 47 Member
    I don't generally have a list of folks, but it's always gratifying to tell my mom to back off on the weight comments - she's overweight and trying to lose, too, so it gets old, fast.

    I would like to build more muscle tone and then run into my ex. He did a fabulous job of being emotionally and physically withholding, not to mention sabotaging any weight loss efforts I made. (Then again, that whole family needs a whole lotta therapy.) So it would be fun to show off the fact I can wear skinny jeans now, and in another few months, I'll have a bikini physique. ;)

    [Getting hit on is weird, though - I have never quite mastered how to respond to unwanted advances with anything more than flustered good manners. But that's a topic for another day.]
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I would like to "shove it" to my ex, but I'd actually rather never see him again. And part of me knows that him finding me attractive could potentially get complicated and I just don't trust myself. So I'd rather look like crap around him and have him be not interested so there's no chance in that train wreck of a relationship flaring up again,
  • OliveCarsey
    My ex's wife- he was horrible to me when I gained weight after our daughter was born- a few years after I left him he met her, she was the same size I was after having my daughter and she didn't have kids (she has $$$- my ex is very very shallow) she commented once at one of my daughters school programs that she would never let herself gain and keep on weight when she got preg- two kids later and she gained weight and kept it on- i gained more weight with and after my second child so we were still about the same size- she would constantly say snide things to my daughter about my weight and how I looked- it's only been 16 pounds but everyone has noticed- including my ex!!!!! And best of all- he asked me to share my "secret" weight loss tips with his wife. I don't really care how what anyone thinks of me or how they see me BUT every 2 weeks seeing the look on her face is great- a week ago was THE best my daughter made a HUGE HUGE deal of me needing to buy new smaller jeans. I know I know I am so not nice.
  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    I don't generally have a list of folks, but it's always gratifying to tell my mom to back off on the weight comments - she's overweight and trying to lose, too, so it gets old, fast.

    I would like to build more muscle tone and then run into my ex. He did a fabulous job of being emotionally and physically withholding, not to mention sabotaging any weight loss efforts I made. (Then again, that whole family needs a whole lotta therapy.) So it would be fun to show off the fact I can wear skinny jeans now, and in another few months, I'll have a bikini physique. ;)

    [Getting hit on is weird, though - I have never quite mastered how to respond to unwanted advances with anything more than flustered good manners. But that's a topic for another day.]

    Okay, do you like jewelry?

    Wear a ring. Any ring, all the time. Preferably on your left hand big someone hits on you and you're totally sleazed out, you flip it around so it looks like a wedding band and say, "sorry, my husband is in the car and he doesn't like to share."
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    There is no one I would want to do this to, but no one has ever been unkind to me because of my weight.

    Once again, I will quote The Buddha: "Holding onto anger is like picking up a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else. You are the one who gets burned."

    I understand that these people have hurt you, but taking the high road and being the better person always makes me feel better than being smug or petty.
    This X 1 million. While I have been teased about various things most of my life, I have zero interest in revenge. Revenge is not something that is part of my mindset. I'm not like the people who teased me, and I'm quite happy about that.
  • cal_73
    cal_73 Posts: 77
    I didn't know what to expect with this thread.... the OP can shove her body in my face any day!

    (someone had to say it)
  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    Being an a**hole today to people who were mean to you yesterday only shows that you were an a**hole before you lost weight. Now you're just showing it.

    Let's be honest, we all have been teased, slighted, marginalized, etc. How we deal with it when we're no longer in that state reveals more about our character than we care to let on.
  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member
    I'm doing this for me but...

    While I would prefer not to run into my ex, I do run at the beach by his apartment so it could happen pretty easily. After we moved in together he became verbally and emotionally abusive and often commented on my weight (even though he met me at my heaviest and I know found me very attractive). When he was mad he would go there because he knew it hurt me. So I dumped the loser, but had to live with him for one month before I could move. It was AWFUL. He kept calling me fat and saying I looked pregnant. Then one night he actually made the comment, "It would be really hard for me to run into you in the future if you lose weight and are looking good, especially if your boobs stay big."

    Obviously he was a shallow pig but anyway...I have lost 41 pounds so far and the boobs haven't hardly gone down at all. I would feel pretty darn satisfied if I ran into him and showed him exactly what he's missing!

    Sidenote: he would harass me about my weight but bring me candy and ice cream every night even when I asked him not to. WTF?
  • lildevil968
    lildevil968 Posts: 152 Member
    A year back, My ex-boyfriend dumped me for gaining weight after being put on medication for rectifying a hormone defect I had. He was really mean about it. He told me that he wouldn't introduce me to his parents or acknowledge me as his girlfriend if I won't lose weight. He also told me that I was too lazy to do anything about my weight because other girls my age would kill to look thin. I must say that at this point, I was starving myself and still not losing weight. My ex knew that I had a medical condition but made it a point to constantly tell me that I was taking it as an excuse and not doing anything about my body. Now that I look back, I can see that I sticked with him because I had zero self-esteem and needed his approval.

    I was taken off medication about 2 months back and now, I have started losing weight quite nicely:happy: So, ever since I have started appearing leaner and prettier in my FB pics, I have been getting lots of compliments from my friends and *ahem ahem* mutual friends of my ex. Few days back, my ex started messaging me. It included "Dudette, You look different" "Have you lost weight" "I wish I could turn back time" "I wish we were together"....Long story short, Let's say that my ex is pissed because I have been turning him down ever since :laugh:

    That's my favourite 'Shoving Your Body In Their Faces' Story :happy: :devil:

    This makes me so sad for you :cry:
  • reneecgc
    reneecgc Posts: 179 Member
    For me it is awkward seeing anyone who I have not seen in awhile. If they don't say anything about my weight loss you know
    they want to. I am going to see people around the holidays that I have not seen in awhile, so I know I will be talking a lot about
    working out and nutrition. I know I look healthy so I feel confident with whomever I run into from my past.