GAINED 1.5 lbs!!!! HELP!!!



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,916 Member
    LET ME SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT: Just finished my TOM LAST WEEK!!.. I am a water drinker only.. I drink AT LEAST 64 oz daily! I eat mainly whole foods (barely any processed), I exercise 5-6 days/ week.. I am not using weights.. mainly elliptical..

    PLEASE .. anyone who is really really knowledgeable in this area.. PLEASE RESPOND! PLEASE look at my diary.. I can take the truth.. I am all over this regimen.. and have not seen much results!! ANYONE ELSE WOULD HAVE LOST LOTS OF FAT BY NOW!!! It takes 3500 calories EXTRA to GAIN 1 lb!!! I AM ALWAYS UNDER MY CALORIES GOAL.. WITH 1 or 2 exceptions.. BUT EVEN THAT WASN't A lot!!!

    I gained within 2 days!!!!

    I feel frozen in my tracks!! I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO DO TODAY, WHAT TO EAT... etc..
    It's water. But to use only cardio to lose weight will cause a stall and you also end up losing lean muscle tissue which lowers your metabolic rate. You may hate weights, but the more lean muscle you retain, the higher you metabolic rate will be.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Why do people get so bent when you use capital letters? they are just letters.. nothing personal, girls..

    Sorry, you missed my sarcasm/joke. Text doesn't really reflect tone that great. No one is upset, I was just joking.
  • GG70
    GG70 Posts: 232 Member
    Why do people get so bent when you use capital letters? they are just letters.. nothing personal, girls..

    Sorry, you missed my sarcasm/joke. Text doesn't really reflect tone that great. No one is upset, I was just joking.

    :tongue: No harm done.. and thanks for your advice! MUCH appreciated!!
  • cheri03
    cheri03 Posts: 172 Member
    You could be gaining muscle...muscle weighs more than fat. Don't let it discourage you, just keep going....I know you can do it!
    Almost impossible to do on calorie deficit. You need a surplus to do it.
    Bull. What anatomy and phys class have you taken?
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    You could be gaining muscle...muscle weighs more than fat. Don't let it discourage you, just keep going....I know you can do it!
    Almost impossible to do on calorie deficit. You need a surplus to do it.
    Bull. What anatomy and phys class have you taken?

    To gain weight (fat or muscle) you need a cannot gain on a deficit...What are you building muscle with??

    btw..I'm a biologist who have taken both at the MASTERS level plus I'm training to become a PT.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member

    Hate to tell you but it takes more then two months to lose weight and inches.. you didn't put it on over night you won't lose it over night. It took me closer to 3 to 6 months before I started noticing a change in my inches and clothing.. so it will happen, but you have to patient.

    As far as the 1.5 goes, it happened in 2 days time.. not a big deal at all.... weigh again next week and I'm sure you'll be back to normal.

    Keep up with the water and weights.. it will happen when it wants to happen.
  • nlawani
    nlawani Posts: 2 Member
    I've read thru ll the responses an while they do seem sensible and all, I must say I don't quite buy in. I have th exact same problem as dad106, having gained 1.5lbs in ONE day. And 10 days before before I was 7lbs LIGHTER! To say I'm freaked out is an understatement. It's like this:
    Pre Oct: weight fluctuated between 225 at lowest and 240. Average weight 233 since Jan12. But have lost over 70lbs since Jan11.
    Oct 8: started 3 week vacation. Weight 237 at start. NO exercise to speak of (hiked 2-3 days), and NO careful tracking of calories. Basically I avoided most desserts and all alcohol, but ate pretty much as I wanted
    Oct 23: vacation ended. Weight - 230.5!!! Apparently I lost 7lbs not paying any Attention to myself...
    Oct 25: resumed exercise, 20-30 minute daily of elliptical training or moderate walking.
    Oct 26: Weight 233
    Oct 28: 235.25.
    Oct 30: I revise average daily calories down from 1400 to 1200
    Oct 25 - Nov 4: have exercised 7 of these 10 days
    Nov 4: 235.75lbs. went to a party, ate a lot drank about 300ml alcohol, went over 1200 calorie limit by 500. But net of exercise, excess intake was about 200 calories
    Nov 5: weight 237.25lbs!!!

    Summary: after having lost 7lbs over 3 weeks of vacation with NO exercise or dietary restrictions, I've gained it all back in 3 weeks, WITH regular exercise etc. and the reason for this is...?

    In my head I know I cannot have put on fat of 1.5lbs in a day; I simply cannot eat that much in a single day! But my real worry is that I cannot find the link between my behavior and my weight. And without that I feel like I'm just waiting my time, and it's incredibly frustrating.
  • I started at 153 and was down to 143 yesterday. My goal is to lose a 1.5 lbs per week. I started about a month ago,grated my first weigh in was bundled up in my winter attire, all the rest naked in the morn. So I'm right on track. I woe up this morning and weighed 1.5 pounds more. There's no way I gained that in fat! I was under my daily intake of 1250 calories. I had 1 serving of organic pizza cor dinner last's got to be the sodium. I usually don't eat that stuff. Also over the last few days I have been upping my protein intake. I work out after dinner and then have protein post work out, without trying to go over my daily calorie limit. I have been losing more slowly but like what I see in the mirror. It's def. Possible, but the biologist is right. When you lose weight you are losing both fat and muscle. You can't really lose just fat and gain muscle, but you can trick the body into losing less muscle, by getting as much protein in you throughout the day. They say about 1 gram per pound of weight. That's a challenge and that's why bodybuilders have such a regimented, challenging task! I don't think you sudden weight gain is muscle unless you are cramming mostly protein into consistently throughout the day. It was definitely water retention!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,916 Member
    You could be gaining muscle...muscle weighs more than fat. Don't let it discourage you, just keep going....I know you can do it!
    Almost impossible to do on calorie deficit. You need a surplus to do it.
    Bull. What anatomy and phys class have you taken?
    Very well versed in this. To gain muscle (there are a few exceptions and she doesn't sound like one of them) one is gaining tissue. Tissue can't "appear" out of nowhere, so to add tissue is to add weight. To add weight one needs a surplus. And fat can't be transformed into muscle.
    It's a water issue here. Scales do lie.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
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