Hello all!

Rhoslynn Posts: 20 Member
Hi!! I've tried a couple of online sites to help keep track of weight and dieting, but usually you end up having to pay at some point. This site looked nice so I thought I'd try it out. I'm hoping to get motivated again, I was doing pretty well on my own before the holidays at keeping track of eating and exercise habits, but Christmas got the best of me. And now I'm engaged and planning a wedding for December, so I'm hoping to lose some weight for that and then continue afterwords.

I'd love to meet new people to help encourage me and I hope I'd be able to do the same for them :) I did get a Wii and Wii Fit plus for Xmas and recently purchased the Biggest Loser, but it's a bit intense. And I also have a treadmill I try to use regularly. I'm hoping once all this snow disappears (I'm in Nebraska with too much of it!) that I can go for walks outside.

Nice to meet you all!!



  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    HI Marisa!
    I just found this site yesterday and it looks great so far!

    Congrats on the wedding!:drinker:

    I have a wii fit, and I used it religiously for the first month and then it got "old". I wasn't seeing any results and it seemed more of a hassle to turn it on and set it up then just stepping outside and walking around the block!

    I tend to have a problem sticking with anything for very long though. I bought a treadmill and used that for about a month too. Now it's folded up in the front hall collecting dust....

    I hope you have more success than me!
  • Rhoslynn
    Rhoslynn Posts: 20 Member
    Hi Robin,

    I completely understand about not sticking to things. I was doing pretty good on the Wii except then mid-February I just kind of stopped. Doesn't help that my fiance is about 2 hours away, so most weekends are spent with him and then I just sort of get out of the habit.

    But I'm trying to get back into it, not just so I can look good in a pretty dress in Dec, but also because I've been overweight most of my life and know I need to change. People always say the biggest motivation should be to get healthy, but that doesn't always work :ohwell:

    Maybe this site will give us the kick in the pants we need to get going...at least that's what I need! lol
  • jdcole67
    jdcole67 Posts: 108 Member
    Welcome! This site has been great - been on here for about 3 months and have steadily been gaining ground on my goals...got a little side-tracked myself this last week with my normal exercise routine, but plan on getting back on the treadmill (or just walking now that the weather is nicer!) this week...good luck to you!