S.A.D. Disorder... anyone else?

Looking for ideas on how to get through the fall time change and winter months with S.A.D. Disorder.


  • I don't have S.A.D. but I do suffer from General Anxiety Disorder and Clinical Depression. It's very hard to motivate myself when I'm having a down day. I either want to sleep or eat all day and it sucks afterwards. I don't even think about the consequences (whether it be skipping class or eating way more than I should). Maybe the best thing we could to is try to talk to someone going through the same thing to try & motivate each other. Feel free to add me or message me whenever you want.

  • Yes, I know how you feel. It is sunny today and I feel so much better than when it is grey and bleak. I find that exercise really helps even though it is more of an effort to get going when you feel low. The best tonic is Zumba! It always lifts my spirits and is a fantastic workout too. Do you take Vitamin D and Omega 3 supplements? Good luck!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I've heard buying a sun lamp and having it on in the house can help.
  • NicoleisQuantized
    NicoleisQuantized Posts: 344 Member
    I try to expose myself to as much natural daylight as possible. This includes walks and working next to windows.
  • My strategy to beat the coming SAD :frown:
    1) Adding Zumba to my regular routine.
    2) Increasing Vitamin D intake from food and supplement.
    3) Backup plan: light therapy.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    I Have it, I have a daylight therapy light in my office, use for 1 hour a day, seems to help , i think its called the Verilux happy light. :happy:
  • SherryR1971
    SherryR1971 Posts: 1,170 Member
    I have self-diagnosed, but winter is just a time I have to push through...any suggestions, I will gladly take also!
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    I Have it, I have a daylight therapy light in my office, use for 1 hour a day, seems to help , i think its called the Verilux happy light. :happy:
    going to start vitamin D as well
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    YES! Open the curtains, let as much light in as possible. Do something that you enjoy, get out of the house as much as comfortably possible.
  • MellyGibson
    MellyGibson Posts: 297 Member
    My strategy to beat the coming SAD :frown:
    1) Adding Zumba to my regular routine.
    2) Increasing Vitamin D intake from food and supplement.
    3) Backup plan: light therapy.

    ^^ THIS!!!!

    (Except I lift weights in addition to Zumba)
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    I has a sad
  • abnerner
    abnerner Posts: 452 Member
    I have anxiety and depression all year round, however, it does get much worse during the winter times.

    My suggestions:
    1) Take St. Johns Wart, it honestly helps
    2) Do workouts in the evenings, I know it's harder then but it keeps you awake and moving longer
    3) Get as much natural light/sun as possible
    4) The light therapy lamps are great too, or (and no one shoot me) tanning beds can be helpful too.
  • rchupka87
    rchupka87 Posts: 542 Member
    I have suffered from S.A.D. since I was a kid. There are a few things that you can do, but just like managing any other depressive disorder, the majority of it is up to you. Sun lamps are a good idea. If you can't afford a sunlamp - try getting a tanning package at a tanning salon, and go at least once a week. Also, stock up on Vitamins. You would be best to take a daily multivitamin, with a dose of Vitamin D on the side. (I would actually suggest this more than the sun lamp/tanning bed, as vitamin D is all you want from either of those anyway) Other than that, do the things you (probably) already know to do. Get a good nights sleep every night - not too much, not too little. Stay up and active during the day - and try to exercise at a moderate level for at least 20 minutes EVERY day. That is enough to get your blood pumping, but more importantly, for those of us who suffer from S.A.D. (and many other depressive disorders) it releases the endorphins we need to feel happy. Feel free to contact me if you ever need someone to talk to. :smile:
  • juliaamilee
    juliaamilee Posts: 262 Member
    Yep here to self diagnosis. Just keep on keeping on do my best to be out when I can, exercise as much as I can inside. Try to keep the blahss away
  • chocolateandpb
    chocolateandpb Posts: 438 Member
    I have it and am also looking for advice, because every winter I gain weight and just basically get completely out of shape. All I want to do is eat and sleep, and eat and sleep some more. I stop being social and go into hibernation mode like a bear. I used to go tanning, which did help some, but I don't want to put my skin through that. I would be interested in trying one of those light boxes but can't really afford to shell out $300 for one.

    The sun is shining today, for the first time in a week, and it's amazing how much more energy I have and how cheerful I feel compared to the past several days. I live in Minnesota though, so we have about 6 months of crap winter ahead. :sad:
  • tkcasta
    tkcasta Posts: 405 Member
    Yup, it's bad. I go tanning and take vitamin D supplements. I know what people think of tanning but I'd rather risk skin cancer then want to throw myself off a bridge.
  • poetictraveller
    poetictraveller Posts: 47 Member
    I have a Verilux "Happy Lamp" on my desk - I have it on twice a day for about 30 minutes each time. It's a game changer especially in Vancouver where the winter days are long, wet, dreary and dark. I wish I knew about it sooner....
  • kaceyr
    kaceyr Posts: 3 Member
    Light Therapy. You can buy the lights online or even at Walgreens.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    I'm in the club, unfortunately.

    My other doc bumped up my Wellbutrin to the highest level to help me push through this rough time... WellButrin is a med that can really help some deal with SAD. The side effects I notice for myself are decreased appetite and lots of extra energy... but I think the extra energy could be attributed to the boost in mood.

    My doc has tripled my Vitamin D as it's typically very low. The sunshine makes me smile and happy to be in it when it's out, I feel like a flower looking up at it when it's bright out.

    Thinking of you all and sending you loads of sunshine and positive thoughts, you are not alone!!:heart::flowerforyou:
    Yup, it's bad. I go tanning and take vitamin D supplements. I know what people think of tanning but I'd rather risk skin cancer then want to throw myself off a bridge.
    not once you've had it yourself or had a loved one or even a co-worker get skin cancer and see the results. BUT I do totally understand the feeling of of the bridge! Whatever works I suppose and I wouldn't likely had commented if I didn't recently learn of a skin cancer situation... that can be pretty depressing all on it's own, in a very different way.
    I can relate as well. As soon as the sun becomes a mystery, my attitude, demeanour, motivation and patience all leave with it. I live in Alberta and we get 8-9 months of crap weather so from now until April I have a battle. I hope that every year I am dealing better as I no longer take meds for my depression and have been using vitamins and exercise to try to combat all the negative. I do also try to tan occasionally but some days getting out of bed is most I can do. With 4 active kids and only me to transport them, I have to suck it up and cope as best as possible. Feel free to add me if support and encouragement may help
    I hear ya on the getting out of bed situation, it's a rough go with this mood junk. I truly don't think others understand unless they deal with SAD themselves or depression in general. Can't imagine dealing with young kids and the sun not being out, sounds like you're making some good choices for yourself.

    It feels good to not feel so alone out here, knowing others deal with SAD doesn't make me happy but makes me feel less alone in dealing with all this. Hearing what's working for others helps.
  • Tw1zzler
    Tw1zzler Posts: 583
    I use a Verilux 'Happy Lamp' for about 30 mins every morning. I also take vitamin D supplements, I take them year round but increase the dose in winter). I also like to run outside especially if it's sunny but I do wear sunscreen. (doctor's orders!)