Share your NSV (Non-Scale Victory) of the day! 11/7/12



  • mjamieweiler
    mjamieweiler Posts: 26 Member
    Today it was a little slow at work so I slide out to Old Navy to try on some jeans. When I started this journey I wearing a 42 inch waist. I've now gotten down to a 36 so I thought I would try on a 34. To my surprise I was able to do them up. They were just a wee bit tight but I got them on and they felt comfortable! I left the store with a huge smile on my face and had to race back to work so that I could share this NSV with my MFP family!

  • stephs0214
    stephs0214 Posts: 269 Member
    At my job, we have to get lab work and our waist & weight measured every year. I'm proud to say that within a year, I have lost an inch around my waist and weigh around the same (I weigh 1/2lb less this year lol) as I did this time last year. Looks like I'm doing pretty great maintaining this healthy lifestyle. :smile:
  • AnneC77
    AnneC77 Posts: 284
    I had some friends come over and they commented on how good I looked and that my loss was definitely noticeable. I personally cannot see it myself, but it was so nice to have all my hard work noticed :D
  • acidosaur
    acidosaur Posts: 295 Member
    Alright. Mine was: refusing to let myself break off a square off the numerous bars of chocolate brought into our office today...while everyone else was rhapsodising about how yummy it was. Especially this afternoon when I was sooooo hungry!
  • Sharon_73
    Sharon_73 Posts: 189 Member
    I did a 60 minute Zumba class without being breathless and without feeling self conscious about how I looked! I can't wait to do that again!
  • kmayah5
    kmayah5 Posts: 1 Member
    Down from a 24 to a 22.
  • cmotting
    cmotting Posts: 97 Member
    Tried on two different pairs of khakis that I have avoided for the last couple of months because they were uncomfortably tight. This morning, both of them fit comfortably and I ended wearing a pair of them to work today. No problem!
  • HapThompson
    HapThompson Posts: 48 Member
    I've already posted on this thread today, but I was just looking at some photos of me and saw a difference and feel really encouraged.

    I started losing weight because my boyfriend broke up with me and I basically didn't eat for a week or so. Having lost what felt like a fair bit of weight (I don't weigh myself, so I can't tell you how much), I thought I might as well continue. I've been feeling like it's working some of the time and not at others, so I wasn't sure how I felt about it all and whether any weight i'd lost was just from that original loss or whether I was still losing or what...

    Today I was looking at photos of myself and I compared these two photos of myself wearing the same waistcoat:

    and realised that I do look a bit slimmer in the right hand photo. The left hand photo was taken on 9th October, the right hand photo was taken on 6th November. I think my boobs look a bit smaller and my waist looks slimmer and maybe my face looks a little thinner too. It's hard to tell because i'm stood at a slightly different angle, but still, i'm counting it as a small victory and confirmation that things are going ok... I'm having a (non diet-related) crappy horrible day today, so a little victory like that feels good.
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I got up this morning feeling very unmotivated and wanting to drag through the day. But despite that ,I have eaten fantastically, ridden the recumbent stationary bike for 25 minutes, and walked 4 miles!
  • Masquerade78
    Masquerade78 Posts: 6 Member
    Pants I just purchased two weeks ago are a little baggy on me today.

    I ran into a co-worker I haven't seen in awhile (big building!) and she commented on my weight loss in a "Whoa!" tone of voice. :)
  • mamakira
    mamakira Posts: 366
    Today it was a little slow at work so I slide out to Old Navy to try on some jeans. When I started this journey I wearing a 42 inch waist. I've now gotten down to a 36 so I thought I would try on a 34. To my surprise I was able to do them up. They were just a wee bit tight but I got them on and they felt comfortable! I left the store with a huge smile on my face and had to race back to work so that I could share this NSV with my MFP family!


    That is a great victory! Jeansshopping has always been my biggest nightmare ( and still is). You lokk good in those!
  • thinking_thinly
    thinking_thinly Posts: 143 Member
    I felt like dancing.... everywhere! It was a happy day! :D
  • xcoyote
    I gave up World of Warcraft a year back, and have resisted getting back on :-P
  • bufger
    bufger Posts: 763 Member
    I gave up World of Warcraft a year back, and have resisted getting back on :-P

    Thats a big achievement! its like crack
  • toottoots
    toottoots Posts: 67 Member
    My "really getting snug" coat is getting looser on me! :D
  • jadedm
    jadedm Posts: 31 Member
    I have this bracelet that I never take off....and when I mean never..I mean never... because my mommy gave it to me alllong time ago... anyways... I was sleep and woke up and my bracelet slipped off my hand ... My bracelet has never done that (Welll, Because it couldn't move)... I was shocked but tearing up my sheets at the same time..
  • RobKarmic
    RobKarmic Posts: 108 Member
    I ate a container of ice cream and I am still losing weight but I don't feel right about it
  • dlpnrn2b
    dlpnrn2b Posts: 441 Member
    I guess I could call this a NSV.. my teenage son (13), whom hugs me every morning before he walks out the door, says to me this morning, " your getting skinnier and skinner everyday, look I can wrap one arm all the way around you waist now mom !!" I was sorta speechless as not really knowing if he meant that in a good/bad way and he caught on and quickly said " that's a good thing mom, just don't get too skinny." .. love that boy!!
  • PJ64
    PJ64 Posts: 866 Member
    I took off my jacket and got that "second look" from a lady at work :happy:
  • wetuscox
    wetuscox Posts: 11 Member
    My daughter gave me a hug this morning and said, "Wow! I can hug more of you because there is less of you!"

    Yes, I cried!!
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