Topomax for weight loss?

My doc gave me topomax for weight loss after I kept gradually gaining and then bam one month put on 11 lbs. I started on 25 mgs for a week then to 50 mgs. But I'm feeling NO appetite suppessent from the med. Has anyone been given this as a weight loss aid? How long does it take to start working?


  • murphyraven
    murphyraven Posts: 163 Member
    More info on Topomax (also known an topiramate)

    It's main uses are for seizures and migraines. Some people have reported weight loss on this medication which is unusual since other types of seizure medication is known to cause weight gain. This was told to me directly from my doctor as I am taking this medication. I don't believe this medication is a direct appetite suppressent such as Phentermine.

    Topomax is also combind with Phentermine in a weight loss drug called Qsymia. But has only been on the market a short period of time.

    As always consult with your doctor as MFP is not always the best location to get reliable infomation.
  • My doctor specifically prescribed the medication for weight loss though I googled it to find out as much information as I could about it. I just wanted to hear other people's exerpiences with it as a weight loss aid and appetite suppressent and how long it took to see results. I've been on it 1.5 weeks now and have noticed no change and have gained two more pounds. Just didn't know if this was a drug that took an average of weeks to months to take effect. I'm assuming he prescirbed it and not something else due to the multitude of other medications I am on for my thyroid and stress and alopecia.
  • Topomax (also known an topiramate)

    It's main uses are for Seizures, Muscle spasms and migraines. A side effect has been noticed in SOME patients of weight loss!

    PLEASE GOOGLE IT! You will find that some of the other more relative side effects are Stroke, Heart attacks, respiratory arrest and a odd thing called SDS (Sudden Death Syndrome) I have been on this medication for 7 years for muscle spasms,

    For me Overall weight loss due to this drug is zero… weight gain while on this drug is huge… overall weight loss by good eating is 47 pounds so far…

    This is NOT a weight loss drug I do not care what you mix it with the risks far out weigh the benefits!
    If you need to take it for what it is prescribed still be careful it does not play well with others! I have had too many adverse reactions while on it. My neurologist has convinced me it is the best for muscle spasms! Not Weight Loss!!!
  • eileenchristine
    eileenchristine Posts: 228 Member
    Why not try logging your food intake? Daily logging of my foods really helps me choose more wisely. I haven't lost a ton of weight but its a start in the right direction. Your diary is open but I don't see any logging? I don't think there is a magic pill for weight loss.....sadly.

    Certainly wish there was, but I guess I have to grow up and take responsibility for my choices.

    There could be other problems going on for that much weight gain. If you are restricting your calories and not losing weight, maybe you might want to consider another Dr. Find out why you are gaining.

    Wish you well on this journey!
  • collectingblues
    collectingblues Posts: 2,541 Member
    I was on Topamax for migraines, and there's not enough money in the world to convince me to ever go on it again. I had no attention span, forgot things all the time -- this didn't happen before the migraine, felt fuzzy, and had absolutely no interest in food. I'd literally cook dinner, eat a bite, and think it was disgusting. Lived on Wendy's chili and caesar salads when I changed doses.

    I also had increased eye pressures, putting me at risk for glaucoma, and suicidal thoughts. I think Topamax is a last resort drug -- and certainly not something just because you want an easy fix for weight loss.
  • karabasik
    karabasik Posts: 62 Member
    Hello! I used to take Topomax (with another medication ) to fight my migraines for more than 8 years. It did help ; however , it had a side effect , weight GAIN (a lot). Do your research . Be careful .
    I hope it helps .
  • amydee714
    amydee714 Posts: 232 Member
    I have been on Topamax for 2 years for chronic migraines, though I am on a MUCH higher does than you. It did initially affect my appetite, but that stopped after about a month as my body adjusted.

    The only side effect I have had from it is that I can no longer drink anything carbonated as it all tastes like a weird combination of vinegar and dirt to me. Unfortunately the only thing it can be good for (from what I have read - again not an expert) is working as an appetitive suppressant in 'some' people. It does not actually cause weight loss. The fact that you may not be eating as much does.

    If it does reduce your appetite, then what? You still will have to learn how to eat. If you don’t have a medical reason to take it (like migraines or epilepsy) it’s not something to take forever. You need to try to work on the tried and true method of Calories In, Calories Out.
  • bchgrl8
    bchgrl8 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi..I've been taking Topamax for several years now for Epilepsy and I will tell you that I did lose 50 pounds when I was first put on it...but only because of some of it's initial side effects that subsided within the first 6-8 months...and I also take a much higher dosage. I don't believe it's a "weight loss drug" at all...I do think it's adverse side effects cause you to not have an appetite, in turn causing you to lose the weight..however that's not a long term solution! You still need to be educated about how to live a healthy lifestyle and eat nutritional foods...which is why we are all on MFP!! Good Luck to you!!!!
  • Topamax is to stop sugar cravings. I do not recommend if you plan on having a family in the future; Check side effects.I
  • macybean
    macybean Posts: 258 Member
    I was put on Topomax for migraines...didn't work for migraines and I had terrible brain fog. I think I got dumber each day! Oh, and the weight loss? Zero. My appetite was just fine.
  • Hopelessone
    Hopelessone Posts: 270 Member
    My doctor prescribed it to me too to help with weight loss. I didn't stay on it long because it made my tongue tingle and my fingers go numb. The pharmacist did say that a few people in our town had really good success with it up to 80 pounds loss, but I don't think it was worth the risk for me. DO lots of research, I didn't. Good luck
  • emilysmellz
    emilysmellz Posts: 85 Member
    It works great for my migraines! Weight loss..not so much. Gives me tinglies in my toes too. :|
    I would re-evaluate your decision.
  • elizawe
    elizawe Posts: 54 Member
    The only long term solution to weight loss is to deal with your issues around food, whatever they are. Learn to stay within your calorie limits and eating a healthier diet is the only way. Get some exercise too. Otherwise, you will lose some and gain more in the long run.
  • Debbiedebbiey
    Debbiedebbiey Posts: 824 Member
    I was on it for a few months a year ago. Lost 15lbs in 3 months. Had to go off it it gave me kidney stones . The dosage for weight loss for me was about 250 mgs. There were other troublesome side effects, and I've gained 20 lbs since I stopped taking it. Good luck.
  • Well I didn't ask for a weight loss drug.. I've never been on anything like that other than OxyElite Pro from GNC... But with the huge amount of gain (and I'm still gaining by the way) the doctor was concerned. I ended a relationship recently so I took a pregnancy test to rule that out. I have hypothyroidism which is being treated and I am going to ask my gyn to test me for PCOS as it is suspected I may have that condition as well. I coached soccer this season which put me eating at 9 p.m. at night and I stressed to my doctor I felt that was the issue with my sudden weight gain was that I was eating so late at night and getting very little exercise because I just wasn't having any time for it and I was so fatigued all the time (found out I've been living with a gas leak in my house for the past 5 months which explains the extreme fatigue). But I am being treated also for extreme stress and he is worried about my stress levels (as women so often stress about their weight) and he put me on the medicine himself. I take the meds at night at 6 pm so I get no grogginess, funny feelings or anything like that during my work day, I acutally feel no side effects at all apart from I feel sleepy about an hour after taking them.I have had the tingling in my feet and fingers but very rarely. I did ask the pharmacist and they said it would take about a month to see the weight loss effects. So far I haven't had any adverse effects but I appreciate ALL the input and will for sure watch for these effects and be very careful since I am on other medications. I do want to lose the weight and now that soccer is over and the gas is fixed perhaps I can get my energy back and get my food/eating habits back on track and get my weight loss down again.
  • I was on topomax for years for migraines and seizures, and did not notice any significant change in weight. However a friend also on the medication, experienced weight loss.
  • I was on 50mg of Topomax for migraines, I couldn't tolerate a higher dosage. I lost 5-10 lbs because I had no appetite for the first few weeks I took it, then my appetite returned and the weight came back, and it gradually stopped working for my migraines so I switched medications.

    I experienced loss of memory and focus, mild aphasia, and tingling in my toes while I was on it. It also changed the way some foods tasted, most notably anything carbonated tasted extremely bitter. The bitter flavor of carbonation went away when I stopped taking it.

    I would personally not take it for weightloss. My experience with it wasn't terrible, but it also wasn't fun.
  • lexlyn14
    lexlyn14 Posts: 290 Member doctor told me that in order to lose weight on topomax you have to be taken very large if you are on a low dosage it will not do anything for you...