Need some advice...

I started my new plan last Thursday and have chosen Fridays as the official weight in day although I was myself everyday just to make sure I stay on track.

Weight last Friday:: 181.8pounds
Weight today (not official yet 179.2

Obviously I have been losing...

To lose 1 pounds a week, mfp is telling me to eat 1400 calories. I work in a day care so I don't think I am sedentary, but I don't think I qualify as lightly active either so I have myself set for sedentary. I have still been starving after 1400 calories, so I have been eating 200 more at night. Every night I have been ending up at around 1600. Should I just change my goal to 1600 so I can plan those calories out better?

*Exercise is not a factor yet. I have a fitness challenge that starts the day after Thanksgiving so I am trying to get my eating right before that starts.



  • mrs_a_parrill
    mrs_a_parrill Posts: 4 Member
    I work in an office so I do consider myself sedentary and mfp says I should be consuming 1710 calories daily and I find it amost impossible to eat that many calories unless I'm not eating the right things. I had to play with my calories and exercise a little before I could figure out what works for me. If you aren't quite Sedentary I'd say that eating a few more calories than mfp says is ok as long as you still see some loss. If you get into a rut or feel like you are starving all the time it may be time to re-evaluate your intake again. The only way to truly know is by trial and error. Because what works for one person may not work for another. Congratulations on getting this far and I hope you reach your goal.
  • girlonabikedc
    girlonabikedc Posts: 111 Member
    One week isn't really enough time to judge. Water weight, hormones, and a myriad of other factors can contribute to weight fluctuations. I would give it 6 weeks, at a minimum, to decide whether something is working. You need to see consistent loss.

    With that said, if you are truly hungry, then eat something. Just don't over eat or confuse hunger with something else (boredom, thirst, emotions, etc).
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Honestly I think if you're hungry every day then you probably need a few more calories. If you end up not hungry or not losing you can always change it. Mine is 1460 and some nights I eat every single one (like tonight). Other nights I get to 1250-1300 and I'm done, so I stop. I'm sedentary (house wife, no kids). You're probably lightly active, if I had to guess.
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    Maybe set your own calorie goals based around TDEE and BMR? There is a post floating around that people often link that looks good, something like "in place of a road map" if you have a read of that it may help
  • Pinkysing26
    You may be choosing the wrong types of food and they aren't filling you up. High fiber and protein are both good for keeping you full. 1400 calories of simple carbs is different from 1400 calories of lean protein and fibrous veggies. The carbs are short term energy and don't keep you full. Fiber and protein stick with you. You can eat a ton more veggies for very little calories. So have smaller portions of the high calories foods you eat and fill your plate with greens. Oatmeal is also perfect in the mornings with lots of fiber, and keeps you full until lunch. I personally like adding a little almond butter to my oatmeal to make it even more filling, and it tastes great :).

    Also, if you stick to the 1400 calories, your stomach will shrink and you'll stop craving so much food at night. It's always good to go to bed a little hungry.
  • NocturnalGirl
    Base your calorie goals on your TDEE. Subtract 20% from there and that's a good place to start. I think 1400 calories might be a bit low for you.

    Might wanna check this out:
  • WendySue67
    WendySue67 Posts: 17 Member
    A lot of people confuse sedentary with sitting at a desk-- if you go looking at many other sources about BMR and TDEE you'll find that "sedentary" really applies to someone confined to bed or a wheelchair. If you are legitimately hungry, starving yourself will only work against you and you should eat something--just don't head straight for the chocolate cake. Learning to listen to your body's signals is a big part of the process.

    On another note, I'm not a big fan of weighing every single day--it is asking for trouble when water weight and hormones will make you fluctuate way too much. It just causes discouragement for me, although i know a lot of people do it. I weigh every other Friday and it has worked out well for me. Just my opinion, though.
  • wazzanz
    If 1400 hundred is to lose 1 pound then 1600 won't see you lose much at all. I would not worry what the scales are telling you for a week or 2. You are probably more than sedintry though chasing kids around all day!

    A bit hard to comment but if you open your diary then can give constructive feedback....

    The other side of the equation is exercise. Even if it's a walk in the evening it will allow you to eat more and give you more motivation to avoid rubbish food.
  • cindl24
    cindl24 Posts: 178
    I have had to train myself to eat more often, including having breakfast every day. Before starting this process, I would eat once a day. Now it's like 5 or 6 times a day. Three meals and a couple of snacks. Maybe eating often will hep you. I eat a lot of vegetables as others have suggested.
  • amydee714
    amydee714 Posts: 232 Member
    I was a pre-school teacher for 10 years and that is not a sedentary job. I would say that lightly active is a much better way to describe it.
  • wazzanz
    You may be choosing the wrong types of food and they aren't filling you up. High fiber and protein are both good for keeping you full. 1400 calories of simple carbs is different from 1400 calories of lean protein and fibrous veggies. The carbs are short term energy and don't keep you full. Fiber and protein stick with you. You can eat a ton more veggies for very little calories. So have smaller portions of the high calories foods you eat and fill your plate with greens. Oatmeal is also perfect in the mornings with lots of fiber, and keeps you full until lunch. I personally like adding a little almond butter to my oatmeal to make it even more filling, and it tastes great :).

    Also, if you stick to the 1400 calories, your stomach will shrink and you'll stop craving so much food at night. It's always good to go to bed a little hungry.

    so true!!!

    OP- If I could live on 1500 of food as a 6'3" male going to the gym regulary (to lose the first 12 pounds) then you should be able to get by on 1400. (Before you shoot me I now up to 1740 but find it easy unless i go out.)