I always get a round, bloating-ish stomach now?

I've been working out and my hips have been slimming down and stuff, but why is my belly always bloated now??? O_O it's more bloated since I've started exercising...


OMG......I worked out pretty hard today and this is what happens! Is it water retention? I can barely breathe...My stomach feels really hard.. I actually kind of want to throw up. I can feel water in my throat.

BTW this is after Week 4 Day 3 of Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30!

ALSO can someone tell me how to make it so that the picture shows up on here??? Instead of having a link I want the picture on HERE...


  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Could it be IBS or acid reflux being triggered from moving around? If it hurts and is hard to breathe, I say go see a doctor!
  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    I'm bumping because I get this too...

    I don't drink enough water and I eat a lot of sodium and drink a lot of Diet soda these are big No No's. When I do an intermittent fast my stomach is super flat.

    So maybe it has something to do with not enough water, too much salt, too many carbs that cling onto sodium/make you retain water.... but I'm curios for what people have ot say
  • Leeannboswell
    I get that when I haven't had a bm for a couple days. Eating more fiber than you are used to is also a factor.

    It happens, but goes away.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I've been working out and my hips have been slimming down and stuff, but why is my belly always bloated now??? O_O it's more bloated since I've started exercising...


    OMG......I worked out pretty hard today and this is what happens! Is it water retention? I can barely breathe...My stomach feels really hard.. I actually kind of want to throw up. I can feel water in my throat.
    HELP ME O__O

    BTW this is after Week 4 Day 3 of Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30!

    ALSO can someone tell me how to make it so that the picture shows up on here??? Instead of having a link I want the picture on HERE...

    I experienced that on and off for years. I used to avoid dairy and would think that I must have accidentally eaten some (like at a restaurant). I only recently discovered that I was gluten intolerant. After 4 months wheat free I've been feeling fantastic, however last week on vacation I ate regular pizza and immediately got bloated, and then for the next 8 days, every time I ate (even though it wasn't gluten) I continued to bloat. I also bloated when I hadn't eaten but was exercising. Finally I am back to normal now, and I will not be touching wheat any time soon.

    For the best relief, get some Activated Charcoal, available in capsules, either at the health food store, or in drug stores, they have one brand in pink capsules right near where you will find the diarrhea remedies.

    Take 2 capsules and lie down on your right side for the fastest relief.
  • Jennifer_Lynn_1982
    Jennifer_Lynn_1982 Posts: 567 Member
    It could be reaction to something that you've eaten...I get bloated after certain foods, could be a mild allergy
  • missabeez
    missabeez Posts: 280 Member
    I have found that I experience the same bloaty feeling, and it mostly happens later in the day and into the night. I'm thinking it could be one of two things:
    1) Our body needs to adjust to the new foods and frequency of meals. I am definitely eating more carbs now that I am tracking it, and my fiber intake is also increasing. Once the body gets used to this, bowel movements become easier :)
    2) We are building the abdominal muscles, but the layer of fat is still there at the beginning. Plus, the muscles are likely retaining water, thus the stomach will be pushed out for a bit. It will shrink once the fat burns away more. I am guessing that this will happen in cycles.

    As stated above, if it becomes too painful, see a doctor or take a look at possible food intolerances. See if there is anything new that you have put into your diet that upsets your body.
  • stef_monster
    stef_monster Posts: 205 Member
    Are you drinking whey protein or milk after you work out? That's how I found out I was lactose intolerant. I would get incredibly bloated, stomach rumbling, cramps, running to the bathroom every few minutes after drinking whey.

    If you're not, definitely go see a doctor.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    I am not an expert and think you should perhaps see your doctor but it does remind me of how my friend feels when she eats certain foods and that's why she's now gluten free for the past several years. Check out gluten sensitivity and see if it sounds like what you're experiencing.
  • Sheirai
    Sheirai Posts: 79 Member
    I looked at your diary, and I noticed that you are eating oats nearly every day. The symptoms you describe do sound like a possible gluten sensitivity, but some people who are sensitive to gluten are also sensitive to a protein that's in oats. Seeing a doctor is a probably a good idea, but these sensitivities are notoriously hard to diagnose.Try eliminating wheat and oats for awhile.
  • jade_131
    jade_131 Posts: 59 Member
    Today it is much rounder than usual and I've done 4 weeks of this!...I think it's because of this one move in the DVD, moguls or something like it. I can hear water sloshing in my stomach during that one...
  • tumblyweed
    tumblyweed Posts: 416 Member
    Sounds like gluten intolerance. It won't go away on it's own...
    Rather than go through the testing (which still isn't that accurate, yet), try going wheat / gluten free for 3 months. If it's gluten, it'll be worth it. Also, in some, casein is also an issue.

  • Kaiukas
    Kaiukas Posts: 111 Member
    Definitely consult your doctor. But help her by really analysing the link to what you have eaten before the bloating manifests. Are you constipated as well or do you have diarrhea? What kind of pain or discomfort are you experiencing? Do you experience any other symptoms too?

    It can be a number of things and food intolerance is just one option. One which I am familiar with through personal experience.

    I had very very pronounced bloating, constipation, severe pains and general malaise in response to wheat. I come from Northern Europe, so I grew up on rye and after having moved to the UK where wheat is in everything, I was in agony. I don't eat any wheat now and all my symptoms are gone. I can eat other gluten products without any problems whatsoever.

    SUMMARY: go see your doctor because we are all just guessing here.
  • 141by2016
    Sloshing isn't normal. Seriously, see a doctor and get this checked out!