harder to lose weight as you get older?



  • 2essie
    2essie Posts: 2,867 Member
    Thanks to mfp I haven't found it harder. I found my appitite was getting less anyway and I couldn't eat as much as I used to. I am losing weight steadily. I do lots of exercise. Now I am retired I have the time (I am 61 by the way but I certainly don't feel it). I tried to loose weight many times before mfp but the diets barley lasted a week. I am now commmitted to this so come on lets get this weight off because we can, at any age.
  • tellyportation
    tellyportation Posts: 12 Member
    It's really hard to lose weight as we age. It requires a lot of discipline and will power. We have to forego the bad habits in order to be what we want to be. Let's all help each other. =)
  • gwenversue
    gwenversue Posts: 12 Member
    I have tried also eats of diets, lose for a few weeks then plateaued, it happened again but the support has spurred me on, if you want a friend who has the same struggle add me.
  • cindys0417
    cindys0417 Posts: 1,155 Member
    Im 65 yrs old and have lost about 40 lbs. MFP is great and I have great motivating friends. Just watch your sugars and sodium and stick with high protein and drink your water.. Its the key to your weight loss. good luck
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Depends on what you consider is older. I am 44 and have had no problems losing weight this time around (thanks MFP :bigsmile: ).

    I do think that as you get older you become more sedantary which will slow weight loss. For example, I went clubbing for the first time in years last weekend, I drank less than I would normally do on a night out, and I danced for hours. Normally on a night out I would just prop up the bar and drink more.

    I am also on blood pressure meds, and was told 7 years ago by my doctor only to do low impact exercise, ie. walking. I followed that advise for years and got fat. I only started losing weight when I ignored this advise, and when I informed my doctor how much exercise I was doing, he congratulated me (WTF :explode: ).

    That old addage "you are only as old as you feel" applies to dieting and exercise as well.
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    Weight loss-It's definitely slower than it used to be for me.
    Maybe I was just more active though- ballet, walking everywhere, a more physical job...Also going out and skipping meals, socialising didn't always mean a meal out- more dancing, or bike riding, swimming etc.
    I think we forget all of the things we used to do. I'm not saying we aren't busy, but it's just different as we get get older.
    It's good advice to younger people don't put too much on to start with.
    Even when we lose the weight, our skin tone is different to the 20 year olds....Arhhh it sux!
  • maryfetters
    I'm 62 and the weight is coming off very slow. I'm quite active during the day but after supper, I'm done!! I have no more energy for anything. I do clean up my kitchen but after that, its to the couch where I stay until bed time. We walk during both of our 15 minute breaks and I have been taking the stairs down 9 flights 3 times a day. Not sure what else I can do besides zip my lips shut and don't eat anything. lol!! Any ideas out there???
  • supermoo2
    I found that it's not actually the age, but how dedicated we are, and also that generally we are less active.

    I'm 53 and lost 3.5 stone this year, but I was dedicated to losing it this time, rather than being half hearted about it.

    While there can be some barriers, essentially committment is the key thing - and I am NOT saying it is easy, but it can be done.
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    I think it's attitude not age!

    You just need to make sure you eat well, get some exercise, break old habits, and get that all important motivation.

    I am 61 (today in fact)! and at Christmas 2011 I hit 98 kgs. I finally had that "moment" and have lost 25 kgs, mostly in the first 4-5 months. I am still losing weight, but more slowly as I get to my goal, and it has NOT been difficult.

    I work in an office, have a family, menopausal, have had issues with knees that prevented a lot of exercise etc, I still lost.
  • Filletsteak
    Filletsteak Posts: 85 Member
    Great stories, ladies! Why does it have to be so hard? I haven't hit the menopause yet but things are moving (bodywise) and not moving (scales). MFP is a great, free tool which helps me keep an honest account of my food and exercise activities. Good to hear that it's happening to many others.
  • luvmydog2
    luvmydog2 Posts: 243 Member
    :wink: A lot depends on the person and your out look on life ...I am 65 yrs young ...have been in several car accidents not my fault , has left me with back injuries .
    So exercise for me is very hard ....but i try to do as much as i can including walking , gardening , just generally keep moving .
    Since i have been on MFP ... I have had only 0.5 gain in a year .
    MFP.. Lets you track your eating habits ..and your friends on here keep you motivated.
    I to have been to all sorts of weight reducing clubs ...only to put it back on again . And lets face it they are expensive !
    Take this challenge on as a new journey ...not a diet ...and i am sure you will succeed as i have done .
    Wish you luck ...and success this time around .
  • luvmydog2
    luvmydog2 Posts: 243 Member
    I think it's attitude not age!

    You just need to make sure you eat well, get some exercise, break old habits, and get that all important motivation.

    I am 61 (today in fact)! and at Christmas 2011 I hit 98 kgs. I finally had that "moment" and have lost 25 kgs, mostly in the first 4-5 months. I am still losing weight, but more slowly as I get to my goal, and it has NOT been difficult.

    I work in an office, have a family, menopausal, have had issues with knees that prevented a lot of exercise etc, I still lost.

    Well said my friend ..And happy birthday ...
  • lucyricky2
    lucyricky2 Posts: 443 Member
    it is harder. i think you have to log and weigh food and exercise more and of course the water to flush out the fat cells!!!