Loose skin after massive weight loss

Hey all, I have this fear of losing the 150 lbs and being left with sagging skin on my stomach as well as arms. I know that I am putting myself in danger being obese, but the thought of the skin seriously terrifies me. Does anyone else feel this way? What can be done to avoid this? Certain foods to eat, exercise to do, ect?


  • ma_oeuvre
    They say strength training hels a lot. When I lost 100lbs I did no strength training whatsoever - it REALLY shows. Not a good look.

    Would be interested to see what other people say...
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I have 80 lbs to lose and I fear the same thing. The best thing I've heard is to lose the weight slowly, giving the skin time to recover. Also, I tell myself that it can't look worse than what's under there now, so why not?
  • richx83
    richx83 Posts: 334 Member
    I can understand this as I had similar concerns at the start, but read a forum post that pretty much said:

    Deal with the problems you are having today and worry about the loose skin if and when it happens.

    Why is it a concern to you so much?
  • lsapphire
    lsapphire Posts: 297 Member
    maybe it is just me, but ppl who lose slower seem to adjust better. Also my doctor said to lotion, lotion, lotion. I have lost 30 and so far so good, just a little sag here and there but even it is improving
  • MissySho
    MissySho Posts: 126 Member
    I have read somewhere, of course can't remember where, that it takes 2 years after a massive weight loss for the skin to shrink down. With the goal of 200 pounds to lose I try not to think about what my skin is going to look like when I'm closer to my goal. I'm afraid if I dwell on that then I will lose motivation and go back to the unhappy place I just left.
  • watcheronthewall
    Yes I think everyone worries about it but some feel that it is small price to pay for the weight loss. Personally it terrifies me and I'm not sure how it will affect me as I have gained and lost large amounts of weight on quite a few occassions and my skin has been ok but who knows...

    I think there are several factors involved but obviously it is unique to the individual.

    Age, length of time you have carried the weight (e.g if you've had the weight for most of your adult life that could be an issue), how quickly you lose the weight and whether your skin has had a chance to catch up, exercise and toning.

    Some preventative measures include moisturising (bio oil, shea butter or palmers cocoa butter are all good), toning exercise, making sure to eat well and slow and steady weight loss.
  • kandilynn03
    kandilynn03 Posts: 110 Member
    I'm a little worried. But like they say, you can hide loose skin, but you can't hide fat.

    I'm going to try to lose slowly and strength train, hopefully that will help. I also want to start saving for plastic surgery so I can have the skin removed after I lose the weight.
  • geeniusatwurk
    geeniusatwurk Posts: 68 Member
    I'm down 80 so far, 20 to go, and I have no loose skin whatsoever, even though I was losing 2 pounds a week for the first 6 months of my journey so far. I attribute that to the fact that I've been doing heavy compound barbell strength training since day 1.
  • Cheryl188
    Cheryl188 Posts: 114 Member
    I have 188lbs to lose (60lbs down so far). I know I'll have a lot of loose skin and it won't be cute or pleasant or comfortable. I've already warned my husband to start saving his pennies because I plan to have everything nipped, tucked, sucked, pulled, and lifted.
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    I've lost 100 with another 80 or so to go, and I having problems with loose skin. I lift weights, and the weight is coming off slow (sometimes too slow! lol) and I guess that's all I can do. I've also heard that it can take up to 2 years fro your skin to 'recover'. I've also started using a body lotion with collogen and elalstin. I haven't been using it very long so I can't really say if it's making a difference, but it sure does smell good! I use St. Ives Skin Renewing Lotion.
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    My two cents

    Yes it is a problem, but I would rather have some loose skin then the alternative. What I did to minimize it (which worked for me)

    1) Lose slowly
    2) Keep your skin well moisturized
    3) Lots of water
    4) Weights and exercise
    5) Start saving for some surgery you may want later (eg. tummy, breasts etc).

    I have been maintaining weight for a year and still seeing small improvements in the loose skin. I did have breast 'restoration' - my word for it.

    You are young and your skin will respond so much better and faster than someone who is older. Good luck.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    You're young enough your skin will probably shrink. Especially if your family doesn't run towards non-resilient skin (ask you mom what happened after her pregnancy).

    Lots of people gain and lose 50 pounds with a pregnancy without any loose skin long term. I did twice. I also just lost 25 pounds (at twice your age). I had a week or two where I had a flap of, not skin, but loose apron fat where my muscles weren't tight enough yet to hold everything in place. It did look bad. But a little exercise and a little time (literally, two weeks) and it's gone. I still have more to lose. I expect I'll hit that again. But it is better than the fat that was there before.

    Obesity will kill you. And frankly, if you're worried about attractiveness, it's not all that great either. Slow weight loss and hard lifting should keep you in good shape. You really are young and so is your skin.

    Besides, it feels SO MUCH BETTER to be thin. Not lugging that weight around will feel good.
  • mamakira
    mamakira Posts: 366
    I have the same fear but surprising enough my skin keeps up quite well. I lost 20kg over 3 years, I guess the slow weightloss was good for my skin.
    I have another 20kg to lose, I hope my skin will follow.
    If not I consider surgery, I want to feel slim and beautiful in a swimsuit, a bikini, nice lingerie...but I will wait and give it time.