Hypothyroid, input please! New Endo?

I've read quite a few posts and TONS of articles online, but if anyone else cares to share, please chime in! I am seeing my endocrinologist on Monday, and I'm just about ready to dump her. I take Synthroid (136 mg) every day, my dose has increased steadily since I was 23 (10 years!) She tells me it is not Hashimotos, but didn't tell me what it is that makes my thyroid function decrease.
My doctor is strict about numbers, and I had to talk her into doing a full panel last time- she normally only looks at TSH. I don't know my lab numbers, but I do know I told her I was feeling hypo and she said the TSH was fine. When I got T3 tested, it was low, so she increased the Synthroid dose.
Also- I used to take Dostinex for a pituitary adenoma, (prolactinoma) but I haven't had to since I had my kids/stopped during pregnancy. The numbers just went down and stayed there.

I hear and read a lot about Cytomel, Armour, and Naturethroid. I asked her last time to think about prescribing something else- I now have a little of the "brain fog" that really bugs me, as well as dry skin, hair loss, and fatigue. Mainly, I will totally admit, I'm upset because the scale is so stubborn, even when I keep my calories under goal. She said we should wait and see once I have given it a serious effort again. I can lose weight very slowly if I take extreme measures, but I find it so hard to keep it when I inevitably plateau and get discouraged.

I'm in Chicago, so I'd also love love love it if someone had any doctors to refer- I did call my PCP to ask if she had anyone in mind... Thanks for any help!


  • divacat80
    divacat80 Posts: 299 Member
    I wish I could help you with the lab numbers and your endo! I just wanted to say I can relate to all you say, I hope you get things sorted out!
    I'm in a similar situation but I have to deal with public health service doctors so there are no options for me except waiting until my next yearly checkup.
    Don't get discouraged! My levels are supposed to be fine but I still have to struggle REALLY HARD to lose weight. Even burning near 800 calories per day aren't helping lose a substantial amount of weight per month. And I'm worried because I need to lose all the weight before the end of the year, when my yearly subscription to my gym ends, as I can't afford it anymore.

    Make sure you're not undereating and focus on being healthy. you'll see progress sooner or later. Change to another doctor if you feel yours isn't good enough.

    Best of luck!
  • NocturnalGirl
    Definitely get a new Endocrinologist and get their opinions. Wish you the best of luck!
  • aries7298
    aries7298 Posts: 225 Member
    Get a second opinion... i have taken Dostinex since my first son was born (15 years ago)... and while I was pregnant with my youngest, I had to treat it (and my thyroid) differently since the meds were not good during. My Endo's were great, both while I was active duty, and after.... but they listened to me. You lose nothing by getting another doctor's perspective.
  • likka_me
    likka_me Posts: 19 Member
    Hang in there. I have hypo and I have not had my synthroid raised but totally get where your at. My dr told me to focus on being healthy that weightloss will be a constant struggle. She told me to try and lose 2 lbs a month. I burn 400-600 calories 4-5 days a week and still stall out every other week. I have to constantly remind myself I will not lose like others or I will get discouraged quickly.

    Get a second opinion. But realize that with hypo the weight is harder to take off. I hate the reverse science of it.
  • freckledrats
    freckledrats Posts: 251 Member
    I'm hypo, and it was mild (high TSH but normal-low T4) for years. Last check up was the very first time T4 was below normal. I'm on 100 mcg Levothyoxine and 5 mcg Levothyrinine (T3). Interestingly, it was also the first check up since I dumped my usual eating-for-my-thyroid thing, too. What and when you eat matters, IMO, though obviously this is completely anecdotal.

    Since my levels have been low, I've suffered fatigue and brain fog. I sleep like a rock and feel like I need 10 hours a night to function as well as a normal person. Not. Cool.

    The two things that seem to help me (though again, I'm a mild case and this is anecdotal) are avoiding goitrogenic foods, cutting back on soy and closely following the no calcium/no iron rule on the side of the pill bottle. I also add in pro-thyroid foods like avocado, kelp, and shellfish. (Hurray sushi!)

    You can google goitrogen to find more thorough lists, but some examples include cruciferous veggies like broccoli and kale, also spinach, peaches, and strawberries. Soy is also rumored to be a factor, and it's much harder to cut completely out. Cutting back ought to still help though.

    I take my pills in the morning, and my birth control the night before. My doc told me that they can interfere with each other, so you should take them many hours apart. Since a ton of foods contain calcium and iron, I take my pills as early as I can, eat nothing for an hour, then have a breakfast of fruit and a hobbit-style second breakfast at the 4 hour mark because dang I get hungry.

    Again, all anecdotal (before someone yells at me about it), but I hope you get something from it.
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    Hi I am hypo and take 188mcg's of synthroid, brand name. I did feel like that made a difference. I tried one of the generics and after a week my legs felt so heavy i could barely walk. My Dr. won't hear of the naturals like Armor, but she is willing to work with me on the numbers and listens to what I tell her. I feel best slightly hyper in my numbers. I don't remember them off the top of my head cause it has been a bit, but she makes sure I know what they are and we discuss any changes. I am also diabetic and she has to treat that too. I would defininetly change to a Dr. that would work with me.
  • klindema
    klindema Posts: 55 Member
    Thank you for that response! I know about the raw broccoli and soy, and try to take the pill an hour before my protein shake (from whey, not soy!) but I do eat a lot of spinach and cruciferous veggies- usually cooked. I didn't know about the spinach! I will update if I find out anything new. I LOVE avocado and sushi- also added in my b12 supplement again today- I have been deficient in the past... we will see if that helps!
  • klindema
    klindema Posts: 55 Member
    I saw my same endocrinologist this week and brought my MFP log along. She said it probably wouldn't hurt to try Armour if I was not happy- I switched on Wednesday and I think it was the right choice! My hands and feet are warm and my skin looks better- also, I've lost three pounds... That is water weight, in part, as I'm in the part of my cycle where I let it go, but I also think the switch helped. Now I'm searching for posts on Armour/T3! I made an appointment for a physical with my PCP, so I'll be getting lots of numbers soon. I'll also be seeking a referral, and if I find out anything good, I'll share :) Take care all, and good luck!
  • oioipunkrawkgrrl
    I was diagnosed hypothyroid about 8 years ago after I had my son, although i think ive had it since i was in high school, I'm 35 now. I have hashi's, that is the most common reason for having hypo. I begged and begged and finally got my endo to prescribe me cytomel and i feel a lot better because of it. Ask them to also get your free t3 and free t4, those are better indicators than tsh. Also if you haven't yet, please read on http://thyroid.about.com/ and get awesome info from Mary Shomon. I've read her books as well as stop the thyroid madness. I really think people need to educate themselves on their illness and be their own advocate, a lot of dr's are just like your endo and go strictly on tsh, which sucks. I wish you the best of luck and hope you find a better dr. http://thyroid.about.com/gi/o.htm?zi=1/XJ&zTi=1&sdn=thyroid&cdn=health&tm=21&f=10&tt=2&bt=1&bts=1&st=34&zu=http://www.thyroid-info.com/topdrs/illinois.htm is a link to top dr's in your area.
    Let us know how it goes.
  • oioipunkrawkgrrl
    oh, just saw your update, glad you got on armour, i never could get a dr to prescribe it around here. :D glad you're feeling better.