How do you prepare for a weigh-in?



  • Krys_140
    Krys_140 Posts: 648 Member
    Use the restroom, get naked, stand on scale.

    Manipulating your meal timing outside of your normal behavior patterns seems silly. You'd only be fooling yourself and providing less than accurate data.

    you should also wait for morning wood to subside

    Yeah but then I'd be weighing myself around dinner time.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I start preparing for my next weigh in the day after my weigh in. Get moving, avoid salty foods, drink a lot of water etc . The night before weigh in I don't eat any heavy proteins or heavy carbs that take a long time to process and will still be in my gut the morning I weigh in. example: no bagels or steak the day before weight in.
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    I do nothing different than I would any other day of the week. There's no reason to adjust, unless you are planning to get into a boxing ring and need to make catch weight.
  • SlinkyPinkyBunsOfSteel
    I don't "prepare" for it... I just weigh myself on a Friday morning after using the "facilities" and always in my under wear...and socks cos it's cold here :)
  • mistressfaye
    mistressfaye Posts: 232 Member
    I weigh every day (just because I like to see how "life" affects it lol) But I only log my weight on Saturday. I go to the bathroom, and weigh naked and never after a shower (I have so much hair that having it wet always adds a pound lol) I don't change anything the day before
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Well lets see. When I used to have to make weight I'd do a cardio workout in a sauna suit (generally stationary bike but sometimes the treadmill). After that I'd change and go and sit in the hot tub for a while. Next would be the steam room, and then finally the sauna with or without the sauna suit depending on how I was doing at that point. No water or food from that point on, and I'd usually sleep on a yoga mat on the floor wearing a few layers of sweats.

    ...wait, you mean just a normal weigh-in to track your weight and not weighing in for a tournament or competition?

    Why the hell are you trying to game yourself on the scale?
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I dont do anything different than I would any other day. But maybe that's because I weigh myself every day but only report my losses on Monday.
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    I wake up on weigh in day, use the bathroom, strip down, weigh, and jump in the shower.
  • SpazzyMal
    SpazzyMal Posts: 276 Member
    I weigh several times throughout the week, so I don't do anything special. And I don't see a reason to bother. I wake up, go to the bathroom, and weigh myself.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member

    1. wake up
    2. drop kids off at the pool
    3. wipe
    4. wash hands
    5. step on scale

    Thank you Lord for #4.
  • BernadetteChurch
    BernadetteChurch Posts: 2,210 Member
    I agree that there's no point doing anything differently than normal, as if you try and manipulate anything you're only kidding yourself.

    The important thing is to do it at the same time of day, on the same scales and wearing the same clothes.

    For me it's a Tuesday morning, after toilet and shower and always stark naked.

    But I confess I'm always slightly disappointed if I haven't needed a poo on weigh-in day!
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    Accurate? It may be accurate for that moment but you're weight fluxuates as you take in and get rid of food/liquid.

    Personally, on Saturdays, I get up, use the bathroom and weigh.
  • WillPillageYourVillageForFood
    I just get on the scale and weigh myself.....clothes and all since my doctors office frowns on people stripping down naked to get weighed. :laugh:
  • BernadetteChurch
    BernadetteChurch Posts: 2,210 Member

    1. wake up
    2. drop kids off at the pool
    3. wipe
    4. wash hands
    5. step on scale

    Thank you Lord for #4.

    Ha ha. I just got it!
  • Lana1253
    I eat as normal as any other day the day before my weigh in.I weigh in on Monday mornings after I use the loo and shower.
  • JenniferLynx
    JenniferLynx Posts: 8 Member
    The day before I make sure I stick to my calories and I drink a TON of water...That way, the morning of, I've flushed out my system and can feel confident that the number on the scale isn't water weight.
  • skinnybitchbarbie27
    I weigh monday mornings. Since I have started losing weight I have had some irregularity here and there. I am still (16 months later) adjusting the way I eat to make my body happy all the time. On sunday I have my usual shake for breakfast, a light lunch (I do not workout so I can restrict a little more) and then a liquid dinner. I do this before 4pm. In my shake for dinner I always add apples or other natural ingrediants that helps keep natural processes. Normally I am able to have a movement that night then weigh in the morning. I still drink water and I stop eating after 4pm because I am normally in bed by 8. I feel cleaner when I have allowed my body a chance to clean out the waste. Might be TMI but I always feel less bloated monday morning and have a good weigh in.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    drop my pajamas
    step on scale
  • KyleneSusan
    KyleneSusan Posts: 68 Member
    Does anybody find that drinking alcohol the night before a weigh-in seems to make the scale unhappy? I don't drink much (a glass of wine or two or a hard cider) but I try to not drink any the night before a weigh-in because I think it's going to have an effect.

    I know that alcohol in general is not a great plan while trying to lose weight, but it helps me calm down. And that's important sometimes.

    My weigh-in routine is to walk across the street and the parking lot from my building at work to the building with the nurse's office, go in, stand on the scale, and walk out. I've really got to buy a scale for at home some day soon.

    [edited for spelling]
  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member
    I agree that there's no point doing anything differently than normal, as if you try and manipulate anything you're only kidding yourself.

    The important thing is to do it at the same time of day, on the same scales and wearing the same clothes.

    For me it's a Tuesday morning, after toilet and shower and always stark naked.

    But I confess I'm always slightly disappointed if I haven't needed a poo on weigh-in day!

    LOL! This!! Word for word except change Tuesday to Thursday (or Wednesday depending on what challenge i am weighing in for).