Looking in the mirror again

WrathofKes Posts: 15
For a long, long, long, long, long (x100) time I have been afraid of mirrors (or really just any surface that I could see my reflection in). It got to a point in my life where I just covered up every mirror that I had to spend extended time around. For a long time this was a pretty big problem in my life. Not only that but it was pretty obvious to other people as well and they would tease me about whenever it came up.

I know one of the main reasons for my eisoptrophobia is that I hated and was afraid of what I saw in it. Sometimes when I was forced to stare at my own reflection it would cause actual pain and other awful, uncomfortable feelings that were more mental than anything else.

It looked like it was a problem that would continue with no end in sight and it would just ruin my life in small subtle ways.

Then I started making a serious effort to lose weight. And it was working.

Slowly and more slowly, passing by a mirror was less painful and more tolerable.

It could actually look at myself with more than just a quick side-ways glance to make sure the shifty mirror didn't go anywhere.

Now its not even a problem anymore. I mean it hasn't completely gone away, but its gone from being a painful, stressful, anxiety-ridden experience and turned into something that could be a little awkward but it more of "eh whatever" situation.

It may not seem like a big deal to most people. But it means a lot to me. I think it shows that slowly and more slowly I'm starting to not be so afraid of how I see myself.

I know losing weight has helped. I know I'm getting a small (but growing!) sense of confidence. And these two things working together are helping me conquer this fear.

For that I'm glad and I resolve to never go back to that place ever again.



  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    So proud of you!
    And I'm not afraid to admit it.. a lil jealous
    I have been the exact same since I was about 13 years old.. even after losing 18.6kg/41lb I absolutely despise mirrors and everything about me. Oh well.

    Was there anything other than losing weight which helped you shift the mental mindset?
  • beckarini
    beckarini Posts: 78 Member
    This is amazing news - it's great to hear that you're feeling better and less intimidated by previous times :)
    Keep up the good work :D
  • Was there anything other than losing weight which helped you shift the mental mindset?

    One of the things that hepled me was that I wasn't passively thinking I would get better. It took some time but I had finally convinced myself that I need to get over this, if not for myself then at least so people would stop teasing me about it (people like my own family no less).

    Once I decided that it was all about exposure. I would work myself up to do exercises like spending a short amount of time just looking at myself in the mirror. when I first started it was just an awful experience. But the more I did it, the easier it eventually became.

    But even though I still got past my fear of it, I still have this habit of avoiding mirrors. So this whole process is still a work in progress.
  • Spiritwarrior3000
    Spiritwarrior3000 Posts: 322 Member
    :blushing: Great work on your journey! I always look at myself in the mirror i have 5 mirrors just in my bedroom alone lol
  • :blushing: Great work on your journey! I always look at myself in the mirror i have 5 mirrors just in my bedroom alone lol

    That's just... too many mirrors. lol Just too many.
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