Ladies I need your help

HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
Girls I have been so down about my weight for years now I don't buy clothes and I were black all the time. Will all you fab girlies add me look at my figure type and basically dress me hAhah I havnt got a clue about fashion anymore I'm 9lb from my goal weight and can't wait to buy new clothes that will suit my curvy frame and make me look hot :) thanks dolls xxx


  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
  • francesiax
    Hi I'll add you now :)
  • EmmaM2211
    EmmaM2211 Posts: 536 Member
    I wouldnt be any help at this anyway but you might want to open up your profile so people can actually see your pics.....
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    I wouldnt be any help at this anyway but you might want to open up your profile so people can actually see your pics.....
    . I don't no how to hunn I thought it was open x
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
  • Snitch1
    Snitch1 Posts: 201 Member
    OP: Hope you like honesty-if not, skip this post.:noway:
    I am from an age where" less is more."

    That means, the LESS skin showing, the MORE sexier you look.
    Why not leave something to the imagination?

    Give the men a present to "unwrap?"

    Men like mystery. If they can see everything you are when you are "clothed(?)", why bother to find out what little is not showing?

    Example: Bar photo's:(AUTHOR'S NOTE: I DO NOT know if this is a BEFORE or AFTER photo. Just commenting on the clothing and way it fits.") Black tank top, white skirt

    Black top: not appealing, as your arms/shoulders/upper back are not toned enough to be showing. Also, from the front, in the photo, most (a lot) of breast tissue is showing. Personally, I think a small amount of cleavage, a "hint" of breast is much more alluring than letting it all hang out.

    Skirt: TOO short, BOXY looking.The outfit lacked structure. Looked like 2 boxes, one on top of the other. Nothing to show off your waist,or even to define it. I think you should have worn a longer (mid-thigh) more fitted are not a 5 year old, who wears flouncy skirts and her mamma's high heels. You are a woman, dress like one. Besides, maybe, just maybe, if you would have worn a wide belt, it would have shown off the killer curves you worked so hard to get back. (Bravo to you, BTW)

    Dressing for your figure is all about proportions and illusions. Any fashion mag will tell you that. If you go loose on top, go tighter on bottom. Not baggy all over. You seem to have an hour-glass figure. Enhance it. Show off your waist, but COVER your breasts and tush. Give a "hint" of the goodies above and below that BELT, but don't give anyone a free show. Way sexier. IMO, of course.

    Now, if you look at my profile, you might notice I am Pentecostal-meaning MODESTY is the way we dress. Covered from collarbone to ankles-not all of us, but me personally-I do not show my legs-have surgery scars. Personal choice. But, was not always Pentecostal. So, dressed to impress at one time.

    May the Good Father above abundantly bless you..
    Sister Nicolette
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    Passing thought; needs clearer photos. The only ones that are datestamped don't show much, the full body ones it's not clear how old they are. The naked mirror shot seems to imply a flat stomach and thin arms compared to some of the other pictures, but there's no way of knowing which is more recent. Upload some current look full body shots with at parallel to the floor camera angles instead of top down and it will be easier to give objective thoughts.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    It is hard to get to one 's style that makes you feel great, like the reflection in the mirror from all angles, and be appropriate in all settings . Baggy from head to toe ican look frumpy and skin tight can look....uncomfortable. I like to watch those shows on cable tv "what not to wear" or "how do i look". And i visit their websites... They use real people.

    I still struggle with this at age 54...i find that wearing layered helps the most.
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    OHHHHHHHHHH the truth hurts....Love it....I'm sure it's not the attention she was looking for...

    How am I looking for attention u weirdo this is not for attention what so ever I. Am constantly in black I'm asking for advise how to dress because I don't no an I didn't take offence I. Anything at all she has just said! I am not looking for a man I already have one the pictures are because I think I look to big an to see progress if y.ou would look at my friends I have about 2 male friends and I have only just opened my profile so lady's can see... Hence the will you add me and tell me comment........ And for the op thankyou the one were you can see alot of my boobs is a old photo were I had alot of fat around my boobs which is now gone the black skirt is a jumpsuit I borrowed of my sister because I didn't want to buy new clothes until I have lost all my weight.. The recent ones are 2nd row 1st and 5th and 6th.. And 3rd row 2nd and 3rd... Would appreciate your help thanks x also the boxy looking skirt is me at my biggest at 13 and a half stone 2 months ago now I'm 11 stone 10lb x
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    Well you look to be pear shaped, so long maxi dresses will work. Jeans you want to be looking at dark navy/indigo or black rather than light blue, preferably with a slight flare or boot cut. Jackets want to stop above the hip-line, something quite short. Fitted shirts and an accessorised neck will draw attention up and apply a psychological balance.
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    Well you look to be pear shaped, so long maxi dresses will work. Jeans you want to be looking at dark navy/indigo or black rather than light blue, preferably with a slight flare or boot cut. Jackets want to stop above the hip-line, something quite short. Fitted shirts and an accessorised neck will draw attention up and apply a psychological balance.

    I am pear shaped Hun I were maxi dresses in the summer bu yet again black hahahah and I were black jeans now think ill get dark navy ones .. And thankyou so much for a man you have helped me the most xx
  • jlp100
    jlp100 Posts: 117 Member
    I have been wearing black thinking I was big in my lighter years when I should have been enjoying life and what I was wearing. Now I am bigger I am sick of the sight of black and apparently it makes you look bigger (bigger blocks of black apparently make you look bigger not slimmer).

    Make a conscious decision to stay away from black when you go clothes shopping. With winter coming up I've just invested in some jumpers for the winter, hoping that they will be too big for next year but at least this year I will be comfy. Also if you like long cardy's (cover the bum) can look great, casual, smart with a little top underneath and will go with nice jeans. The cardy hanging will frame the top underneath making you look slimmer.

    I really know where you are coming from and have put off buying clothes refusing to buy more in my current size but I'm sick of wearing the same things (mainly black) and I've thought for a few quid I can add a few things to my wardrobe that are comfy, not black, and fit without being too snug meaning a more comfortable me making me more happy.

    the clothes I had been wearing were reminding me of the snugness and basically of the weight I had put on. By buying a bigger set of clothes it doesn't mean you are determined to stay at your current weight, but at the end of the day you are not going to lose weight in a few days, that's the way I've looked at it. While I'm this size may as well be comfy and carry on with the cause.

    As I say hopefully this time next year the newer set of clothes will be too big for me to wear.

    Keep your chin up and know that you can do this.

    Hope this helps :bigsmile:
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    I have been wearing black thinking I was big in my lighter years when I should have been enjoying life and what I was wearing. Now I am bigger I am sick of the sight of black and apparently it makes you look bigger (bigger blocks of black apparently make you look bigger not slimmer).

    Make a conscious decision to stay away from black when you go clothes shopping. With winter coming up I've just invested in some jumpers for the winter, hoping that they will be too big for next year but at least this year I will be comfy. Also if you like long cardy's (cover the bum) can look great, casual, smart with a little top underneath and will go with nice jeans. The cardy hanging will frame the top underneath making you look slimmer.

    I really know where you are coming from and have put off buying clothes refusing to buy more in my current size but I'm sick of wearing the same things (mainly black) and I've thought for a few quid I can add a few things to my wardrobe that are comfy, not black, and fit without being too snug meaning a more comfortable me making me more happy.

    the clothes I had been wearing were reminding me of the snugness and basically of the weight I had put on. By buying a bigger set of clothes it doesn't mean you are determined to stay at your current weight, but at the end of the day you are not going to lose weight in a few days, that's the way I've looked at it. While I'm this size may as well be comfy and carry on with the cause.

    As I say hopefully this time next year the newer set of clothes will be too big for me to wear.

    Keep your chin up and know that you can do this.

    Hope this helps :bigsmile:

    Thankyou hunni I'm just looking online now think I'm going to wean myself of black haha maybe some plum colours and beige and brown accessories some ladies have helpd me with styles of dresses which I love so going to try my best I really don't no if people see me as big or thin because I just see fat :( iv lost 6 inches of my hips an they look the same to me x
  • NocturnalGirl
    First thing's first. Wear something that YOU feel suits you and your personality and that you'll feel comfortable in. Confidence is important when pulling of certain clothes.
    Secondly, don't go by "what's hot" right now, because not everything suits everyone. Choose clothing based on your body shape, choose the colour based on your skin tone, etc.
    There is an endless list I can tell you regarding fashion (I LOVE fashion) but I'd rather you be more specific on what YOU like and then give you some good advice surrounding that.
    Good luck! And congrats on your weight loss :)
  • missprincessgina
    missprincessgina Posts: 446 Member
    A lot of stores have personal shoppers ... Nordstroms is the only store around here that does but I know Saks does too. I use them all the time. Or I find a classy sales lady that knows what she's doing. Especially if they are a tad older and have worked in clothing for awhile.

    Also Pin Up Girl has cute clothes for a curvy body. I have a picture on my profile of me in a red dress from PUG.

    Or take a few friends with you and have a fun shopping outing. And it comes down to if you like it and feel comfortable in it.

    Good luck shopping! You look great :love:
  • MelanieAG05
    MelanieAG05 Posts: 359 Member
    i don't know what body shape you are however the basic rule is not to end any piece of clothing on the widest part of your body. for example, i have large upper arms so I never wear sleeves which end at that point, I also have a large tummy so tops always finish above or below it (mostly below lol!). there are a few websites you could use which give advice about clothes to suit your body shape such as ..........
  • xNJAx
    xNJAx Posts: 170 Member
    I can't see your photos but I'm slightly pear-shaped too and these are the things I find most flattering to my shape:

    * Bootcut trousers/jeans (if you're at your goal and can invest in a pair of really dark denim Diesel jeans I'd recommend it - they are one of the most flattering things I own)
    * Skirts cut either just above or on the knee (the hem lies at the thinnest part of your leg giving the illusion of slimmer thighs)
    * Dresses, dresses, dresses! (Especially wrap-around or slightly 'floaty' dresses that just skim over the hips - no clingy fabrics. Again, hemline just above or on the knee. I don't know how tall you are but just below the knee makes me look shorter)
    * Tops with a bit of pattern or detailing to keep more attention at the top of your body rather than your tummy/hips/thighs
    * Capped or half sleeves rather than strappy tops
    * Cardigans or jackets in a contrasting colour to your top (either cropped/short or long - mid-length aren't so good because they stop at the widest part of your body and draw your eye there)
    * Darker colours on the bottom half than the top half
    * Large handbags! If you have a big bag you look smaller in comparison

    If you want to get out of black but find colours a bit daunting, maybe go for browns and autumnal shades to start with or add in little hints of colour with accessories (shoes/jewellery/handbags) until you're more confident.

    Hope this helps! You've worked hard to get a body you're proud of so make the most of flattering it. Really a lot of it just comes down to confidence - if you feel a million dollars in what you're wearing you're half-way there. :)

  • Jayneopopsidoodle
    Jayneopopsidoodle Posts: 63 Member
    I can't see your photos either hun but feel free to add me :) xx
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    I'd suggest, have some friends who you trust to tell you the truth about colors go on a mini shopping spree with you to find color. You can still wear some black (after all, black is slimming,) but start bringing in a splash of color, you need to know if you look better in pastels, neutrals, or jewel tones so you can find colors that won't make you look bad (it happens, I have a friend that as much as she loves yellow, she can't wear it, she looks sick when she does (I found her a wide yellow belt one year since she has a great hour glass figure she loves wearing it with her LBD since she lost the belt to that and it looks great on her since the yellow is far enough away from her face it doesn't wash her out, it accentuates her waist line, and it gives her that splash of color she wants.)
    Best of luck getting to a colorful closet!
  • Dub_D
    Dub_D Posts: 1,760 Member
    Onesies and footie pajamas.