Good Goal Weight for 5'2

I am 5'2 and am struggling with a good target weight. I currently weigh 136 pounds and this is the heaviest I've ever been! I started a new job 6 months ago and went from waitressing and running around all day and night to sitting at a desk and eating fast food everyday for lunch. I am a fast food junkie and have gained a WHOPPING 12 pounds since my new job!! I am proud to say that I have not touched fast food for 6 days...while that not seem like much to some, it is quite a feat for me! Surprisingly, I haven't even envied my co-workers when they go out for fast food. Before I started my current job, I weighed 124 pounds and wasn't happy with weight at all then either. I have completely changed my eating habits and I joined a gym. I am wondering what is a good weight for someone with my height.


  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    Hi and welcome!

    I don't know how old you are, but according to the BMI chart, for your height 110-139 is a healthy weight. The older you are (30s and older), your weight will be a little more on the heavier side.

    I am the same height as you, but I'm in my 30s, so I'm on the higher end of the healthy weight range-though that doesn't deter me from trying to get to 130!)
  • kristinam7
  • lmfaulkner9
    Well I am 5'3" and 34 years old. I weigh 127 but my goal weight and a really healthy weight for me is 122. If I was 5'2" I would probably want to be about 120 or a few lbs less.
  • Ann1964x
    I am 48 years old, 5'2 and weigh 132. My goal weight is 116. Would love to be under 120 though.
  • madworld1
    I am 5'3... so close enough. Keep in mind I am 32, though. I think a comfortable and healthy weight (for me) is anywhere from 118-125. That said, everyone's body is different (even with equal heights).
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    5'2", 55 yrs old, maintain between 115 and 120
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Read this. It will tell you how to determine a goal weight. Height doesn't have much to do with it.. It's about how much muscle you have.
  • madworld1
    5'2", 55 yrs old, maintain between 115 and 120

    Curious to know... how did you come up with your username "Mokey41"? Is it from fragile rock by any chance?
  • BoatReadyBody
    I am 32 mom of 3 5'2 and 107. my goal weight was 120.. I think it is what ever you feel your best at.
  • annasensei
    I'm 5'1 and 29. I started out at 150. I am at 139 right now. My goal is 130 because that's when I feel my healthiest and most natural, and I don't feel like working out or eating are the focuses of my life. That may seem a little high, but even when I was training for triathlons (3 hours at the gym 6 days a week, 1400 calorie a day) I only got down to 125. As long as I'm feeling healthy and my clothes are fitting well, I'm happy.

    Good call on the fast food. Staying away from snacks and processed food has worked wonders for me.

    Maybe focus on measurments rather than weight. I know that's helped me as well.
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    Yeah, I'm 5'1 and weigh 130 pounds. At my lightest I was at 115. But my goal weight is 110.
  • kristinam7
    Thank you all for your advice! I was thinking 112 would be a good target for me! I have a small frame, but when I put weight on, it goes to all the WRONG places!!
  • tinad120
    tinad120 Posts: 267 Member
    You weight seems fine, and 124 is definitely healthy. It seems that you're more unhappy with your body composition, so why not look into lifting to help you reduce body fat and "tone" muscles?
  • the_new_robin2016
    the_new_robin2016 Posts: 97 Member
    Maybe it's not a matter of loosing weight, but toning your body? And improving your endurance. Way to go for not eating fast food for 6 days!!!! That stuff is addicting! I would think around 120 - 125 would be good. I'm 5'7 so i'm not sure on that. I would say if you started lifting and running/cardio you will start seeing changes in your BF%. you might not see big changes in the scale because you are already in your healthy range. But you'll slowly start going down in the scale, and quickly seeing changes in your body inches. Keep in mind, Muscle weighs more then fat!!
  • merlyngrey
  • ASH0502
    I'm just about 5'2" and weight 134 on a good day and I my current goal is 115. I'm coming down from pregnancy weight, but this is still the highest I've ever been (before getting pregnant). Any time I've been above about 118 I've felt like there has been more to lose. My goal is 115 and then I plan to reevaluate if I want to or can get down closer to 110. For some that sounds like very little, but when you are this short, trust me, there is still fat to be found! Feel free to friend me if you want support as we try to get to our old weight and then some!!
  • jessienmiller
    jessienmiller Posts: 73 Member
    Hi i am 5'2'' also and i am 31 i normally have always weighed around 112 but i had gained also from my job sitting at a desk. I am currently at 116lbs but am trying really hard to get back to 112 poss 110! Hope this helps.
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    I'm 5'4" and my goal weight is 115 so maybe 110? But I'm thinking this all depends on your body type. I have no waist (rectangle) so I look better on the thinner side. If you are curvy you might look better with more pounds.
  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    nevermind, maybe I should change my goal to 120...
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    5'-2", 31 years old here. Currently 124 lbs. I dropped to 116 at one point, but since adding weight and resistance training to my regimine about 8 months ago I've gained. Haven't gone up in size, though. Measurements are all the same or maybe a tiny bit smaller.

    It feels good to me...