Help, Please -- Don't know activity level and not losing wei

aclarem Posts: 12
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I've not posted before, but I am having a bit of a dilemma, and thought I would mine the boards!

1) I currently have my activity level listed as "lightly active." I teach middle school and am on my feet at least 60-70% of the day. However, in the last five and a half weeks, the scale has not moved (I've gained and lost the same 3 1/2 pounds). I have gone over on calories precisely three times. I exercise at least three times a week (I'm very very busy!). I've fought my weight my whole life, and am getting really discouraged. It seems as if I'm getting nowhere.
What am I doing wrong? Do I need to lower my calories? Activity level? Help! I'm so discouraged right now and would love some assistance/suggestions!

Thanks in advance -- I love this site... I just wish I could lose the weight!


  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I think lightly active applies to you- are you eating all of your calories + those burned through exercise?
  • aclarem
    aclarem Posts: 12
    Oh yes, I eat all of my calories... Starvation mode is definitely not a problem. I actually get myself to exercise by promising chocolate to myself if I do :)
    Should I eat all of my exercise calories though? I don't quite trust MFP sometimes -- I have a hard time believing that some of the activities I do burn as many calories as it claims (for example: it claims 120 minutes of housecleaning = 450 calories burned.... No way that can be right!)
  • It sounds like you may have to bump up your activity level to see more results. Are you eating breakfast? That helps to boost your metabolism for the day! I am a teacher also so I understand your lifestyle. I had to make a choice and commit myself to more exercise... It's now paying off!!! I stay after school 4 days a week and workout with fellow coworkers! Its working!!! =) Have you ever logged into its a great tool for weight loss and tells you what amount of calories you need as well as the amount you need from each food group. Good luck!!
  • I teach 4th grade and walk almost 5 miles during my day ...without "exercise"

    I have myself listed also as lightly active.

    I do not have the answer to your other question, but wanted to let you know that I have the same setting.

    So maybe these questions will help:
    Are you eating your exercise calories?
    Are you using a scale and measuring cups to make sure your serving sizes match?

    Don't give up :)

  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    Try shocking your body both in terms of what you are consuming and your exercising.

    Play around with your calories. You may need to increase or decrease your calories. Do you have a heart rate monitor to accurately measure the calories you are burning?

    What types of workouts are you doing? Try something new. Also, if possible try to incorporate some weight training.
  • singcoz528
    singcoz528 Posts: 154
    I know this is going to sound weird but before my baby I lost 45lbs, and around 25lbs lost I hit a plateau like the one u are describing. I was doing all the right things but the scale wasn't moving!

    I "shocked" my system back up by taking a week off. I didn't just go eat everything in my house, I just quit paying attention to my calories. When I started my diet back up after that week the scale started moving again!

    Thought this may help!
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    Another great way to shock your system is by playing with your macros. If you normally eat a high carb/ mod protein/ low fat diet, try dropping carbs and addign protein, or vice versa. I just had to switch from almost 60%carb25% protein?15%fat to 50%protein/30%carb/20% fat, for p90x, and I've upped my cals from 1200 to 1700. It's making a huge difference! (And I'm spending less time on the treadmill =p)
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Oh yes, I eat all of my calories... Starvation mode is definitely not a problem. I actually get myself to exercise by promising chocolate to myself if I do :)
    Should I eat all of my exercise calories though? I don't quite trust MFP sometimes -- I have a hard time believing that some of the activities I do burn as many calories as it claims (for example: it claims 120 minutes of housecleaning = 450 calories burned.... No way that can be right!)

    When the calorie burn doesn't feel right, I don't trust it either, so I'll fiddle with it until it feels right. 225 calories for an hour of housecleaning doesn't seem high though- housework is hard work. I scrub my bathtub, and I feel like I ran a marathon.

    One way to test whether you're eating too few, too many or enough calories is to set your goal to maintenance for a couple of weeks, eat your exercise calories, and see what happens. If you stay the same, you know you're eating at the right amount, if your weight changes, you can make the necessary adjustments.
  • milesje
    milesje Posts: 40 Member
    If possible try eating smaller meals, but eat more often. Try to eat 6 times each day, by eat smaller meals more often, this will increase you motabolism so that you will burn more calories all day.
  • justann
    justann Posts: 276 Member
    I am having the same problem. One idea is to look at your sodium intake. Too much sodium and you will retain water.
  • HopeFato
    HopeFato Posts: 2
    I think you are getting some good advice here on switching things up and possibly adding some more wo's in if possible.

    I know how frustrating it can be, I ma sitting at a platuea myself right now...I am bumping my cal's up a bit.
  • HopeFato
    HopeFato Posts: 2
    Another great way to shock your system is by playing with your macros. If you normally eat a high carb/ mod protein/ low fat diet, try dropping carbs and addign protein, or vice versa. I just had to switch from almost 60%carb25% protein?15%fat to 50%protein/30%carb/20% fat, for p90x, and I've upped my cals from 1200 to 1700. It's making a huge difference! (And I'm spending less time on the treadmill =p)

    P90X shout out!!

    What day/week are you on? how are you liking it?!
  • Karna6e
    Karna6e Posts: 57
    It sounds like you may have to bump up your activity level to see more results. Are you eating breakfast? That helps to boost your metabolism for the day! I am a teacher also so I understand your lifestyle. I had to make a choice and commit myself to more exercise... It's now paying off!!! I stay after school 4 days a week and workout with fellow coworkers! Its working!!! =) Have you ever logged into its a great tool for weight loss and tells you what amount of calories you need as well as the amount you need from each food group. Good luck!!

    I agree. In my opinion, excessive calories for deficits are for people on the highly active side. When I counted myself as light active, I didn't feel the need for additional calories because there's usually not a chance of "bonking" or having low energy throughout the day.
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