"We're Going Out To Eat, Don't Know Where"= panic!



  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,644 Member
    not at all...but I believe everything in moderation. So I would eat what I wanted...then if needed sweat it out later.
  • joannathechef
    joannathechef Posts: 484 Member
    No not really - I pick something plain and ask for subsitutes - 'may I have extra veg instead of the fries'

    pick 2 starters at an itallian joint instead of pasta or pizza - anti pasta plus a salad or a soup and salad

    always ask for any dressing and sauces on the side

    and if the worst comes to the worst and you have a bad day - it is just one day
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    There is no need to panic! You have three very good options here...

    One, if you're going to a chain restaurant, most have calories listed on the menu now so you can make smart choices without any research ahead of time.

    Two, if you're going to a non chain restaurant or buffet type place, load up on healthy stuff. Just about every place is going to have a salad option where you can add grilled chicken and soup and grilled lean meat/fish with steamed veggies. And if they don't offer those things, ask for substitutes or ask them to bring your burger without fries.

    Three, sounds like you don't go out to eat very often so just go and enjoy! You can still try to make a healthier choice but if there's something you really want to have go ahead and have it. Back on track the next day and plenty of water to counteract all that sodium and it won't set you back for too long.

    If you can voice your opinion at all, try suggesting a chain restaurant or some place where you know there are healthier options. They may not take your advice but I'd at least put it out there as an option just in case!
  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    I dont usually panic

    I rarely go out to eat so when I do, I let myself have whatever I want. No soda though!

    Same here, I don't go out to each. And when I do I get whatever I want
  • soehlerking
    soehlerking Posts: 589 Member
    I am an "everything in moderation" follower, but I'm still with you--I need to have everything planned out ahead of time or I face guilt and constant worrying about what I'm going to have to cut to make this dinner fit in. It's an unhealthy habit (worrying this much about a single dinner out), but I definitely do it!
  • BigBrewski
    BigBrewski Posts: 922 Member
    It used to cause panic, not not anymore. I know that one meal isn't going to kill me. Also, I've learned how to make better choices so that it's not a total bomb meal. ie. get a salad or steamed veggies instead of fries along with whatever nom-tastic dinner you're having :-)

    ^^^This is excellent advice, hard to accept and do but excellent advice
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    If I know where I'm going out to eat I check out entries in the MFP database or on the restaurant's website before going so I have an idea of what I could order without overdoing it...

    If I don't know where I'm going out to eat then I try to do the same thing but assuming a couple of different places that are popular in my area or the people I'm going with.

    In the case of nights like tonight, where I'll be having dinner at my sister-in-law's house for her birthday and don't know what is being served, I just make the best choices possible and keep my portions reasonable. And have a sliver of cake.
  • jmeyer925
    jmeyer925 Posts: 326 Member
    Thank you all for the advice and input, makes me see that some people are in the same boat as I am, while others are on the shore sipping a beer without a care in the world :smile: lol jk
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    Nope. I'm still, "YAY! FREE FOOD!"
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    Streak and vegetables is lower calorie and delicious. Add a starch in moderation.

    As to calories, Sirloin is good. Ribeye is bad.

    And any time beef tenderloin is awesome!

    Non fried/breaded chicken things usually work out OK. As long as it's not in a wrap. Wraps are evil.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    Nope. I'm still, "YAY! FREE FOOD!"

    Me too!!
    Oh and a Valium with a shot of Jack!
    Panic just goes away.....:wink:
  • WestCoastPhoenix
    WestCoastPhoenix Posts: 802 Member
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    I do have that panic. I remind myself that I am going to have these situations in life. I try to not eat out more than once a day, so that I can try to salvage any extra calories I can. I also make sure I record it the best I can. If it's not something done often, then I will enjoy it.
  • No I don't panic, I try and find out where we are going first. Then I will go online and see if they have a menu posted, most do. I have a 16 year old daughter that usually is with us when we go out and most of the time I will share a plate with her. We will split the steak or chicken, she takes the fries or baked potato and I will have the salad (with dressing on the side). If we are out with out my daughter I will order off the childrens or seniors menu most places don't mind. There have been times when I order a regular plate and right away ask for a take home box and split the meal in half or thirds and box up the rest. On my way out/on our way home, if I see a homeless person I normally hand them my "left overs".
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Yes, I know exactly how you feel!
  • msshiraz
    msshiraz Posts: 327 Member
    This post makes no sense to me. You obviously lost your share of weight. I think you should know by now, one bad day isn't going to make you gain all your weight back. It's not going to make you or break you. If you do eat out often then... I'd understand your concern.

    Very true!! Unless is there an issue with dining out you feel you will not have portion control? Even if its a calorie rich meal, (how about when you go to someone elses house and they don't cook healthy- that is my worst fear!- usually I offer to bring a big salad anywhere I go). I would enjoy the meal, get what you want, if you are concerned about over eating, share your plate with someone- or get a to go box at beginning and put half in there. This is not uncommon, nor rude to those you are dining with. I am sure they'll respect your decision to respect your body with your diet