I'm stuck!! I need weight loss help!

Hello everyone! I need some advice and some help in the weight loss department. I started back in March at 219, lost 20 pounds by eating better and excerising. I really made a drastic difference in my life because I suffer from IBS and needed to do this for my health. I was in a miserable place in my life. Now I am in November, at 197 and feeling like a new person, but I haven't lost any more weight! Last month, I danced and jog every day besides Sunday and didn't lose a pound. I eat at 1583 and am 5'3'' (unlocked my diary). I'm stuck. I want to jump start again! I need direction!

Also, I do have an hormonal imbalance. I've noticed it even more that I have lost weight and I hold all my weight not just in my belly, but right over my ovaries. I don't get my period, haven't for years (so I'm not pregnant by any means), have been to the doctors several times, and they don't see to worried about that. (I personally think that they should...) Is it that? If so, what would I need to get checked, etc?!

Please help in any way you can! I need some advice! Thank you so much for your answers!


  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    Do you just eat twice a day?
    How much water are you drinking?
    Your fiber is way too low.
    What is the Chipotle that you eat?

    Also you look very young.
    I am 46 and have not had a normal period in years which I like but had a doctor worry about this.
    So I think this is something that should be looked into.
  • cior
    cior Posts: 133 Member
    Thank you for your reply!

    Do you just eat twice a day? Typically, I go to school in the mornings and work in the evenings, so I only get two chances to take advance of that.

    How much water are you drinking? Rougly 8! I could definitely do more!

    Your fiber is way too low. I'll keep an eye out!

    What is the Chipotle that you eat? I get brown rice, chicken, sour cream, and lettuce! I had chips from a while ago, didn't eat them, and ate them so they didn't go bad!

    Thanks again!
  • GroveGirl1905
    The guideline I use for water is half of my body weight in ounces. So, if a person weighs 150 pounds: 150/2 = 75 ounces. I have found a dramatic improvement in my energy level and my skin. I do know where every public restroom is in town, but it's worth it!
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    Pack food with you to eat more often like cut up apples, small sweet peppers, string cheese, fiber bars. Lose the sour cream or ask for half. Water is a big key especially if you eat big meals and I know where the bathrooms are too.:drinker:
  • cmccorma
    cmccorma Posts: 203 Member
    are you weighing and measuring everything? i will say, the first 25 came off easily for me and i was able to still cheat on the weekends. now, i have been maintaining for a while because i can't seem to stop cheating on the weekends :blushing:
  • SeeStephRunBlog
    honestly... you need to try and eat more than just twice a day. Pack a lunch or prepare breakfasts ahead of time that you can grab and take with you to school and work. Also pack some low cal snacks. Also, I agree with other posters, you need more fiber.

    Also- while you are eating the number of calories, it is what you are eating. Having 500 calories taken up in starbucks coffee cake and a latte vs. something like a lean protein and healthier fresh foods is probably really hampering your weight loss. Try and focus more on lean proteins, high fibers and fresh foods if you can. Sometimes it's just a matter of prepping ahead of time and getting a lunch bag you don't mind carrying around!

    Good luck!
  • SuzyLy
    SuzyLy Posts: 133 Member
    Track your sodium to see how high it is, you seem to eat out, and/or eat alot of pre-packaged (?) foods. I agree with previous writer, get some fiber into your diet.
  • jayaprathappsg
    jayaprathappsg Posts: 60 Member
    If you think you are doing everything ok, under the calorie goal, drinking water etc and still no results, please see a doctor.
    My friend had the same problem and turned out he was hypo thyroid, so he had to take medication to offset it
  • cnelson1974
    cnelson1974 Posts: 235 Member
    It appears to me you don't eat often enough. I would try and substitute some veggies and protien and possibly cut back on the wheat products. Good luck!
  • Coyla
    Coyla Posts: 444 Member
    Eating twice a day, not drinking enough water or eating enough fiber....these probably aren't the reasons you're not losing weight. However, increasing water intake and eating more fiber are definitely helpful.

    But check this out:


    It's a great article about plateauing, what may be causing it, and strategies you can use to overcome it.
  • srudis25
    srudis25 Posts: 65 Member
    Maybe start making little swaps with your carbs. Instead of italian bread at breakfast, switch to whole wheat and/or an english muffin. Also, egg whites instead of always having whole eggs. Definitely agree with the other posters too, about upping the water intake and eating more than twice a day!
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Eat veggies and fruits and lean meats. No packaged or processed food or restaurant or fast foods. See if that makes a difference. You'll eat twice as much food, but will start losing.

    Also, how many times a day you eat has nothing to do with anything. You're fine with twice a day.
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    I personally no longer allow cheat days. I will also feel sick and bloated if I eat 600 cals at one time and can no longer fathom what I use to eat . But if I want to eat more then I need to burn more. I am excited that my gym is offering a sample class day Thanksgiving morning. I am also planning on pizza tomorrow so will go to the gym earlier in the day. It is a lifestyle change.:flowerforyou:
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    1. try eating more often, take some grapes, apple, banana, fiber one bars, string cheese, etc with you
    2. I would try cutting out the chips, cheesecake, coffeecake, candy except for once in awhile and substitute it with healthier choices,
    3. also maybe try different exercises, changing things up usually helps to start losing again

    I hope this helps
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    Spread out the calories... I eat five or six times per day between 200 and 300 calories each meal and I try to make healthier choices, fresh fruit, fresh veggies, lean meats, healthy fats... try to limit the pre-prepared meals to one or two a week. Your sodium intake I would suspect to be far too high and by only eating twice a day you are probably feeling fatigued at times and less likely to keep moving and making the metabolism work for you. Drink lots of water and eat lots of fresh produce and whole grain.
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 646 Member
    this is how i saw your diary and daily food choices.... start tracking your sodium, most days you are way over and that isn't good.... where are your fruits and vegies, no reason why you couldn't take a baggie of fruit or veggies and eat at school and maybe work...your fat is way over almost every day, fat is necessary, not just to the amount you eat daily..., drink more water.... eat more fiber... possibly eat more, I am 145 pounds and eat between 1480 and 1600 calories a day.... cut back on your treats, I have treats daily too but not as many as you....

    Hope this helps, make a few small changes at a time so they become habit and go from there.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Eating twice a day is absolutely fine - that won't stop you losing weight at all. There's no reason (for weight loss) that you have to have several small meals if you don't want to.

    Are you weighing and measuring everything accurately?
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    You seem relatively young. You haven't had a period in years. Your extra weight is around the middle. You watch your calories and exercise. But, can't lose weight.

    These are all symptoms of PCOS/insulin resistance. Dump the doctor who is not concerned about you having no periods in years. Get a new doctor and a referral to an endocrinologist. You need to be checked for pre-diabetes and hypo-thyroid.

    In the meantime: cut your carbohydrate intake by half. You know you have a hormonal imbalance so eliminate foods that affect hormones or are full of hormones. Those would be anything with soy in it, dairy products and try to eat only hormone/steroid free meat.
  • skopp18
    Just a quick look at your diary and I think that (1) you're not picking nutritiously healthy food and (2) you should probably reevaluate the amount of daily calories you're allowed. I'm 5'2 and I'm only allowed 1200. You're probably overcalculating how active your days are and how many calories you're burning through activity. Personally, I don't count my activity - if I work out, that's just extra calories burned and an extra chance to lose more weight, but if I don't, at least I'm still losing weight just by cutting back on food alone.

    I see that you're eating things like chips at Panera or you're eating meals at Chipotle (say no to rice, sour cream, cheese and get a bare burrito if you eat there - essentially, a salad). You're eating a ton of carbs and very little protein.

    There are little things you can do to save a few calories here and there - like instead of eating 2 fried eggs, eat 2 hard boiled or soft boiled eggs - will save you like 30 calories of fat from oil, at least. On Nov 3 you had choc as a snack, I don't know if Saturdays are your cheat days or something, but you seem to have something unhealthy and fattening every day. You eat a lot at Chipotle and Panera, I bet you're not choosing the best options for your diet.

    So, first I would reassess what your daily calorie goal is - maybe drop it to 1400 for some time and see if that works. Second, I would change what you're eating to include healthier options.

    PS: I would definitely go to 2nd, 3rd, 4th opinions, etc. until you find a doctor who fixes the problem.
  • cior
    cior Posts: 133 Member
    Thank you so much! I really do appreciate each one of your replies, and will take it into consideration! I have been far more lazy about eating the right foods than I should and need to re-evaluate what I am eating! Thank you again! It means a lot!