Any guesses as to why I'm so RIDICULOUSLY hungry?



  • nogoldilocs
    nogoldilocs Posts: 87 Member
    I've heard this crazy theory that sometimes when you're "ridiculously hungry" it's because you need to eat more. But that's probably urban myth...

    How many calories did you eat? How many did you expend with exercise? Those numbers are a good place to start, otherwise we really will just be guessing.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    From your diary that thing that stands out is that you could up the veggies so you get more fibre. The ready meals aren't great for that. Probably could eat a little more protein too.

    What is your TDEE? Maybe you are too far below that calorie wise. You certainly aren't on a VLCD but it still may be too low for you.
  • jessgumkowski88
    jessgumkowski88 Posts: 189 Member
    How's the weather out there? I know it sounds silly, but if you haven't had much sun you can get S.A.D and one symptom is extreme cravings for carbs, fats, and sugars. It kills me all the time. :/ it lowers your energy levels too and your motivation. Makes you sleepy and hungry like your going into hibernation mode. :P

    Anywho just saying. Could be a simple solution.

    If you find it is S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder) try taking vitamin D supplements, or buy a happy light (I would buy one anyways because they seriously boost my energy and mood! Better than coffee or an energy drink in my opinion :P) Or if theres some sun try to go outside more, maybe take a walk.
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    Did you have a good workout today? On my big workout days I'm starving!!! Haha. So I tend to eat higher on those days
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    You have might have burned more calories than you realized, or eaten less calories than you realized. It could be that you are a stress eater and that emotional stuff makes you hungry. When I have a longer day than usual, like I have to get up way early or stay up way late, I end up eating more just because I need the fuel.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    PMS, trust me. PMS or being tired. I am always HUNGRY when I have PMS.... like I can't stop.
  • How's the weather out there? I know it sounds silly, but if you haven't had much sun you can get S.A.D and one symptom is extreme cravings for carbs, fats, and sugars. It kills me all the time. :/ it lowers your energy levels too and your motivation. Makes you sleepy and hungry like your going into hibernation mode. :P

    Anywho just saying. Could be a simple solution.

    If you find it is S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder) try taking vitamin D supplements, or buy a happy light (I would buy one anyways because they seriously boost my energy and mood! Better than coffee or an energy drink in my opinion :P) Or if theres some sun try to go outside more, maybe take a walk.

    I was going to ask about weather too, because my appetite goes up when cold weather hits, as it does for many people. It's not necessarily a disorder though. There's an article about it on Web MD here:

    Someone suggested to me drinking hot tea or decaf coffee to warm up from the inside, so our body doesn't try to go into "pre-hibernation mode" with all the carb craving. I've been trying it the last few days, and it seems to be helping considerably.
  • Brian_VA
    Brian_VA Posts: 125
    I think one reason our appetites go up when it starts to get cold is because our bodies are trying to prepare us for winter. Squirrels gather nuts, bears prepare to hibernate, we fatten up.

    There is a difference between being hungry and craving food. Certain foods that I eat make me want to eat more, while others fill me up. High carb foods like bread, potato, rice, and anything sugary trigger a craving response that feels a lot like being hungry. High protein with some fat foods fill me up and stick with me and don't trigger the craving type of hunger.

    My theory is that once the body burns through the carbs you have eaten it is ready for you to eat again, so it doesn't have to change over and start burning fat. So when suddenly your body is telling you to eat when your mind says you ate recently, this may be the exact time you don't want to! When you eat less carby foods, your body is in fat burning mode already, and the cravings are not as common or strong.
  • gogoyubarino
    gogoyubarino Posts: 104 Member
    Lucky you.

    My stomach hasn't growled since 1981. I've probably killed it with my repeated bouts of starvation and binging.
  • paszekmonika
    paszekmonika Posts: 60 Member
    When i feel like this I eat broccoli or green beans. Have them always in my fridge just in case. These are only things making me full and almost without calories,
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    Eat lots of protein, fibre, and tea!

    Maybe you're pregnant.
  • cbrrabbit25
    cbrrabbit25 Posts: 384 Member
    do you workout? could be due to that.
  • I feel you on the "have to eat something from the microwave at work" thing. Very difficult to be healthy. sometimes I don't feel filled up by a say, lean cuisine meal, so a good way to keep cals down and get more bulk would be to get some green giant steamable vegetable packs to go along with the microwave diet dinner. Great for one person quickly, and there's cheese & broccoli which is pretty good. just my 2 cents.
  • paintlisapurple
    paintlisapurple Posts: 982 Member
    PMS? It happens to me. Meh.
  • Try increasing your calorie intake. if you are burning a ton of calories and not eating them back you are staving yourself. You might benefit from checking out the website!!! check it out