indulge once a week? how much to indulge? BLOATED

I started MFP last Tuesday & fell in love with the site immediately! When I browse the community I notice allot of you have one day a week to indulge yourself. How much is too much? I snacked on a ruffles chips last night and wanted to throw up during the night (after dieting for almost 3 weeks), and today I went out for Japanese (date with hubby cuz we have 3 wild ones at home). I ate the chips 10pm last night and had lunch 15 hours later. My calorie intake skyrocketed BUT WILL HIT THE YMCA TONIGHT! I hit the gym every day for about 50 mins minimum....should I worry because I feel soo bloated in my desk right now.


  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    You have to decide that for yourself. If eating it makes you feel bad, don't eat it anymore.

    I never beat myself up over the occasional indiscretion (I never but I keep them to a couple times a month. On the other hand I see lots of people who do it once a day, or every weekend or any other amount and still make progress.

    Just pay attention.
  • skeo
    skeo Posts: 471 Member
    As a result from stress at work today, even though I brought my lunch, which was a salad and a side snack of carrots and celery, I left and went to go get fish tacos. I felt HORRIBLE as I was eating it, but because all this week, I was in the gym working out 90 minutes, and burning at least 1800 calories, I didn't feel too bad about it, but subconsciously I knew that I shouldn't have been eating it, especially after only being dedicated to my diet and work out for only a week.

    I am trying NOT to indulge, only when I hit a milestone/goal. If I set a target weight loss of 3lbs for the week, and I achieve it, I will probably reward myself with a small eat out meal, most likely japanese since it seems to be the "lightest" ..mexican food is definitely a no
  • sweetgrasswoman
    sweetgrasswoman Posts: 99 Member
    I know while I was eating chips im thinking "I should stop", then argue with "Ill work it off". Same thing at lunch today it wasnt just my mind that was arguin it was my stomach too, I literally wanted to ralph at 2 30am it was gross but also didnt want to worry my family. Goin straight to they gym after work cuz my stomach feels tight n full. I guess its better than cheating LOL & know where I need work most. Goddam chips taste too good LOL
  • skeo
    skeo Posts: 471 Member
    Chips are my pitt fall, and the vending machine at my office, put in some new pickle chips, which I absolutely LOVE. It's been a pain to not want to over indulge, but it really is all a mind trick. For this entire week, since this is the start for me, half of my day is me mentally convincing myself to "not eat"...and that if I do get hungry, I packed lunch and snacks like fruits and veggies, but the bad part of me wants the junk food. So what I've done, and did is take out all junk in my office, and bring in loads of water, so that way I don't feel compelled to walk thru or by the break room, and same with my home, I got rid of all of the junk food, so that way I have to train myself to be better. Because believe you me, if there are chips, candy, soda around me, I WILL go eat it, and I WILL over indulge. So even though they say its okay to give in every now and again, I don't..because it's like opening pandora's box.
  • JolieJemmaMomma
    JolieJemmaMomma Posts: 54 Member
    The only way i am able to stick to the lifestyle change is to indulge 2 days a week (friday night just dinner and sunday anything all day). I do control the portions however. During my clean eating days when i crave something i tell myself "wait till sunday", usually when sunday gets here i dont want it anymore :)
  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    I try to keep things in check most of the week...but sometimes life gets you.

    I try not to stress to much about a meal out on the weekends because I'm with family and I'm "usually" pretty good Mon-Friday.
    Yet I figured out if i feel guilty for eating something, I will just eat more of it or something else. So if I eat it, I enjoy it and move on with my day and week as planned.
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    You have to find what works best for you! I am a snacker, I love munching. So, I eat smaller meals and snack throughout the day/evening.

    If you want to have one indulge day a week, that is completely up to you! It's pretty simple though; Portion control, moderation and exercise. You can have some of your guilty pleasures any time, just moderate how often and the portion size.

    Good luck!
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I don't plan cheats but life happens like lunch with your hubby. I try not to go crazy and have a 3000 calorie meal but a little extra for a special occasion isn't the end of the world.
  • divacat80
    divacat80 Posts: 299 Member
    I usually go to TGI Friday's and get a burger there. I eat the whole plate and sometimes i get an ice cream there. On other ocassions I go to a chinese all-you-can-eat for lunch and get sushi as an entree and chow mein as a main course. Then i eat a portion or two of whatever dessert they have there.

    When i go to the chinese restaurant i never weigh more the following days but the burger does make the scale go up a little for a couple of days.

    I would advise you to start eating ONE PORTION of whatever you love on that day, and reasonable amounts of food. If after a few weeks, you can tell it doesn't affect your progress you can indulge a little bit more :)