27 years old with 150 to lose

Hi! My name is Sean and I live in Wichita, KS. I've been back and forth from 340 to 360 for the last few years after really putting it on in middle school and high school (I weighed 200 pounds around the middle of 8th grade and about 320 at the end of Freshman year of college). I've finally grown sick of being the fat guy and started doing something about it. I got on MFP a while back but never really got into the swing of logging stuff regularly, but have since joined the new gym in town (Planet Fitness) and picked up MFP again shortly after I turned 27. When I started up again on 10-8-12, I weighed in right at 350. I've been doing a little better remembering to log (except for 'that one week') and I'm really starting to get into reading the forums for tips and motivation. Just thought I would introduce myself and throw up a 'before' picture. This is actually just from this last weigh in on 11-5-12 because I don't have any from earlier. As of 11-5-12 I weighed in at 331 pounds.




  • jennco3
    jennco3 Posts: 72 Member
    You can do it! And when you get there you will be amazed at how you look and feel!
    Best wishes
  • tnjackso1
    tnjackso1 Posts: 312 Member
    You got this...just keep on keeping on and remember that this is a journey and not a race.
  • seashell99z
    seashell99z Posts: 113 Member
    Welcome and I'm glad you're back!

    When I started MFP (9/25) I too needed to lose 150.

    Anyway wishing you the best!
  • Crookey21
    Crookey21 Posts: 311 Member
    im right there with u. 27 and 300+. ive gotten down as far as 290 once but then i dunno what happend and went back up to 320. im now at around 308. we can do it bro! we gotta focus on ourselves and not anyone else!!
  • a day at a time, you can do it! :)
  • niftyafterfifty
    niftyafterfifty Posts: 338 Member
    Congratulations on making the decision to improve your health and on the weight you've already lost! I know you can do this if you commit to it!
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    Starting in the right direction. I hit 310 in June of 2011. Down 60 pounds so far with another 70 to go. If I can do it at 52, I'm sure you can.
    Lots of support here. Lots of advice, often contradictory,. Take what works for you. There is no one-size-fits-all plan.
    If you have a YMCA or other facility where you can swim, that is a great way to get aerobic exercise without impacting the joints or having to wipe off sweat. It works for me.
  • My sister took up swimming and she lost three stones, just wondering do u have access to a swimming pool? and can you swim?
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Best wishes to your success. Just remember - even if you slip up, keep right on going. It's not the slip-ups that will destroy you, it's abandoning the attempt.
  • dorianaldyn
    dorianaldyn Posts: 611 Member
    You've got this!

    Logging absolutely everything I put in my mouth has made all the difference for me. I keep track as I go along during the day, I enter meals in advance to help me plan (like when I'm packing my lunch for the next day) & I never eat anything I know I'll feel badly about when it comes time to log it!

    Time flies except for when you're watching a scale - just remember that hard work WILL pay off!
  • Snapper1985
    Snapper1985 Posts: 124 Member
    Thanks, everyone!
  • Snapper1985
    Snapper1985 Posts: 124 Member
    It's not the slip-ups that will destroy you, it's abandoning the attempt.

    Good advice!
  • glitterjam
    glitterjam Posts: 145 Member
    You are gonna rock this! You are so young and will tackle this with no problem! Stay motivated and keep your eyes on the prize!
  • OfficiallySexyVal
    OfficiallySexyVal Posts: 492 Member
    Hey there, your story sounds a lot like mine except, I wen't through a pregnancy which pushed me to the higher end of the 300's! I started MFP when I was 311lbs and have lost 56lbs since then! Feel free to add me for support, I am always up for new friends.
  • You can totally do this! Getting a personal trainer and meeting with a dietitian can make you get faster results.:flowerforyou:


  • nicpap617
    nicpap617 Posts: 38 Member
    Down 19lbs already! Great job! Once you start logging daily for about a week it doesn't become such a chore anymore. We're all in the same boat and could all use the motivation and encouragement of others who know what it's like to have to constantly watch what we put in our mouths. You've come to the right place to find such people. I'm sure people in the thread wouldn't mind your friend request for that reason :) Good luck in your journey!
  • amann1976
    amann1976 Posts: 742 Member
    planet fitness may work for you not but as you get stronger you may find it doesnt meet your needs. it is more of a place for people who want to be heavy into cardio. if you want to get into strength training with heavy weights you will find that is not the place you are seeking.

    damn you are bolder than me when i was your size you would never ever ever catch me with any pics with my shirt off...
  • You can do this, day by day!!
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    From a woman who is old enough to be your mother, I am doing it and so can YOU! I'm 58 years old and I started October 2011 needing to lose between 145-155. So far I've lost 114 pounds and need to lose the remaining 31-41 pounds.

    Logging is very important, we mostly have a tendency to underestimate how much we are actually eating until we start logging it. Be sure and log the good and the bad. If you have a day you go over, dont beat yourself up over it. I just average it out over the week. Drink lots of water, drop the soda or diet soda if you are drinking it.

    Reach out for support whenever you need it.

    Exercise may be difficult at first. I started out doing water aerobics and short walks. You'll get stronger and have longer endurance when you start to shed the pounds.

    Good luck in your journey and remember this is a lifetime commitment, not something that you race to your goal and then it's all over.
  • rdei
    rdei Posts: 2
    welcome - so glad that you're here!! It gets better, every day.