Hello Everyone...

I'm new here thanks to an invite. I hope
to make new friends and and reach my


  • lovinbutterflys
    lovinbutterflys Posts: 131 Member
    Hey you can add me as a friend! We all need help and support!
  • You like wolves? I have a wolf dog... timber, arctic malamute and husky x. Love taking her on jogs and bike rides with me.Feel free to add me :)

    Trinity >> toQmyl.jpg
  • fairyh07
    fairyh07 Posts: 6 Member
    Welcome aboard. I have sent you a request

    Heather :happy:
  • The wolf dogs are beautiful.... years ago I was around my brother's wolf dogs, they are big beautiful creatures, and I respected their "wild" instincts.
    I too am in my late 50's and learned that loosing weight now is no easy thing. Between the tread mill at work and using the eliptical at home, I manage to burn up 30 minutes daily,,,, it's the meal portions that have wreaked havoc with my body. And, while pretzels may be a "healthy" snack (plus they are my downfall), they are full of carbs and put me over my daily carb allowance, not good. Hope to make friends, maintain a weight loss, and have your support.:smile: