STUCK - please help me:(



  • Errrica91
    Errrica91 Posts: 122 Member
    up your calories 3-400 at least and you should see a difference because you sound as if you have hit a plateau..... When you encounter a plateau, do THIS: while working out normally, increase it to a 10 for one minute straight..... So say you are walking 5-6 mph, bust a 10 mph for one straight minute and do this every five minutes. THIS WORKS!!!!!!!

    That's HIIT, right?:) Well, I do INSANITY everyday, ain't that enough?:/ Thx for reply and no judging btw:-*
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    You might find that if you ate more you would actually lose more as well as being more healthy - it's always a tricky subject on MFP but lots of people swear by this approach. Search the eat-more-to weigh-less group and have a read. It can't hurt to try seeing as you're not getting the results you want - carrying on the same way isn't going to help.
    and if you're feeling stuck then you need to make changes.

    But it also sounds like you might want to look into alternative careers that don't impose such harsh conditions, for the sake of your longterm health.

    Best of luck whatever you decide.
  • LPCoder
    LPCoder Posts: 404 Member
    OP: I understand the pressures of modeling and that the agency has weight and height limitations in your contract. So my advise will be two-fold.

    First of all, please open up your diary so that we can look at it. How can I tell you what you need to change if I can't see what you have been doing. Just listing the things you do and what you eat in a post is not enough to get a true measure of your habits, both eating and exercise.

    Secondly, start looking for alternate agencies that are more conscience of the health and well-being of their models. There are many other opportunities to do modeling for other agencies. Get your resume and photos in order and start looking.
  • Errrica91
    Errrica91 Posts: 122 Member
    OP: I understand the pressures of modeling and that the agency has weight and height limitations in your contract. So my advise will be two-fold.

    First of all, please open up your diary so that we can look at it. How can I tell you what you need to change if I can't see what you have been doing. Just listing the things you do and what you eat in a post is not enough to get a true measure of your habits, both eating and exercise.

    Secondly, start looking for alternate agencies that are more conscience of the health and well-being of their models. There are many other opportunities to do modeling for other agencies. Get your resume and photos in order and start looking.


    thank you so much for your kind words and no judging:)

    And...what more do you need to know about my exercise, eating and stuff?:) Cause what I wrote is basicly it all:/. Give me a hand:-)
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    I hope you find a healthy way to love your life.
    For me, my doctor said anything under 125# is underweight at 5'6".
    I was between 109 and 117# for a while, and looked and felt sick. He said at 5'6" my weight should be 125-145#

    It looks like you probably get a decent amount of protein, that's good.
  • LPCoder
    LPCoder Posts: 404 Member
    OK, Focusing on the eating first

    Alright then: Working only from what you posted which is this:

    7:00 - 2 eggs+vegetables/yoghurt/wheatmeal(once in a while)
    10:00 - whey powder (OR piece of fruit)
    13:00 - soy meat/chicken breasts/+vegetables
    16:00 - whey powder (or yoghurt/vegetables/almonds)
    19:00 - soy meat/chicken breasts/+vegetables

    Q1: Do you vary the vegetables you ingest everyday? Do not have the same veggie twice in the same day. I fact, a little veggies are better to eat at each meal. The calorie count on them is so low, but the nutritional value is high. So add a 1/4 cup to each meal. It is not much and it will do you good.

    Q2: What do you mix your whey powder in? You obviously don't just eat the powder? If you are using skim milk or soy milk, switch to coconut or almond milk of the unsweetened variety. Have your whey shake with a small serving of veggies or a salad.

    Q3: Do you use any salad dressing? get yourself a good quality apple cider vinegar and a recipe book on making a vinaigrette. use Stevia instead of sugar. The vinegar has lots of minerals that your body needs.

    Q4. The soy meat may contain high sodium. You are better off with the chicken breast or a nice tilapia/white fish. Did you know that crab meat is very similar to chicken. Try to get some variety in the types of protein you eat. Soy is also high in estrogen. For someone so young, the extra estrogen may be contributing to holding onto weight. This is also true of birth control. If you are taking estrogen it may be keeping you at your current weight.

    Q5: Do you buy fresh vegetables/fruit or frozen/canned? You should be getting fresh. and be sure it is organic. The chemicals in pesticides have estrogen and can effect your weight loss. This is true of meat as well. Be sure to buy hormone-free meat! Do not buy veggies in a can! Tons of sodium.

    Q6: what type of yoghurt do you eat? Switch to Greek Yoghurt. I recommend Fage 0% or Oikos 0% and then add a bit of your vanilla whey protein to it and a few berries.

    Q7: You have eliminated carbs? You need some healthy fat in your diet to avoid Ketoacidosis. Because you have chosen to eliminate carbs, you need to turn your body into a fat burning body. This means you need healthy fat to keep the motor running. I suggest using a bit of coconut fat to cook your chicken in, or to sauté your veggies in! Coconut oil is a very good oil to have in your body. If you do not eat carbs (grains and starches and sugars) then the fat will not bother your body.

    Q8: Do you take high-quality multivitamins? If you don't, then be sure to go to your health food store and get a good multivitamin, and Omega 3 fish oil.

    Q9: Do you use a lot of oily personal care products? Lotions and hair care products will be absorbed through the skin. Find products that are oil-free. Look on the internet for some.

    This is the only thing I can think of, and this would have been easier if you had opened your diary. I have no idea if you are already doing these things or not., and so I have no idea if this is helpful.

    On the Exercise side of things:

    Give yourself a bit of a rest. If you stress your body too much your cortisol levels will increase and cortisol is a fat storing chemical. You should go to your doctor for a full blood analysis to see where your estrogen and cortisol levels are at. Also check your cholesterol and lipids. Drink enough liquid (include fat free chicken broth into your meals!)
  • Nina impersonator?? I smell something fishy...
  • axialmeow
    axialmeow Posts: 382 Member
    What is your body fat %? At your current weight I would use that rather than the scale.
  • Errrica91
    Errrica91 Posts: 122 Member
    Nina impersonator?? I smell something fishy...

    Judging by an icon? So do I then.
  • Errrica91
    Errrica91 Posts: 122 Member
    What is your body fat %? At your current weight I would use that rather than the scale.

    Somewhere between 20-22%. That's ok I guess.
  • Errrica91
    Errrica91 Posts: 122 Member
    OK, Focusing on the eating first

    Alright then: Working only from what you posted which is this:

    7:00 - 2 eggs+vegetables/yoghurt/wheatmeal(once in a while)
    10:00 - whey powder (OR piece of fruit)
    13:00 - soy meat/chicken breasts/+vegetables
    16:00 - whey powder (or yoghurt/vegetables/almonds)
    19:00 - soy meat/chicken breasts/+vegetables

    Q1: Do you vary the vegetables you ingest everyday? Do not have the same veggie twice in the same day. I fact, a little veggies are better to eat at each meal. The calorie count on them is so low, but the nutritional value is high. So add a 1/4 cup to each meal. It is not much and it will do you good.

    Q2: What do you mix your whey powder in? You obviously don't just eat the powder? If you are using skim milk or soy milk, switch to coconut or almond milk of the unsweetened variety. Have your whey shake with a small serving of veggies or a salad.

    Q3: Do you use any salad dressing? get yourself a good quality apple cider vinegar and a recipe book on making a vinaigrette. use Stevia instead of sugar. The vinegar has lots of minerals that your body needs.

    Q4. The soy meat may contain high sodium. You are better off with the chicken breast or a nice tilapia/white fish. Did you know that crab meat is very similar to chicken. Try to get some variety in the types of protein you eat. Soy is also high in estrogen. For someone so young, the extra estrogen may be contributing to holding onto weight. This is also true of birth control. If you are taking estrogen it may be keeping you at your current weight.

    Q5: Do you buy fresh vegetables/fruit or frozen/canned? You should be getting fresh. and be sure it is organic. The chemicals in pesticides have estrogen and can effect your weight loss. This is true of meat as well. Be sure to buy hormone-free meat! Do not buy veggies in a can! Tons of sodium.

    Q6: what type of yoghurt do you eat? Switch to Greek Yoghurt. I recommend Fage 0% or Oikos 0% and then add a bit of your vanilla whey protein to it and a few berries.

    Q7: You have eliminated carbs? You need some healthy fat in your diet to avoid Ketoacidosis. Because you have chosen to eliminate carbs, you need to turn your body into a fat burning body. This means you need healthy fat to keep the motor running. I suggest using a bit of coconut fat to cook your chicken in, or to sauté your veggies in! Coconut oil is a very good oil to have in your body. If you do not eat carbs (grains and starches and sugars) then the fat will not bother your body.

    Q8: Do you take high-quality multivitamins? If you don't, then be sure to go to your health food store and get a good multivitamin, and Omega 3 fish oil.

    Q9: Do you use a lot of oily personal care products? Lotions and hair care products will be absorbed through the skin. Find products that are oil-free. Look on the internet for some.

    This is the only thing I can think of, and this would have been easier if you had opened your diary. I have no idea if you are already doing these things or not., and so I have no idea if this is helpful.

    On the Exercise side of things:

    Give yourself a bit of a rest. If you stress your body too much your cortisol levels will increase and cortisol is a fat storing chemical. You should go to your doctor for a full blood analysis to see where your estrogen and cortisol levels are at. Also check your cholesterol and lipids. Drink enough liquid (include fat free chicken broth into your meals!)

    Hi, thank you for your feedback so much:)

    And for my "diet":

    I'm trying to eat as natural as possible. So almost no processed food and so on.

    A1: I usually eat vegetables with almost every meal - mostly the "green" ones.

    A2: I mix my whey powder only with water. And sometimes add piece of vegetables or sth like that. I don't drink milk very often. I prefer buttermilk and acidophilus milk.

    A3: I don't use any processed salad dressings. I only mix plain yoghurt with spice. I don't use apple cider vinegar as part of my dressings BUT I do drink a glass of water with it as a morning cleanse.

    A4: I don't eat JUST soy meat I try to eat "various" protein BUT I usually stick with soy meat AND chicken meat. Eating ONLY chicken meat would make me feel sick, I like soy meat cause it's light on my stomach. And I only eat about 1 cup of soy meat everyday so I think it's not such a big deal. Hopefully:). And I denitely should eat more fish.

    A5: I eat only fresh fruit/vegetables. Never canned. And trying to get the organic, if possible.

    A6: I eat mainly plain yoghurt. We'll give the Greek one a try!:)

    A7: I have ONLY eliminated carbs. NOT completely cut them OUT. I still have oatmeal for breakfast few times a week, piece of fruit as a snack, and sometimes potatoes or brown rice for lunch. After that only dairy products and vegetables.

    Will that "fat burning body" thing work anyway?:) And I mostly use olive oil when cooking.

    A8: I don't take any vitamin supplements and stuff. Not a fan of it. Trying to give everything to my body through healthy diet.

    A9: I don't use oily care products much BUT I suffer from atopic eczema so my skin very dry and sensitive and needs to get oily sometimes.

    And I drink about 4 litres (1 gallon) of water (including herbal teas and so on) a day.

    As I see it I'm trying to give to my body everything it needs. It's not that I stick to 5 biscuits a day SO I don't know where the problem might be except adding more calories.

    THANK YOU so much for your FEEDBACK again:) I really appreciate it.
  • Errrica91
    Errrica91 Posts: 122 Member
    I hope you find a healthy way to love your life.
    For me, my doctor said anything under 125# is underweight at 5'6".
    I was between 109 and 117# for a while, and looked and felt sick. He said at 5'6" my weight should be 125-145#

    It looks like you probably get a decent amount of protein, that's good.

    Not completely agree. Weight under 125 isn't officially considered underweight. And it depends on the body type and stuff. BUT I do agree that 125 lbs would be GOOD and HEALTHY for that height. I wouldn't go lower if I didn't have to.
  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    This may sound harsh, but maybe you're just not meant to be a model. You are beautiful, but you can never be a super model because of your height, and other models just don't get paid enough to make a decent living. Plus in a few years you will be too old AND be unhealthy. It's a lot of pretty girls' dreams to be a model, but that industry is competitive and awful. Many become damaged and addicts. For every Linda evangelista there are thousands in catalogs making no money. I have known many of these models. You don't seem to be happy with yourself or able to reach those kind of standards. It's bad enough when people get that way in a lifelong career that will eventually provide them with the financial status to quit with enough in the bank to follow their dreams. This won't. Maybe look for a career that will, and will accept you for who you are. Which will allow YOU to do the same.
  • Errrica91
    Errrica91 Posts: 122 Member
    This may sound harsh, but maybe you're just not meant to be a model. You are beautiful, but you can never be a super model because of your height, and other models just don't get paid enough to make a decent living. Plus in a few years you will be too old AND be unhealthy. It's a lot of pretty girls' dreams to be a model, but that industry is competitive and awful. Many become damaged and addicts. For every Linda evangelista there are thousands in catalogs making no money. I have known many of these models. You don't seem to be happy with yourself or able to reach those kind of standards. It's bad enough when people get that way in a lifelong career that will eventually provide them with the financial status to quit with enough in the bank to follow their dreams. This won't. Maybe look for a career that will, and will accept you for who you are. Which will allow YOU to do the same.

    Since you knew lots of models you know THIS wouldn't sound harsh to me or any other model at all:D.

    I never dreamt of being a super model since I know my s**t... I know I'm not super-tall BUT there ARE models who aren't very tall and have great carreer anyway. Height is not the only thing that matters, mostly only on runway, and that's not where I aim and work obviously. Ever heard of fashion modeling? I understand that only few models get to earn milions of dollars but on the other hand there are many who make enough money to pay a nice apartment and have a nice life...

    I am happy with myself...don't know why you think I'm not...but...whatever.

    And FYI, I'm not able to reach those standards NOW, I used to have them before that's why I "panicked"....

    I do have other things to do I still study but modeling is once my job and I'm good at it so it's understandable for me to want to do it. I guess you wouldn't change your job if you liked it either.

    thx for your feedback:)