Fell off the wagon and desperately trying to get back on!

Hi friends! Today was my 540th day on MFP! At my best, I had lost 87lbs. Unfortunately, life happened and I allowed myself to fall off the wagon and I have gained back some of the weight I lost. I am desperately trying to get back on the wagon, but can't quite seem to get myself there. I know how this works, count calories and exercise, but there is always a temptation that I can't seem to avoid. I haven't consistently logged in MONTHS. I am discouraged and disappointed with myself. I worked so hard to lose 87lbs and wanted nothing more than to get to onderland. Anyone have any tips or advice for getting my mind back straight and getting back on the wagon?


  • RockstarPunch
    RockstarPunch Posts: 203 Member
    detox( lots of water, veggies, fish, natural teas, (i love Kombucha lol but thats good as well) , this may help pull you off the junk food and portions . try it for a few days and then itll be easier to get back on track. YOU can do it! YOU have done it! YOu can do it again! Have faith,
  • I know how you feel! I had went from 270 lbs down to 140... then got pregnant and went back up to 220. Then I got back down to 175 but fell into a rut and current back to 206! I feel like a yoyo! but I think I found my wagon now and MFP is a good place to hang out
  • If I were you I would get back in the habit of logging every day. I have never lost weight before so I don't know what it is like to maintain, but I am guessing that it must have it's unique set of challenges. Perhaps a little more structure would help.
  • angelalf1979
    angelalf1979 Posts: 244 Member
    You have to want it. Not anyone can talk you into it really. Great job on your loss thus far though! Wow!!
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    I fell of the wagon after a year of being on here and have recently gotten back into the swing of things. I got rid of the junk and bought clean foods. If I don't have time to cook meals, I make sure to have greens and fruits on hand for quick snacks and sandwiches for quick meals. I started the Brazilian Butt Lift workout program last Monday. As for logging.. I have the app on my phone. I wake up every morning and look at myself and remember that I worked hard to get to this point, and letting it go would be a waste.

    Also, pinterest. I joined that website and followed some fitness boards and when I see the images of how -I- want to look someday, it really motivates me.

    That's just what I have just done to get back on board and I hope that maybe something will help. Best of luck and remember you are worth it. Every day is a new day, and if you mess up it's not the end of the world.
  • JosephVitte
    JosephVitte Posts: 2,039
    I fell off the wagon last night, but I already got back on!

    Good luck to you!
  • boatsie77
    boatsie77 Posts: 480 Member
    You answered your own question...CONSISTENTLY LOG AGAIN...easy peasy. Your seat on the wagon is reserved--welcome back aboard.
  • I could have written this post. I am right there with you. I started Feb 1 and was ON IT. I did well until around the beginning of August and have gradually gotten worse over the last few months. I am higher now than I was and need to control it before I get too high. I lost 57 pounds from Feb-Aug and have played with 10 pounds up and down and up again since then.

    My big challenges are young children at home, family staying with us for a few months (and wanting to enjoy treats with them), social "mom" gatherings that are food focused, and horrible leg and foot pain that makes it hard physically and mentally to get up and exercise. BUT, I know these are all excuses that can be overcome because I did it before (other than the family part). I REALLY wanted to be another 30 pounds down by now and was sure it was doable back at the end of summer. Now I just want to hold on and find a way back to logging and figure out how to get to the gym.

    I don't think there is a magic solution to get us back on track. We just have to find out what made us do it before and do that again. Figure out what motivates us - I like clicking my exercise in and find when I go to the gym in the mornings I log all day. Days I don't go to the gym, I don't log and eat things and think, "This isn't TOO bad." That's crap. We need to just do it again...but I don't know if I can right now....but, oh, I want to.
  • Start off by setting some small goals for each day that you know you can attain. You can start setting bigger, harder goals and building on these victories. After a while, you'll be back in the swing of things in no time! Push hard, but don't set yourself up for failure by trying to do too much at once. You CAN do it!
  • whew... Happy you didn't get run over by the proverbial wagon!

    Seriously though I am still logging everyday and stuck in a rut... feel like I don't care and am just going through the motions. Good luck getting your groove back! If you see mine somewhere let me know where I lost it. thanks
  • barbaramitchell101
    barbaramitchell101 Posts: 360 Member
    you just have to start....we are all with you and are here for the same reason...step by step....and "good job" on what you have already accomplished.... you'll get there again....life happens to all of us, when it happens to me, I try to not take too many days of "going there" I watch the scale like a hawk, and if it moves 5 lbs or so, I wake up!!!! I recently had a time where I ate out every night, of course, the weight came back....but I needed the type of uplift I got from the food I was ordering....it did help, however, when I added more supplimentation, I didn't need it anymore ..in fact, I lost my craving for sugars with this....
  • breeZrizi
    breeZrizi Posts: 213 Member
    so glad i saw this post.

    i lost my 50 and gained 10 :/

    it was getting old and i my logging was not consitant. I am DEFINITLEY going to detox and enter in Everything
  • trink68
    trink68 Posts: 48 Member
    Temptations happen...I gained 4 lbs back in the past month or so....mine wasnt so much a temptation thing (well actually it was partially).But more of a lazy time thing.I slacked on my exercising .....Im back on track.All about getting back that hard as steel will power....To me this entire getting fit thing is 95% mental
  • Don't be so hard on yourself, just make a commitment to yourself again and know that you are worth it. Think about feeling good and let that be your inspiration. You can do it again you already know what it takes gooo get it!!! God Bless
  • So glad to know I am not alone! Would gladly be friend with any of you so we can motivate each other! I definitely like the idea of setting goals - haven't done that in a while. I think that's a good way to start!
  • Thanks for that encouragement...I need to remember not to beat myself up and be positive!
    Don't be so hard on yourself, just make a commitment to yourself again and know that you are worth it. Think about feeling good and let that be your inspiration. You can do it again you already know what it takes gooo get it!!! God Bless
  • First and foremost, WELCOME BACK! We can all say this is not easy to do what we are doing! If so, no one would be overweight or obese! :)

    I think the best thing for me was when I realized that I was in control of what happened to my body! I could be a better, not the best but better, caregiver to myself. I was in the f*** it mood. I can do what ever I want and it's no one business. I just don't care. I will live like I want. WELL, I realized the truly, I wanted more than being in pain, and growing out of clothes and feeling trapped by food and feeling like I had something to prove because of my weight!

    Do get me wrong, I love food! I am an eater! I don't drink, smoke, do drugs, BUT love my food. What I have discovered is that I can love food and still be healthy but more importantly be.......HAPPY! Be kind to yourself emotionally. Stay honest with everything you put in your mouth and log-in everyday, several times a day! Also recon what you want to eat. What does it look like logged in? I also have a another app called Fooducate, which i use to check for processed and sugars. It also let me view better options to eat! If you can eat all or part of it and stay on track, GREAT. It is no about perfect, just progress.

    Also, the first 5-6 weeks, I stayed super mindful of my sugar and salt limits. I don't seem to have issues with the fats or carbs, which i would have thought was my issues. The primary demon was sugar! Now I keep an eye on it and I do go over some days but that's ok! I cut it out where it is empty! No soda, juices or candy! I would rather use the sugar for fruit or as a part of a filling meal.

    Keep coming back! Give it a year, everyday. If you lose only a pound or two or twelve or thirty, it is still less than you started with! PLUS, you get all of us! ;)
  • So sweet and motivating! Thank you for your words of encouragement!
    First and foremost, WELCOME BACK! We can all say this is not easy to do what we are doing! If so, no one would be overweight or obese! :)

    I think the best thing for me was when I realized that I was in control of what happened to my body! I could be a better, not the best but better, caregiver to myself. I was in the f*** it mood. I can do what ever I want and it's no one business. I just don't care. I will live like I want. WELL, I realized the truly, I wanted more than being in pain, and growing out of clothes and feeling trapped by food and feeling like I had something to prove because of my weight!

    Do get me wrong, I love food! I am an eater! I don't drink, smoke, do drugs, BUT love my food. What I have discovered is that I can love food and still be healthy but more importantly be.......HAPPY! Be kind to yourself emotionally. Stay honest with everything you put in your mouth and log-in everyday, several times a day! Also recon what you want to eat. What does it look like logged in? I also have a another app called Fooducate, which i use to check for processed and sugars. It also let me view better options to eat! If you can eat all or part of it and stay on track, GREAT. It is no about perfect, just progress.

    Also, the first 5-6 weeks, I stayed super mindful of my sugar and salt limits. I don't seem to have issues with the fats or carbs, which i would have thought was my issues. The primary demon was sugar! Now I keep an eye on it and I do go over some days but that's ok! I cut it out where it is empty! No soda, juices or candy! I would rather use the sugar for fruit or as a part of a filling meal.

    Keep coming back! Give it a year, everyday. If you lose only a pound or two or twelve or thirty, it is still less than you started with! PLUS, you get all of us! ;)