Awesome No Calorie Noodles : Shirataki / Miracle Noodles



  • TrashyAbercrombie
    TrashyAbercrombie Posts: 51 Member
    I really want to like these... I tried them twice, never noticed any funky smell (I eat a lot of tofu generally) but boiled them anyway. What I can't get over is the texture... they're sort of crunchy? Maybe that's not the right word, but I usually cook my pasta until it's very, very soft, and the shirataki noodles were just too odd and crisp for my liking. Made me think of something nasty I won't say here so as not to spoil it for others. :)

    Maybe I'll try buying the different shaped ones and preparing them differently next time. They ARE so low calorie that I just want to keep trying!

    Did you try to Tofu Shirataku? They do have 40 calories in 8 oz, which is almost nothing and have a much better feel. I did not like the other 0 calorie ones either.

    My best explanation of Shirataki noodle texture is that they're like chewing on canned mushrooms. I recommend these to everyone I know but no one can ever get past the texture of them. XD
  • I'm a little confused. You give the steps to cook (microwave) the shirataki noodles but right below that you say there is no need to cook them. Am I missing something here? I definitely am going to try these and thanks for all the information!
  • Dstrand1
    Dstrand1 Posts: 15 Member
    Search on Chelle at mfp- she posted the best way to prepare the noodles by rinsing then dry frying in a hot pan for 5 mins. They won't stick. The texture is greatly improved. There are several threads on this by her( and others)
  • The first time i came across these was 7 years ago in Okinawa, and ive been in love since. Great substitute for those high calorie pastas and they came in a variety of different types of noodle.
  • corimat17
    corimat17 Posts: 37 Member
    I buy these at Shoprite for $1.99. They are in the produce section. I usually rinse them twice and then microwave them for about a minute.
  • T1mH
    T1mH Posts: 568 Member
    They can often be found at asian grocery stores or health food stores. Some of the big chain stores have them as well. They will likely be in the glutun free section but some have tofu in them and will be found with other refrigerated tofu foods. The tofu ones aren't zero calorie (20-40 cals usually). The ones with tofu in them are supposed to have more the texture of regular pasta and I have found this to be to true in my opinion.

    You can not simply cook them like pasta and pour sauce over them and expect them to be good. You need to cook them with whatever sauce or flavor your using, they will soak it up if you do. So bake them in the oven with spagetti or alfredo sauce or stir fry them in your fry pan with stir fry sauce or soy sauce or whatever sauce your using. But give the noodles some cooking time to pick up some flavor.

    I think they are a great pasta substitute. When I cook them I use real cheese and real sauces because of all the calories I save on the pasta it can still be a low cal meal and be very tasty. If you go crazy low calorie with these, with low calorie sauce and no fat cheese your going to be disappointed. Same as you'd be disappointed if you put that no taste sauce and chewy cheese on real pasta. Yet most people that try these do exactly that and then report that the noodles are awful.
  • cozylove
    cozylove Posts: 33 Member
    I have just redisovered the Tofu Shirataki (House Brand). They are much improved and very edible now. The texture and taste by itself reminds me of boiled egg whites. But after I rinse and prepare the noodles they remind me of lighter udon noodles. This is a great transition for me from regular pasta to whole wheat pasta to low carb.
  • cozylove
    cozylove Posts: 33 Member
    I have just redisovered the Tofu Shirataki (House Brand). They are much improved and very edible now. The texture and taste by itself reminds me of boiled egg whites. But after I rinse and prepare the noodles they remind me of lighter udon noodles. This is a great transition for me from regular pasta to whole wheat pasta to low carb.
  • tipadoo
    tipadoo Posts: 104 Member
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    I've tried these noodles a variety of ways (different sauces, different cooking methods) I just cannot for the life of me enjoy them at all. I feel like I'm eating worms every time I try them. I find spaghetti squash a much better alternative.
  • EvilShenanigansTX
    EvilShenanigansTX Posts: 143 Member
    I LOVE and ADORE these noodles. They have been the reason I have been able to eat tasty, filling meals and still lose weight.

    I prepare them by rinsing VERY well (like three of four minutes) then I pour over 4 cups of boiling water. After that I drain well then I put them in a microwave safe colander inside a microwave safe bowl and nuke them for 3 minutes. They give off a TON of water, and the texture firms up some so it is less bouncy. Now they are ready to be added to whatever sauce or concoction I make.

    Why rinse so long? To get rid of the smell!

    Why blanch in boiling water? To firm them up!

    Why nuke them? Do drive out any excess water, and to firm them up even more!

    I could not imagine my life without these magic noodles! Love!!
  • Silly_Sara
    Silly_Sara Posts: 127 Member
  • azztkk
    azztkk Posts: 26
  • horseplaypen
    horseplaypen Posts: 442 Member
    I feel like I'm eating worms every time I try them.

    Yep, that's what I was going to say. And I'm a vet student, so I know worms. Wonder if there's a way to make them softer... less firm??
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    I opt for spaghetti squash instead of pasta. IMO those noodles are just plain nasty.

    One cup of spaghetti squash has 42 calories.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Huh? No calories?

    If it has no calories, then it isn't really a food, is it?
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member


  • rowlandk
    rowlandk Posts: 146 Member
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
